Pondering Palin

I'd say it's a sign of lower than average IQ.
And someone who needs Rush or Air America to tell them what to think.
You can tell fromt the hacks here, all they have is the talking points.
My statement was directed at THE LEFT, not you personally. I understand you don't like Obama, and you have been vocally opposed to his administration, but this is who your side picked!

Regardless of what pinheads CLAIM, you can go back and research my threads, and find plenty of things I criticized the Bush administration for. I constantly blasted Bush for deficit spending and "compassionate conservatism." I didn't fall into the silly camp of idiots who protested warrantless wiretaps, because I knew it was something the next administration would continue to do, and they have. I didn't buy into all the idiotic bullshit about Diebold and the voting machines, because I knew the election of a Democrat president would magically FIX every problem with the machines, and it apparently did!

I am not accusing YOU of hypocrisy, I am accusing the LEFT. Bush/Cheney argued they couldn't disclose the names of people who were on the Energy Task Force, because it would compromise any objective counseling from these people, knowing everything they had to say would be public and exposed to scrutiny from the left. That was a valid point, but no one from the left wanted to hear it. Now Obama comes along and decides it is okay to not only keep such meetings secret, but we can't even have access to who visits the White House! And THIS after running on the promise of MORE transparent government!

You are obviously capable of sane and coherent thought .. and this is a bit away from the issue, but may I suggest that if you took this posture more often you could help make this a better site. I'm not accusing you of personally denigrating the site, but would you agree that we all owe the creators of this site our attempts at respectful debate that would enhance the site?

If you and I can maintain this level of civility I'm willing to drop all tension between us and debate the issues respectfully. That doesn't mean we won't get into spirited debate, but spirited does not have to mean disrespectful.

I agree that there is a degree of hypocrisy on the left, but that's also true of the right .. and by your own admission, you took issue with some of the Bush policies, thus had to recognize the hypocrisy on your own side of the fence. Which side is more hypocritical doesn't really matter.

There are times when "democrat" or "republican" becomes secondary to the interests of America. There are times when all of us need to stop looking out the window for faults in the other side and stand in the mirror and take a long look at ourselves.

That's all I'm asking.
I'd say it's a sign of lower than average IQ.
And someone who needs Rush or Air America to tell them what to think.
You can tell fromt the hacks here, all they have is the talking points.

and where do you get your same ole same ole talking points from?
Rush tells them what to think....yawn
Well, you've got that last part right. Dix, if I had the time & interest, I could create a thread using nothing but cut & pastes from your posts, where you literally would have an argument with yourself on just about every issue. There is no bigger hypocrite on the board.

And no one really speaks for America, though you DO try; if anyone is more qualified, however, it would be me - my side absolutely trounced yours this past November, and owns both branches of Congress as well as the White House. You are in the minority at the moment.

No one is excusing hypocrisy; to argue that one side has the market cornered on it is pure hackery, however...

No truer words have ever been spoken.
and where do you get your same ole same ole talking points from?
Rush tells them what to think....yawn

MEME ye of limited IQ that I was talking about.

I slam dems nearly as much as republicans.
Now you might, but I don't pay as much attention to the GED's on the right as I do the college grads. Sorry
oh hum de dum..could you take up any more space?
you still didn't get my drift, we were talking about what party was viewed as having more hypocrites... but, carry on...:rolleyes:

My ebony queen .. I think I get your drift better than you do.

ah just admit you were wrong my friend and we will move on..teehee

Nah-uh, sisterhood.

I'm dragging you into the light. Don't worry, you won't burn up. Truth and light cannot hurt you.

You can count on me to stand by your side and drag you into the light.

That's the kind of friend I am.

Nah-uh, sisterhood.

I'm dragging you into the light. Don't worry, you won't burn up. Truth and light cannot hurt you.

You can count on me to stand by your side and drag you into the light.

That's the kind of friend I am.


you do friggen crack me up sometime..see you can be a funny person, when you're not so dang serious all the time..

I laughed my friend, funny.
You are obviously capable of sane and coherent thought .. and this is a bit away from the issue, but may I suggest that if you took this posture more often you could help make this a better site. I'm not accusing you of personally denigrating the site, but would you agree that we all owe the creators of this site our attempts at respectful debate that would enhance the site?

If you and I can maintain this level of civility I'm willing to drop all tension between us and debate the issues respectfully. That doesn't mean we won't get into spirited debate, but spirited does not have to mean disrespectful.

I agree that there is a degree of hypocrisy on the left, but that's also true of the right .. and by your own admission, you took issue with some of the Bush policies, thus had to recognize the hypocrisy on your own side of the fence. Which side is more hypocritical doesn't really matter.

There are times when "democrat" or "republican" becomes secondary to the interests of America. There are times when all of us need to stop looking out the window for faults in the other side and stand in the mirror and take a long look at ourselves.

That's all I'm asking.

BAC, I have never felt there was any 'tension' between us. I think we have differing opinions, and I can respect that. You often make very good points, but you are often very wrong in my opinion, and I am sure you probably would say the same about me. I actually prefer 'civil discourse' as opposed to the 'flame fest' which every thread here seems to eventually devolve into.

Now, I am all fine and dandy with us all looking in the mirror, but here's the thing... generally when I hear this sentiment coming from the left, it is in response to something THEY should be looking in the mirror over! It's a nice convenient little escape or dodge, to run hide behind this "we all must be introspective" line, whenever your side is being justly criticized. It's like, when YOUR politician is found guilty of corruption.... suddenly, ALL politicians are scum! It's a complete cop-out and inability to accept responsibility.

Republicans can look in the mirror all day long, it isn't going to make the Democrats less hypocritical about warrantless wiretaps or the war in Iraq! We can be as introspective as we like, and it will not change the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration which promised 'transparency' yet deemed the White House visitor log 'confidential information!' None of this stuff has a thing to do with Republicans lack of introspection! Yet, that seems to be the argument from the left.
"Republicans can look in the mirror all day long, it isn't going to make the Democrats less hypocritical about warrantless wiretaps or the war in Iraq! We can be as introspective as we like, and it will not change the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration which promised 'transparency' yet deemed the White House visitor log 'confidential information!' None of this stuff has a thing to do with Republicans lack of introspection! Yet, that seems to be the argument from the left. "

Bullshit. You said that America sees the left as the side of hypocrisy. That is far different from saying this or that instance is hypocritical.
BAC, I have never felt there was any 'tension' between us. I think we have differing opinions, and I can respect that. You often make very good points, but you are often very wrong in my opinion, and I am sure you probably would say the same about me. I actually prefer 'civil discourse' as opposed to the 'flame fest' which every thread here seems to eventually devolve into.

Now, I am all fine and dandy with us all looking in the mirror, but here's the thing... generally when I hear this sentiment coming from the left, it is in response to something THEY should be looking in the mirror over! It's a nice convenient little escape or dodge, to run hide behind this "we all must be introspective" line, whenever your side is being justly criticized. It's like, when YOUR politician is found guilty of corruption.... suddenly, ALL politicians are scum! It's a complete cop-out and inability to accept responsibility.

Republicans can look in the mirror all day long, it isn't going to make the Democrats less hypocritical about warrantless wiretaps or the war in Iraq! We can be as introspective as we like, and it will not change the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration which promised 'transparency' yet deemed the White House visitor log 'confidential information!' None of this stuff has a thing to do with Republicans lack of introspection! Yet, that seems to be the argument from the left.

On the bolded part of your comment .. you do recognize that it is republicans who brought these offenses to this nation, do you not? Surely you recognize that we are here at this point in our history because of 8 years of the absence of republican introspective. Now it's up to the democrats to get rid of republican atrocities.

I agree with you on the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration, but you can't get there without the recogniztion of republican responsibility .. else it's just partisanship .. and that will get us nowhere.

I appreciate your thoughts.