Pondering Palin

"Republicans can look in the mirror all day long, it isn't going to make the Democrats less hypocritical about warrantless wiretaps or the war in Iraq! We can be as introspective as we like, and it will not change the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration which promised 'transparency' yet deemed the White House visitor log 'confidential information!' None of this stuff has a thing to do with Republicans lack of introspection! Yet, that seems to be the argument from the left. "

Bullshit. You said that America sees the left as the side of hypocrisy. That is far different from saying this or that instance is hypocritical.

I never said anything about how America sees the left! I gave valid and legitimate examples of clear hypocrisy from the left, and you responded by refuting that America sees the left as the party of hypocrisy. You and I can't speak for what America "sees" because we are not America! We all have different opinions and thoughts, and there is no uniform view of what "America sees!"

On the bolded part of your comment .. you do recognize that it is republicans who brought these offenses to this nation, do you not? Surely you recognize that we are here at this point in our history because of 8 years of the absence of republican introspective. Now it's up to the democrats to get rid of republican atrocities.

I agree with you on the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration, but you can't get there without the recogniztion of republican responsibility .. else it's just partisanship .. and that will get us nowhere.

I appreciate your thoughts.

I do NOT recognize it is Republicans who brought these 'offenses' to the nation. We can go back in history and find all kinds of examples of government overstepping its authority or constitutional boundaries. The Executive Branch is not impervious to this, presidents have been doing this kind of thing for centuries, it's NOT something only recently perpetrated by republicans. FDR interned the Japanese-Americans during WWII, Lincoln suspended Habeas corpus! To suggest, that up until Bush was president, this kind of thing never happened, is living in a fantasy world.

Democrats are no more going to "get rid of the atrocities" as they are going to turn the economy around by spending us into bankruptcy! They are going to use the same rules and precedents set by previous administrations, to continue doing what has always been done.
MEME ye of limited IQ that I was talking about.

I slam dems nearly as much as republicans.
Now you might, but I don't pay as much attention to the GED's on the right as I do the college grads. Sorry

so? this makes a difference how..??
you are still regurgitating the same ole shit..you need a new act..
You must have seen a differant debate or you don't know much about debate. Bidens defeat of Palin was the most crushing one sided debate since Llyod Bentson handed Dan Qauyle his ass. By any objective measure Biden is not a great debator. He's to verbose and he stray's off topic and has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth. Still Palin gave one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. She didn't answer directly any of the moderators questions, she didn't answer any of the rebutal question and it was in rebuttal where she was horrible, stamering and often changing the subject as she was obviously not informed on the topic being discussed. Alls she did was a GOP talking points commercial. It's really a toss up to me as who performed the worst political debate performance, Quayle or Palin. Quayle did ok until he handed up the biggest set up for a slam in recent politics from which he did not recover but he did not come off nearly as unprepared or as uninformed on policy as Palin did. It became very clear during the VP debate that Palin was not ready or prepared to be President of the USA, which is the first job of the VP.

We went through this the day after and all you liberals thought Biden was great yet the professional pundits with reasonable opinions said the exact opposite. *shrug*
Bullshit. You said that America sees the left as the side of hypocrisy. That is far different from saying this or that instance is hypocritical.

Onzies, I had to go back and see where you miscomprehended this, but it was well worth it. It gave me many things to thwack you upside your silly pinhead with.

This is the Dixie quote, in which you "read" me say what you thought....

Speaking to The Left in general:
"Your greatest failing is not realizing what hypocrites you are, and understanding that is how other people see you."

Onzie Responds:

You're so brain-dead. That isn't what I'm saying, at all.

Both sides have hypocrites. America does not see the left as being the party of hypocrisy; you do. Because you're a partisan hack, who exhibits his own double-standard pretty much every time he posts.

That's what I'm saying. I'm sure you still won't get it...:clink:

So we find, you have dishonestly asserted a viewpoint upon me, which I never presented. Along with a healthy dose of personal insults and false accusations to boot. I never stated that the left is the party of hypocrisy, or that people on the left are the only hypocrites. These are absurdly extreme viewpoints you have attributed to me in your own words.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

How can anyone not acknowledge that there are hypocrites on both sides? There ARE. No one is saying that if one side stopped, the other would.

To not acknowledge the fact that there are hypocrites on your side of the aisle just tells us something about you; it doesn't say a thing at all about what "America" sees.

You guys don't speak for "America." You got trounced in the election...remember?

In this selection, you reiterate your previous lie about my viewpoint, and go on to proclaim that because Democrats won the presidential election, The democrat viewpoint is what "America sees!" You very honestly acknowledge that you are so partisan, you believe that winning a presidential election gives you the authority to speak for all of America, and declare what they "see!"

Well, what can I tell ya? You're an extreme partisan hack, who sees everything through extreme partisan glasses.

You don't speak for America, in any way. Like I said, your side got trounced in the election, and your particular views are speaking for a smaller & smaller minority as time goes by.

And again, you attempt to reinforce the original lie you told, along with a few more personal insults, and reiteration of your partisan hackiness on what America sees, because Obama won the election!

The idea that America sees the left as the side of hypocrisy is silly. Objective Americans know there are hacks & hypocrites on both sides, and honest, objective people on both sides, as well...

Only you have come up with this silly idea, and I totally agree... no one thinks the left has an exclusive on hypocrisy, no one except you has stated that.

....if anyone is more qualified, however, it would be me - my side absolutely trounced yours this past November, and owns both branches of Congress as well as the White House. You are in the minority at the moment.

Again, you admit that hypocrisy and how it is seen by America, is somehow determined by presidential and congressional elections, and I am not following that idea. It seems quite retarded to even suggest something so ridiculous, but I guess you can be entitled to think what you want.

Here is an interesting psychological point about "hypocrisy" in general... Those who are hypocritical, will seldom see themselves as being that way. In most cases, you simply fail to see your own hypocrisy. Others can see your hypocrisy, and they can point it out to you, but hypocrites seldom admit their own hypocrisy. I've never met anyone who said... yeah, I am a total hypocrite! Have you? This is because it's like "lying" ...not something you want to admit about yourself. From a philosophical perspective, we are ALL hypocrites to some degree, just as we have ALL lied at some time in our lives. It's part of the human condition.

This discussion is not about who is or isn't a hypocrite, it is about specified examples of Democrat hypocrisy, and your failure to accept responsibility for it and admit it. Instead of having that discussion, you have attempted to change the discussion to something extreme and absurd falsely attributed to me. But now you have been "outed" and faced....PWNED even!
"Those who are hypocritical, will seldom see themselves as being that way"

You got that right.

I can't believe how much time you just spent to do your best John Kerry/word parsing imitation...
"Those who are hypocritical, will seldom see themselves as being that way"

You got that right.

I can't believe how much time you just spent to do your best John Kerry/word parsing imitation...

No... not a bit of 'parsing' on my part. I have exposed your left-wing partisanship and extremism, as well as your totally dishonest debate tactics, and failure to address the subject of the conversation. I have cleared the record as to who said what, and it is directly quoted from posts in this thread, so that can be confirmed. I have shown you to be a complete koolaid-drenched hack who will readily support and condone hypocrisy from the left, because you think the election entitled you to that luxury. I have shown how it is indeed, not Dixie who is 'speaking for what America sees' but it is YOU, with your warped political perspective and assumption that winning an election gives you such a right.

On that point, only time will tell what America sees.
"who will readily support and condone hypocrisy from the left"

If you can show me exactly where I supported and condoned hypocrisy on the left, you are quite a magician.

You're a bad liar, Dix. It's what you do, but you're still bad at it...
"who will readily support and condone hypocrisy from the left"

If you can show me exactly where I supported and condoned hypocrisy on the left, you are quite a magician.

The part where you were completely avoiding acceptance of responsibility for stated Democrat hypocrisies, and decided instead, to turn this into a discussion about what America "sees" based on Democrats winning an election.

...Abra-fuckin-cadabra! :nuke: