Pondering Palin

You never addressed my points just repeated what you said earlier. Biden was all talking points during that debate and Palin actually answered some of the questions. *shrug*

Palin was fantastic and refreshing, Biden was a slow drip. Just after the debate there was a poll that showed Palin getting 86% of the votes.
As is generally true of GOP candidates, Palin won the expectations game, because she actually came out & spoke coherently and kept her "an eye is kept on Putin" nonsense under wraps...
Well it's clear you never participated in the debate club at college. Not only did Sarah clearly lose that debate to Biden she also demonstrated that she was clearly not ready to be President and that she was in over her head. Giving talking points during an interview is one thing but in a debate, you do that and you lose. She lost and it was the biggest pasting in a political debate since Dan Quayle had his ass handed to him by Lloyd Bentson.

Did you ever read a transcript of the debate? I didn't think so.
Like you talking about pinheaded liberals?

I never claimed pinhead liberals weren't significant! Hell, they control ALL branches of government at the moment, so I'd say that is pretty significant. Why don't you try to come up with a point that makes sense... if that's not too much trouble for your retarded ass?
You never addressed my points just repeated what you said earlier. Biden was all talking points during that debate and Palin actually answered some of the questions. *shrug*
OK, let me answer it like this. You're wrong and you have it ass backwards for the most part. The opposite of what you claim is what happened unless, that is, you live in fantasy partisan land.

Dude, even most the Republicans I know who watched that debate constantly winced and grimaced at how bad her performance was. Sarah certainly has her good points but that was not one of her shining moments. Her debate performance mirrored her first interview with Katie Couric, which by any objective standard was horrible.

Question #1 on the economy. Biden skewers Palin on her answer that she recognizes Americans are concerned about the economy by pointing out that two weeks prior the McCain/Palin campaign had stated that the fundamentals of the economy were fine. Obviously it was not. Palin did wink and say "maverick".

Debate pt. Biden 1; Palin 0
Wink/Maverick points, Palin 2, Biden 0

Question #2 was on what each would do as VP. Neither answered the question but Palin did wink again and said "Maverick" again.

Debat pt. Biden 0; Palin 0
Wink/Maverick points, Palin 2, Biden 0

Question #3 on Subprime meltdown. Palin blames crooked lenders and people who don't live within their means then speaks GOP talking points. Biden skewers her again on how just recently the McCain campaign was suprirized about the supbrime crises and how they had even just recently and 20 times previously advocated greater deregulation of Wall Street. Then further skewers her when he quotes McCain stating he wanted to deregulate the health care industry like he has been done for Wall Street. Palin winks 3 times but does not say Maverick.

Debate pt. Biden 1; Palin 0
Wink/Maverick pts, Palin 3, Biden 0.
Snarky grin pts, Biden 2, Palin 0.

Question #4. Ask Biden if raising tax on those making more than $250kpy is class warfare and asks Palin the same about taxing employer health benefits. Again, Biden skewers Palin on rebuttal for calling middle class tax cuts "wealth redistribution", Palin does not answer question on proposed tax on employer health benefits but talks GOP "government get out of the way" talking points. She does wink 3 more times while Biden does get in another snarky grin.

Debate pt, Biden 1; Palin 0
Wink/Maverick pts, Palin 3, Biden 0
Snarky Grin pts, Biden 1, Palin 0

Question #5. What promises are your campaigns not going to be able to keep? Again, neither candidate really answers the question though Palin does wink some more and gets a "bless their hearts" in while Biden does one more Snarky grin.

Question #6. Would the candidates support the Government making it more difficult for home owners to declare bankruptcy? Biden gives detailed response. Palin doesn't even answer the question and talks GOP talking points on energy. No winks, Mavericks or Snarky grins.

Debate pt, Biden 1, Palin 0.

So after 6 questions the score is.

Debate pts, Biden 4, Palin 0 with 2 no answers each.

Palin wins in Winks/Mavericks 11 to 0

Biden wins in Snarky grins 4 to 0

and that's fairly representative of how the debate went.
My goodness Mott, you seem to have compiled a veritable database on the past VP debate! As if past VP debates are of some major serious political significance. As if it means something to be able to throw out your unbiased opinions and conjectures at the drop of a hat! All of that energy, all of that effort.... to do battle with those who might possibly perceive Palin as the winner of the debate.

I think you are proving my point beautifully! The left remains vehemently concerned with Sarah Palin, and focused on complete and utter destruction by any means necessary. You are all prepared with your databases of every word she has spoken, every sentence she has uttered, ready to go to war with anyone from the right who dares to mention her name in a serious breath! You illustrate this better than I ever could, if I simply made the accusation.
Actually, if YOU come to a fork in the road... sniff around for a liberal ass to follow, because without sticking your head up a liberal ass, you are totally LOST!

My record on being right is much better than your neocon ass.
My record on being right is much better than your neocon ass.

Well we wouldn't know that, because you liberal pinheads change names more often than you change your underwear, so if you've ever been totally embarrassed (likely) or humiliated in debate (probable), then chances are, you don't post under that name anymore.

And another thing... proclaiming yourself "right" about something, doesn't make you right! I can think of a whole lot of shit you are absolutely WRONG about, but you don't see it that way. In your mind, you are right all the time, and I am wrong all the time, but that is in your mind... a vast cosmic void, where laws of physics do not apply, and everything is sucked into a black hole unless it's a liberal idea.
You doubted that more than 500 us troops would be killed in Iraq.
You thought that bush was the best thing since sliced bread until about 2006.
You knew the WMD's were in Iraq.

need I continue?
You doubted that more than 500 us troops would be killed in Iraq.
You thought that bush was the best thing since sliced bread until about 2006.
You knew the WMD's were in Iraq.

need I continue?

I never said I doubted more than 500 US troops would be killed in Iraq. I said that more US troops were killed in single battles during WWII than would be killed in the entire Iraq war. I stand by that statement.

I never though Bush was the best thing since sliced bread, there have been lots of other things better, since sliced bread. I did think Bush was a better choice than Gore or Kerry, and I stand by that as well.

Correction, I didn't "know" anything, the United Nations knew there were WMD's in Iraq, because they documented them. And since you bring it up, where is your PROOF that there are no WMD's inside of the nation of Iraq at this time? Please provide that information immediately, if you have it... if not, STFU and STFD!
I never said I doubted more than 500 US troops would be killed in Iraq. I said that more US troops were killed in single battles during WWII than would be killed in the entire Iraq war. I stand by that statement. e

I'm not sure why a devout chrisitan like you needs to lie or mislead. Isn't that against the ten commandments? We all remember you made a bet with maineman, sometime in 2005 or 06, that 500 more americans wouldn't be killed in iraq.

And then you welched on your bet and didn't pay him.

I never though Bush was the best thing since sliced bread,....

We've still got your "I Love Bush" love letter you wrote about your hero.

Correction, I didn't "know" anything, the United Nations knew there were WMD's in Iraq, because they documented them. And since you bring it up, where is your PROOF that there are no WMD's inside of the nation of Iraq at this time? Please provide that information immediately, if you have it... if not, STFU and STFD!

After seven years of searching, and after interviewing every single top iraqi scientist and engineer, we can pretty much conclude they didn't exist. The UN never said they knew for a fact there were WMD. The only reason you keep whining for more proof, is becase you are partially culpable for killing thousands of americans, and hundreds of thousands of iraqis, and you don't want to own up to your responsibility in that slaugher
My goodness Mott, you seem to have compiled a veritable database on the past VP debate! As if past VP debates are of some major serious political significance. As if it means something to be able to throw out your unbiased opinions and conjectures at the drop of a hat! All of that energy, all of that effort.... to do battle with those who might possibly perceive Palin as the winner of the debate.

I think you are proving my point beautifully! The left remains vehemently concerned with Sarah Palin, and focused on complete and utter destruction by any means necessary. You are all prepared with your databases of every word she has spoken, every sentence she has uttered, ready to go to war with anyone from the right who dares to mention her name in a serious breath! You illustrate this better than I ever could, if I simply made the accusation.
You missed my previous post. Most VP debates are as germain and relevent as a warm bucket of spit. I only watched this one due to purient interest to see how Palin would do. Now I never expected her to be some sort of policy wonk but I did expect her to be the typcial VP candidate pitt bull but Sarah Barricuda just simply didn't show up.