Pondering Palin

How pathetic, that now what a type of papers and magazines a person reads have become a reason to judge if a person is snobbish and eleitest enough to run for President..

such shallowness..
How pathetic, that now what a type of papers and magazines a person reads have become a reason to judge if a person is snobbish and eleitest enough to run for President..

such shallowness..

Again, I could care less what she reads. It's that she felt the need to lie about it.

I'm sure you understand that, but are unable to admit it, because you adore her so much.
well then, I'd say she has more foreign policy experience than "the Obama" eh.

I wouldn't. It wasn't for a huge amount of time, but he did serve on the Senate Foreign relations committee, and helped draft & pass legislation related to global poverty and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.

Maybe it ain't much, but it's more than having Putin fly over your head.
Again, I could care less what she reads. It's that she felt the need to lie about it.

I'm sure you understand that, but are unable to admit it, because you adore her so much.
You accuse her of lying, without evidence, because you hate her so much. *shrug*
Again, I could care less what she reads. It's that she felt the need to lie about it.

I'm sure you understand that, but are unable to admit it, because you adore her so much.

I do like her as do a lot of Alaskans and a lot of American citizens....I don't ADORE her per say like the Obamabot adore their Dear Leader..so that's why the left think she needs to be belittled to her death..they and a lot of the elitist Gop are SCARED she will run against "the One", and win..
I have a question for liberals/progressives/democrats.

Why do you care about the right-wing fascination with a quitter/loser/dummy like Palin? There is no way in Hell something like that could be president. Is there ANY confusion about that?

Thus, shouldn't you be paying more attention to what the guy you voted for is doing? Why waste time on a loser like Pain when Obama is not going to have a public option in his healthcare plan even though a majority of Americans support it .. as they have for the last 10 years?

Why are you not concerned about the increasing number of body bags with US troops in them coming home?

Why are you not concerned about this so-called jobless recovery?

Why are you not concerned about Obama's continued attack on civil liberties when you went absolutely ballistic about it when Bush was doing it?

I'm not trying to attack anyone in particular, but wouldn't focus on making this nation better be a wiser course of action than engaging in the same fruitless "politics" right-wingers engage in?

Aren't we, the left, smarter than them?

Maybe not.
I have a question for liberals/progressives/democrats.

Why do you care about the right-wing fascination with a quitter/loser/dummy like Palin? There is no way in Hell something like that could be president. Is there ANY confusion about that?

Thus, shouldn't you be paying more attention to what the guy you voted for is doing? Why waste time on a loser like Pain when Obama is not going to have a public option in his healthcare plan even though a majority of Americans support it .. as they have for the last 10 years?

Why are you not concerned about the increasing number of body bags with US troops in them coming home?

Why are you not concerned about this so-called jobless recovery?

Why are you not concerned about Obama's continued attack on civil liberties when you went absolutely ballistic about it when Bush was doing it?

I'm not trying to attack anyone in particular, but wouldn't focus on making this nation better be a wiser course of action than engaging in the same fruitless "politics" right-wingers engage in?

Aren't we, the left, smarter than them?

Maybe not.

I can only speak for myself.

However, taking a couple of minutes a day to get meme riled up about Palin doesnt mean for a second that I am abandoning concern for some of the other issues you mentioned. I can chew gum & walk at the same time.

Also, like it or not, Palin is one of about 3 notable figures on the right at the moment. Therefore, she is a topic of discussion.
And I don't need to have traveled to Alaska to know that it's a frontier-cultured oil rich welfare state with no border to any other U.S. state, much less an inhabitable region of any other country. I don't need to have traveled there to know about it just like Sarah Palin doesn't need to travel the world to be an effective global leader, though it would help for the both of us.

I see the person who wrote this is from California...have you taken a look at the condition of you state...yet you can blab on about how Alaska is..and that is a reason why Palin is not experienced enough to be the President...
I can only speak for myself.

However, taking a couple of minutes a day to get meme riled up about Palin doesnt mean for a second that I am abandoning concern for some of the other issues you mentioned. I can chew gum & walk at the same time.

Also, like it or not, Palin is one of about 3 notable figures on the right at the moment. Therefore, she is a topic of discussion.

I don't disagree with any thing you've said here .. BUT, at the same time I see little to ZERO anger from the aforementioned group about Obama and his obvious failings. I see little to ZERO outrage from the aforementioned group in the wider society about Obama's nuanced flip-flops.

We made videos about Bush's flip-flops.

Frankly, what more is there to be said about Palin?

I like meme as much as the next guy, but beating her up doesn't get Americans healthcare.

Obama is a perpetual candidate, thus unlike Bush, he responds to anger from his constituents. There are plenty of examples of that truth.

Thus, instead of beating a dead moose .. how about us lending a hand in making America better.
also the mental midgets on the right don't want to talk issue's.
Muslem vs Alaska Barbie is thier level.
"I like meme as much as the next guy, but beating her up doesn't get Americans healthcare."

Nothing else that is done in the context of this board does, either.

I don't come here to change the world. I try to in other aspects of life, but I have no illusions about the reach & purpose of this board.