Pondering Palin

We went through this the day after and all you liberals thought Biden was great yet the professional pundits with reasonable opinions said the exact opposite. *shrug*
I never said Biden was great. I thought he was mediocre at the debate or more correctly, he didn't have to be great. Point being, Palin performed poorly at the debate. What Sarah did do well during the debate is that when she got in over her head on policy she avoided answering the question and spoke about the GOP talking points. When she got confused or couldn't answer a question she managed to stay disciplined and on message, which is politically important. However, by any objective measure, on the substance of the issues discussed, she lost that debate big time. Having said that. I wouldn't have even given a flying "F" for the VP debate if Sarah had not been one of candidates. If McCain had chosen Huckabee as running mate and he debated Biden, I would have been out drinking beer or cleaning out my septic tank or something else just as uninteresting. I wanted to see Sarah Barricuda show up and I was a bit dissapointed.

I like Sarah. I think she'll do well. I hope her and her family prosper but I still wouldn't want her as President.
I never said Biden was great. I thought he was mediocre at the debate or more correctly, he didn't have to be great. Point being, Palin performed poorly at the debate. What Sarah did do well during the debate is that when she got in over her head on policy she avoided answering the question and spoke about the GOP talking points. When she got confused or couldn't answer a question she managed to stay disciplined and on message, which is politically important. However, by any objective measure, on the substance of the issues discussed, she lost that debate big time. Having said that. I wouldn't have even given a flying "F" for the VP debate if Sarah had not been one of candidates. If McCain had chosen Huckabee as running mate and he debated Biden, I would have been out drinking beer or cleaning out my septic tank or something else just as uninteresting. I wanted to see Sarah Barricuda show up and I was a bit dissapointed.

I like Sarah. I think she'll do well. I hope her and her family prosper but I still wouldn't want her as President.

There exists numerous media persona's who think Sarah won the debate with Biden. Here's one of them
<snip>Sarah Palin Won the Debate Against Joe Biden
October 03, 2008 11:44 AM ET * Michael Barone * Permanent Link * Print
I thought Sarah Palin won—because she (far) exceeded expectations, because she showed considerable suppleness (countering Joe Biden's statement that the commanding general said that John McCain's surge strategy would not work in Afghanistan), and spotlighted her winning personality. She showed the same smiling confidence that she did in her acceptance speech September 3 and that was missing in her interview with Katie Couric. Biden's performance was by and large acceptable, but he made some significant misstatements, notably on the Constitution. Article I of the Constitution is not about the executive branch, as Biden said, but about the legislative branch, in which Biden has served for 35 years. And the vice president doesn't preside over the Senate just in cases of ties; he (or she) is entitled to preside over the Senate at any time. Imagine the uproar from Mainstream Media if Palin had made such errors! She does seem to be taking a little flak over her seemingly bizarre statement that she would seek more constitutional powers for the vice presidency. But, as you may remember, Lyndon Johnson, one of our most experienced vice presidents, sought to continue to attend Democratic Caucus meetings after he was elected vice president. He was hastily disinvited.<snip>
There exists numerous media persona's who think Sarah won the debate with Biden. Here's one of them
<snip>Sarah Palin Won the Debate Against Joe Biden
October 03, 2008 11:44 AM ET * Michael Barone * Permanent Link * Print
I thought Sarah Palin won—because she (far) exceeded expectations, because she showed considerable suppleness (countering Joe Biden's statement that the commanding general said that John McCain's surge strategy would not work in Afghanistan), and spotlighted her winning personality. She showed the same smiling confidence that she did in her acceptance speech September 3 and that was missing in her interview with Katie Couric. Biden's performance was by and large acceptable, but he made some significant misstatements, notably on the Constitution. Article I of the Constitution is not about the executive branch, as Biden said, but about the legislative branch, in which Biden has served for 35 years. And the vice president doesn't preside over the Senate just in cases of ties; he (or she) is entitled to preside over the Senate at any time. Imagine the uproar from Mainstream Media if Palin had made such errors! She does seem to be taking a little flak over her seemingly bizarre statement that she would seek more constitutional powers for the vice presidency. But, as you may remember, Lyndon Johnson, one of our most experienced vice presidents, sought to continue to attend Democratic Caucus meetings after he was elected vice president. He was hastily disinvited.<snip>

Nothing like an objective viewpoint, is there?

Just out of interest is this Michael Barone chap, who thought Palin did so splendidly in that lacklustre debate, the same Michael Barone who was convinced the "left wing media" persecuted Sarah Palin because "she did not abort her Down syndrome baby."?

I suspect that it couldn't possibly be the same fellow, could it?
I never said Biden was great. I thought he was mediocre at the debate or more correctly, he didn't have to be great. Point being, Palin performed poorly at the debate. What Sarah did do well during the debate is that when she got in over her head on policy she avoided answering the question and spoke about the GOP talking points. When she got confused or couldn't answer a question she managed to stay disciplined and on message, which is politically important. However, by any objective measure, on the substance of the issues discussed, she lost that debate big time. Having said that. I wouldn't have even given a flying "F" for the VP debate if Sarah had not been one of candidates. If McCain had chosen Huckabee as running mate and he debated Biden, I would have been out drinking beer or cleaning out my septic tank or something else just as uninteresting. I wanted to see Sarah Barricuda show up and I was a bit dissapointed.

I like Sarah. I think she'll do well. I hope her and her family prosper but I still wouldn't want her as President.

All politicians spew talking points; it is the easiest way to avoid having to think about an answer and possibly contradicting yourself of promising something stupid; Biden is the master. Palin at least answered some of the actual questions, which is why she was the clear winner.
Nothing like an objective viewpoint, is there?

Just out of interest is this Michael Barone chap, who thought Palin did so splendidly in that lacklustre debate, the same Michael Barone who was convinced the "left wing media" persecuted Sarah Palin because "she did not abort her Down syndrome baby."?

I suspect that it couldn't possibly be the same fellow, could it?

He obviously likes Palin, but just as obviously (for those who appreciate honesty) he provided a fair and insightful rationale for his position...I provided the entire link for the readers benifit.

I could provide other notable opinions who felt Palin won the debate, but the point is that the shallow assessment that she was not good and prepared for that debate was sophmoric.

The debate was important enough that 69.9 million watched it. That's 17.6 million more than watched Obama/Mccain debates.
He obviously likes Palin, but just as obviously (for those who appreciate honesty) he provided a fair and insightful rationale for his position...I provided the entire link for the readers benifit.

I could provide other notable opinions who felt Palin won the debate, but the point is that the shallow assessment that she was not good and prepared for that debate was sophmoric.

The debate was important enough that 69.9 million watched it. That's 17.6 million more than watched Obama/Mccain debates.

Well done there. You managed to find a crazy man on the internets who thought Palin was great.

She was certainly prepared for the debate. Didn't she spend several days locked in a remote cabin somewhere being intensively coached in remedial world politics?
He obviously likes Palin, but just as obviously (for those who appreciate honesty) he provided a fair and insightful rationale for his position...I provided the entire link for the readers benifit.

I could provide other notable opinions who felt Palin won the debate, but the point is that the shallow assessment that she was not good and prepared for that debate was sophmoric.

The debate was important enough that 69.9 million watched it. That's 17.6 million more than watched Obama/Mccain debates.

Hey now...you'll burst their little bubble with all that...you know they have to make up that ole slow Joe wiped the floor with Palin...just so they can over look the fact that their Vice President pick is a not so bright boob..
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I really think she has the potential to go off the charts high. Dems want to trip her up on foreign policy that 99% of the country could give two fucks about (just like MCain tried to do Obama).
But, republicans NEED to realize it's not 1980. She needs to run a 2012 issue's race.
Hey now...you'll burst their little bubble with all that...you know they have to make up that ole slow Joe wiped the floor with Palin...just so they can over look the fact that their Vice President pick is a not so bright boob..

That's the point there meme.

If you can't even beat, the incredibly gaffe prone and wooden, Joe Bidens in a debate then you may as well just shoot yourself in the face.
Hey now...you'll burst their little bubble with all that...you know they have to make up that ole slow Joe wiped the floor with Palin...just so they can over look the fact that their Vice President pick is a not so bright boob..

Palin won the debate and all but knee-jerk partisan's acknowledge it.
All politicians spew talking points; it is the easiest way to avoid having to think about an answer and possibly contradicting yourself of promising something stupid; Biden is the master. Palin at least answered some of the actual questions, which is why she was the clear winner.
Well it's clear you never participated in the debate club at college. Not only did Sarah clearly lose that debate to Biden she also demonstrated that she was clearly not ready to be President and that she was in over her head. Giving talking points during an interview is one thing but in a debate, you do that and you lose. She lost and it was the biggest pasting in a political debate since Dan Quayle had his ass handed to him by Lloyd Bentson.
Well it's clear you never participated in the debate club at college. Not only did Sarah clearly lose that debate to Biden she also demonstrated that she was clearly not ready to be President and that she was in over her head. Giving talking points during an interview is one thing but in a debate, you do that and you lose. She lost and it was the biggest pasting in a political debate since Dan Quayle had his ass handed to him by Lloyd Bentson.

After that debate even McCain started to distance himself from her.
Well it's clear you never participated in the debate club at college. Not only did Sarah clearly lose that debate to Biden she also demonstrated that she was clearly not ready to be President and that she was in over her head. Giving talking points during an interview is one thing but in a debate, you do that and you lose. She lost and it was the biggest pasting in a political debate since Dan Quayle had his ass handed to him by Lloyd Bentson.
You never addressed my points just repeated what you said earlier. Biden was all talking points during that debate and Palin actually answered some of the questions. *shrug*
Well it's clear you never participated in the debate club at college. Not only did Sarah clearly lose that debate to Biden she also demonstrated that she was clearly not ready to be President and that she was in over her head. Giving talking points during an interview is one thing but in a debate, you do that and you lose. She lost and it was the biggest pasting in a political debate since Dan Quayle had his ass handed to him by Lloyd Bentson.

What is clear is, you don't have the slightest idea of how to be objective. You are so immersed in liberal koolaid, you simply don't understand or comprehend that other people have different perspectives. In your ignorant one-sided world view, everyone who has any brains at all, agrees with you, and the rest of us are just stupid and dumb. That's simply how you see the world, and it doesn't matter if we are talking about the origin of life, the politics of the day, or a former VP candidate in a debate from the last election.

It would seem to me, IF Sarah Palin were such a disaster, IF all this bullshit you are spewing were truth, we wouldn't be hearing about Sarah Palin day in and day out, eight months after the election! She would be a long-forgotten footnote, and lefties like yourself, wouldn't waste their time and energy posting about her. There would be NO talk of her possibly running for president, because that would be a laugh, if what you claimed were true.

The thing is, it's NOT true, it is another typical left-wing lie, which has become your standard operating procedure these days. Many people felt Sarah Palin WON the debate, most of the hard core analytical debate pundits called it a draw. Only people on the koolaid-drenched left, claimed (and still insist) Sarah Palin lost the debate.