Pondering Palin

what the hell! America doesn't see the left as the party of hypocrisy....

digging out hip boots for that one...
oh brother..how did you say that with a straight finger...sheesh

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

How can anyone not acknowledge that there are hypocrites on both sides? There ARE. No one is saying that if one side stopped, the other would.

To not acknowledge the fact that there are hypocrites on your side of the aisle just tells us something about you; it doesn't say a thing at all about what "America" sees.

You guys don't speak for "America." You got trounced in the election...remember?
In truth, "the whales" would have been a better answer than "people."

What people?


Been to WalMart lately?

How's your efforts to stop NAFTA going?

The answer is, NOBODY is going to do it.

Thus, inevitable.

Best to figure out how to make the inevitable work for America.

People will be waking up soon. Everyone will reject the new world order and it's BUILDERS. it will be awesome. you should jump on the right side of history while you still can.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.

How can anyone not acknowledge that there are hypocrites on both sides? There ARE. No one is saying that if one side stopped, the other would.

To not acknowledge the fact that there are hypocrites on your side of the aisle just tells us something about you; it doesn't say a thing at all about what "America" sees.

You guys don't speak for "America." You got trounced in the election...remember?

I didn't comment on you saying about both parties having hypocrites...of course they do...
I was commenting on your absurd statement...please pay attention dear...
I'm still laughing over it..
But just for shits and giggles, I'd like to know your opinion, bac, on how to make globalization 'work for america' for any americans besides ceo's, boards of directors, bankers and politicians.

Green jobs? LMAO.
I didn't comment on you saying about both parties having hypocrites...of course they do...
I was commenting on your absurd statement...please pay attention dear...
I'm still laughing over it..

Well, what can I tell ya? You're an extreme partisan hack, who sees everything through extreme partisan glasses.

You don't speak for America, in any way. Like I said, your side got trounced in the election, and your particular views are speaking for a smaller & smaller minority as time goes by.

The idea that America sees the left as the side of hypocrisy is silly. Objective Americans know there are hacks & hypocrites on both sides, and honest, objective people on both sides, as well...
She did well against Biden in the debate that I saw. She was nervous the first few minutes with him glaring at her, but she regained her composure and stuck it to that little Chia Pet bastard. She's obviously a quick learner, got spunk and can handle herself with bullies. I think she'd make a great President someday.
You must have seen a differant debate or you don't know much about debate. Bidens defeat of Palin was the most crushing one sided debate since Llyod Bentson handed Dan Qauyle his ass. By any objective measure Biden is not a great debator. He's to verbose and he stray's off topic and has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth. Still Palin gave one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. She didn't answer directly any of the moderators questions, she didn't answer any of the rebutal question and it was in rebuttal where she was horrible, stamering and often changing the subject as she was obviously not informed on the topic being discussed. Alls she did was a GOP talking points commercial. It's really a toss up to me as who performed the worst political debate performance, Quayle or Palin. Quayle did ok until he handed up the biggest set up for a slam in recent politics from which he did not recover but he did not come off nearly as unprepared or as uninformed on policy as Palin did. It became very clear during the VP debate that Palin was not ready or prepared to be President of the USA, which is the first job of the VP.
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what the hell! America doesn't see the left as the party of hypocrisy....

digging out hip boots for that one...
oh brother..how did you say that with a straight finger...sheesh

Better put dem' boots up to your chin ... it's your own shit you're stepping in.

The Democrats in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 45 49 6
2/22/09 50 44 6
7/13/08 35 57 8
2/1/08 39 54 7
12/9/07 40 53 6
11/1/07 36 58 6
9/30/07 38 57 5
7/21/07 46 51 2
6/1/07 44 49 6
4/15/07 54 44 2
10/8/06 48 50 3
5/15/06 39 58 4
11/2/05 41 54 5
6/5/05 42 56 3
6/6/99 51 42 7
3/14/99 51 42 7
7/8/97 45 49 6
4/5/95 36 60 4
10/31/94 39 53 8
10/23/94 36 59 5
9/11/94 41 53 6

The Republicans in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 30 64 6
2/22/09 38 56 6
7/13/08 25 69 6
2/1/08 30 63 7
12/9/07 32 63 5
11/1/07 32 63 6
9/30/07 29 67 4
7/21/07 34 64 2
6/1/07 36 58 6
4/15/07 39 59 2
10/8/06 35 63 2
5/15/06 33 64 3
11/2/05 35 61 4
6/5/05 42 56 2
6/6/99 41 52 7
3/14/99 40 56 4
7/8/97 40 54 6
9/15/96 RV 46 48 6
6/30/96 38 56 6
4/5/95 45 50 5
10/31/94 33 59 7
10/23/94 31 64 5
9/11/94 35 59 6

You dummies haven't hit 50% since before 1994 and have often had more than twice as many Americans against you as for you.

What was that you were saying about "America?"
Normally I don't waste time talking to you .. but since your response was somewhat civily put, I'll be happy to respond.

Perhaps this skipped by you, but all your comments up to the bolded one reflects exactly what I said. How are you accusing me/us of hypocrisy when you're agreeing to my criticisms of my own side of the fence? Criticisms, I might add, that I have never read you have of your own side of the fence.

Even in what I bolded .. what does this sound like to you?

One of the great failings of the left .. besides a lack of fighters .. is our lack of introspective.

Thus it seems that you've parrotted my own words then use them to admonish me .. for you agreeing with me.

How does that make sense?

My statement was directed at THE LEFT, not you personally. I understand you don't like Obama, and you have been vocally opposed to his administration, but this is who your side picked!

Regardless of what pinheads CLAIM, you can go back and research my threads, and find plenty of things I criticized the Bush administration for. I constantly blasted Bush for deficit spending and "compassionate conservatism." I didn't fall into the silly camp of idiots who protested warrantless wiretaps, because I knew it was something the next administration would continue to do, and they have. I didn't buy into all the idiotic bullshit about Diebold and the voting machines, because I knew the election of a Democrat president would magically FIX every problem with the machines, and it apparently did!

I am not accusing YOU of hypocrisy, I am accusing the LEFT. Bush/Cheney argued they couldn't disclose the names of people who were on the Energy Task Force, because it would compromise any objective counseling from these people, knowing everything they had to say would be public and exposed to scrutiny from the left. That was a valid point, but no one from the left wanted to hear it. Now Obama comes along and decides it is okay to not only keep such meetings secret, but we can't even have access to who visits the White House! And THIS after running on the promise of MORE transparent government!
Better put dem' boots up to your chin ... it's your own shit you're stepping in.

The Democrats in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 45 49 6
2/22/09 50 44 6
7/13/08 35 57 8
2/1/08 39 54 7
12/9/07 40 53 6
11/1/07 36 58 6
9/30/07 38 57 5
7/21/07 46 51 2
6/1/07 44 49 6
4/15/07 54 44 2
10/8/06 48 50 3
5/15/06 39 58 4
11/2/05 41 54 5
6/5/05 42 56 3
6/6/99 51 42 7
3/14/99 51 42 7
7/8/97 45 49 6
4/5/95 36 60 4
10/31/94 39 53 8
10/23/94 36 59 5
9/11/94 41 53 6

The Republicans in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 30 64 6
2/22/09 38 56 6
7/13/08 25 69 6
2/1/08 30 63 7
12/9/07 32 63 5
11/1/07 32 63 6
9/30/07 29 67 4
7/21/07 34 64 2
6/1/07 36 58 6
4/15/07 39 59 2
10/8/06 35 63 2
5/15/06 33 64 3
11/2/05 35 61 4
6/5/05 42 56 2
6/6/99 41 52 7
3/14/99 40 56 4
7/8/97 40 54 6
9/15/96 RV 46 48 6
6/30/96 38 56 6
4/5/95 45 50 5
10/31/94 33 59 7
10/23/94 31 64 5
9/11/94 35 59 6

You dummies haven't hit 50% since before 1994 and have often had more than twice as many Americans against you as for you.

What was that you were saying about "America?"

yet they kept getting majorities :rolleyes:
People will be waking up soon. Everyone will reject the new world order and it's BUILDERS. it will be awesome. you should jump on the right side of history while you still can.


Like you, I disgaree with the concept of corporate globalization .. however, there is the reality that won't go away. That reality is that "people" are powerless to stop it.

We couldn't even stop giving away trillions of dollars we don't have to Wall Street .. a theft that had the backing of both parties.

Count me on the side of history that supports adapting to an evolving world. A world that wil include globalization whether you and I agree with it or not.
word up BAC
yup Spurt the American people finally woke up and gave a shit.
Kiss your majority good by. Those young voters are not likely to give up that power.
They voted 2-1 for Obama.

Like you, I disgaree with the concept of corporate globalization .. however, there is the reality that won't go away. That reality is that "people" are powerless to stop it.

We couldn't even stop giving away trillions of dollars we don't have to Wall Street .. a theft that had the backing of both parties.

Count me on the side of history that supports adapting to an evolving world. A world that wil include globalization whether you and I agree with it or not.

It won't include it. It's not inevitable. That's just propaganda.

People are doing it. People are brainwashed into thinking it's great. They will wake up and stop it, after a bit. We will have a brewsky then!
word up BAC
yup Spurt the American people finally woke up and gave a shit.
Kiss your majority good by. Those young voters are not likely to give up that power.
They voted 2-1 for Obama.

That is until young people realize they've ben played.

Keep sending them off to die in needless war.

Don't have a public option for healthcare.

Renig on the promise to do something about the war on drugs.

Continue on this road to joblessness ..

.. and I wouldn't be counting on young people to not recognize the game.
It won't include it. It's not inevitable. That's just propaganda.

People are doing it. People are brainwashed into thinking it's great. They will wake up and stop it, after a bit. We will have a brewsky then!

It isn't propaganda brother, it's my own thoughts and unless you can demonstrate the vehicle whereby globalization is stopped, I'd suggest that my thoughts are well-grounded.
Better put dem' boots up to your chin ... it's your own shit you're stepping in.

The Democrats in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 45 49 6
2/22/09 50 44 6
7/13/08 35 57 8
2/1/08 39 54 7
12/9/07 40 53 6
11/1/07 36 58 6
9/30/07 38 57 5
7/21/07 46 51 2
6/1/07 44 49 6
4/15/07 54 44 2
10/8/06 48 50 3
5/15/06 39 58 4
11/2/05 41 54 5
6/5/05 42 56 3
6/6/99 51 42 7
3/14/99 51 42 7
7/8/97 45 49 6
4/5/95 36 60 4
10/31/94 39 53 8
10/23/94 36 59 5
9/11/94 41 53 6

The Republicans in Congress

Approve Disapprove No opinion
4/24/09 30 64 6
2/22/09 38 56 6
7/13/08 25 69 6
2/1/08 30 63 7
12/9/07 32 63 5
11/1/07 32 63 6
9/30/07 29 67 4
7/21/07 34 64 2
6/1/07 36 58 6
4/15/07 39 59 2
10/8/06 35 63 2
5/15/06 33 64 3
11/2/05 35 61 4
6/5/05 42 56 2
6/6/99 41 52 7
3/14/99 40 56 4
7/8/97 40 54 6
9/15/96 RV 46 48 6
6/30/96 38 56 6
4/5/95 45 50 5
10/31/94 33 59 7
10/23/94 31 64 5
9/11/94 35 59 6

You dummies haven't hit 50% since before 1994 and have often had more than twice as many Americans against you as for you.

What was that you were saying about "America?"

oh hum de dum..could you take up any more space?
you still didn't get my drift, we were talking about what party was viewed as having more hypocrites... but, carry on...:rolleyes:
You're so brain-dead. That isn't what I'm saying, at all.

Both sides have hypocrites. America does not see the left as being the party of hypocrisy; you do. Because you're a partisan hack, who exhibits his own double-standard pretty much every time he posts.

That's what I'm saying. I'm sure you still won't get it...:clink:

Yeah, I think I get it! As long as there are some people in the world who are hypocrites, it's perfectly okay with you, that the Democrat Party is full of hypocrisy!

Let me clarify something for you... It is impossible for YOU to say what America thinks, because YOU are NOT America! More aptly put, Liberal Pinhead Democrats like yourself, don't see the Democrat party as being full of hypocrisy. But now, that's the really interesting thing about hypocrisy... those who are hypocritical, seldom admit it or acknowledge it!
That is until young people realize they've ben played.

Keep sending them off to die in needless war.
Can Obama really be this big of a tool, one could make a good argument that he doesn't win without the anti-war vote
Don't have a public option for healthcare.
Most overhyped issue ever, most 20 somethings could give two shits about buying medical insurance and they are counted in the dems scare tactic numbers
Renig on the promise to do something about the war on drugs.
Gotta help you on this one brother, he's taken a giant leap already and will do more though at a snail's pace.
1. Greenlighting Holder to order the end to raiding state approved medical mj clinics. In effect letting states leagalize.
2. Hiring a Drug Czar that's more into treatment than locking up teens.
He has mile to go but he's gone light years from the Bush Reich.
Continue on this road to joblessness

.. and I wouldn't be counting on young people to not recognize the game.
I say he gets them better than 2 to 1 next time
I am the world
I am the children
I am the one who makes a better day so give it to me

There's a choice you're making
you're giving it all to me
it's true I make a better day
just me alone
Yeah, I think I get it! As long as there are some people in the world who are hypocrites, it's perfectly okay with you, that the Democrat Party is full of hypocrisy!

Let me clarify something for you... It is impossible for YOU to say what America thinks, because YOU are NOT America! More aptly put, Liberal Pinhead Democrats like yourself, don't see the Democrat party as being full of hypocrisy. But now, that's the really interesting thing about hypocrisy... those who are hypocritical, seldom admit it or acknowledge it!

Well, you've got that last part right. Dix, if I had the time & interest, I could create a thread using nothing but cut & pastes from your posts, where you literally would have an argument with yourself on just about every issue. There is no bigger hypocrite on the board.

And no one really speaks for America, though you DO try; if anyone is more qualified, however, it would be me - my side absolutely trounced yours this past November, and owns both branches of Congress as well as the White House. You are in the minority at the moment.

No one is excusing hypocrisy; to argue that one side has the market cornered on it is pure hackery, however...