Post 1,000,000 is coming up...


Staff member
Which will mean prizes...

I don't know what they'll be yet. But this is a cool thing...

I figure any poster will be in the running that posts more than 30 posts for the month running up to the 1,000,000th post (whenever that hits).

I may weight it by number of posts a bit, but I'm not trying to get people to post nonsense, so it will be posts of "substance" (decided by myself as to what substance is... Somebody's gotta judge)...
Which will mean prizes...

I don't know what they'll be yet. But this is a cool thing...

I figure any poster will be in the running that posts more than 30 posts for the month running up to the 1,000,000th post (whenever that hits).

I may weight it by number of posts a bit, but I'm not trying to get people to post nonsense, so it will be posts of "substance" (decided by myself as to what substance is... Somebody's gotta judge)...

Prepare for a lot more beer reviews.
Which will mean prizes...

I don't know what they'll be yet. But this is a cool thing...

I figure any poster will be in the running that posts more than 30 posts for the month running up to the 1,000,000th post (whenever that hits).

I may weight it by number of posts a bit, but I'm not trying to get people to post nonsense, so it will be posts of "substance" (decided by myself as to what substance is... Somebody's gotta judge)...

You should make the prize a bottle of Lancome's new Visionnaire.
Which will mean prizes...

I don't know what they'll be yet. But this is a cool thing...

I figure any poster will be in the running that posts more than 30 posts for the month running up to the 1,000,000th post (whenever that hits).

I may weight it by number of posts a bit, but I'm not trying to get people to post nonsense, so it will be posts of "substance" (decided by myself as to what substance is... Somebody's gotta judge)...

My posts are always filled with substance, it may be toxic, but it is a substance!
I still don't know what I'll give as prizes... It will probably wind up being cards... Give me some time to figure out how I'll throw it and I'll post a new thread to announce winners. I figure I'll randomly draw three prizes, weighting it towards the people who posted more often and with substance. I should note that WW games count as substance, because I like them.

leave that open when your boss walks by if you think it's no big deal.

And it's like an impressionist painting. Go stand 7-11 feet from your monitor, the image is clear as day. it doesn't take a lot of effort to tag a title nsfw. Some people have strict jobs or asshole management that will definitely come down on their asses over something like that.

when in doubt, type the extra 4 characters.

The actual 1,000,000th post.
We're currently at: 999,883...

Wow, I thought more people would post, but it is a long weekend. Plus the contest is not the person who posts the post... I'm drawing names from a pool of people...