Pondering Palin

I'm not sure why a devout chrisitan like you needs to lie or mislead. Isn't that against the ten commandments? We all remember you made a bet with maineman, sometime in 2005 or 06, that 500 more americans wouldn't be killed in iraq.

And then you welched on your bet and didn't pay him.

Ah, so now the LIE changes? I never said we wouldn't lose more than 500 soldiers in Iraq. Thanks for clarifying that is a LIE! And I certainly never BET on such a thing! I made a bet with MainePerv about the midterm elections, on the condition he would shut up taunting me about it, and he couldn't keep his end of the bargain, so I canceled the bet. Is THAT what you are thinking of?

We've still got your "I Love Bush" love letter you wrote about your hero.

You have no letter saying Bush is my hero, just like I never predicted 500 US troop deaths in Iraq. There was a post I made in response to liberal democrats gushing over John Kerry, entitled: I Love Bush. This wasn't a letter it was a thread. It wasn't ever intended to express my literal "love" for Bush, but rather, to parody the leftist love affair with John Kerry. It made a memorable impression, because this is the kind of shit you people must resort to when you have your asses handed to you on the issues by me. As presidents go, Bush was actually my third choice, I liked Phil Gramm and Pat Buchanan better.

After seven years of searching, and after interviewing every single top iraqi scientist and engineer, we can pretty much conclude they didn't exist. The UN never said they knew for a fact there were WMD. The only reason you keep whining for more proof, is becase you are partially culpable for killing thousands of americans, and hundreds of thousands of iraqis, and you don't want to own up to your responsibility in that slaugher

No, YOU can conclude they never existed, in fact, you already have! In 1996, the United Nations put little blue UN seals on 80,000 liters of poison gas, which was in the possession of Saddam Hussein, and was in a location inside the nation of Iraq. So, yes, the UN not only SAID there were WMD's, they went there and documented them, and put UN seals on them!

I think you are confused... I am not whining for more proof, I didn't even bring the topic up! YOU did! It is YOU who demands more proof! I simply asked you to prove what you stated, that there were/are no WMD's in Iraq. Either that can be proven a fact, or it is a lie and distortion of fact.
Dixie did not start denying his Ode to Bush letter until about 2006.

I haven't denied anything except your false leftist lies and distortions, and that has been consistent. In fact, I think I even said in the opening paragraph, many would interpret it incorrectly. I've corrected the record dozens of times, but you lefties just keep spewing the same lie and distortion of contextual fact, like you do with everything always... so I don't have the need, want, or desire to continue explaining it or arguing about it. Believe what you want to. The thread in question was a response to Democrats Ode To John Kerry.