Powell endorses Obama


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Said that the GOP has taken a hard turn right, that he thought McCain's campaign was too negative, that Obama has the needed judgment to be President & that he didn't like the Palin pick.

Let the character assasination from the right begin!
Said that the GOP has taken a hard turn right, that he thought McCain's campaign was too negative, that Obama has the needed judgment to be President & that he didn't like the Palin pick.

Let the character assasination from the right begin!

Haha... "Let the character assasination from the right begin!".

Why would the right have to assassinate Powell's character, the left has already done a pretty good job of that...!

So, another ardent GW supporter shifts his support to Obama... I don't know how happy I would be about that...?

Obama is turning into "More of the Same" before our very eyes...!

Talks about how Muslim Americans are just as American as anyone, and should have just as much right to run for the Presidency as anyone; he hates how senior members of his own party have implied otherwise, not to mention the rabble...
Talks about how Muslim Americans are just as American as anyone, and should have just as much right to run for the Presidency as anyone; he hates how senior members of his own party have implied otherwise, not to mention the rabble...


"Muslim Americans are just as American as anyone, and should have just as much right to run for the Presidency as anyone"

So, Powell thinks Obama is a Muslim...?

Wow... I don't think that's the kind of endorsement the One was looking for...?


"Muslim Americans are just as American as anyone, and should have just as much right to run for the Presidency as anyone"

So, Powell thinks Obama is a Muslim...?

Wow... I don't think that's the kind of endorsement the One was looking for...?


He was talking about some of the things that bothered him about the McCain campaign - not about Obama. That has bothered me as well.

I'm not shocked that it hasn't bothered the pea-brains out there (present company included).
He was talking about some of the things that bothered him about the McCain campaign - not about Obama. That has bothered me as well.

I'm not shocked that it hasn't bothered the pea-brains out there (present company included).

Well... I guess I'll have to read the transcript and judge for myself... the quote you pasted sure indicated that Powell thought that Obama has just as much right to run for President as any other Muslim-American...

And idiots claiming that Obama is Muslim bother me about as much as the idiots claiming the McCain campaign is racist...

Get over your self pity and false outrage...!

Said that the GOP has taken a hard turn right, that he thought McCain's campaign was too negative, that Obama has the needed judgment to be President & that he didn't like the Palin pick.

Let the character assasination from the right begin!

I think Powell's character took plenty of assination from the anti-war crowd back in 2002 and 2003. Not a lot left to go after.
I honestly think the Palin pick sunk McCain. Too many people don;t like her. The only people that like her are the ones that were already voting against Obama. Palin is one of the things he specifically mentioned that helped him make up his mind.
First off to the usnretard, Powell said that Obama is NOT a Muslim, but went on to says "So what if he was?" He then asked what was wrong with a 7 year old Muslim child in America wanting to be president? He spoke of how intollerent the Republicans have become, making an exception for John McCain and also said that Palin was not qualified to be vice president. Soon republicans will begin to say that the ONLY reason Powell endorsed Obama is because he is black. But as Powell said this morning, if that was the only reason he could have endorsed him months ago. This was a powerful rejection of the direction the party that Powell has been a member of for decades has taken. This will sway many independents who were undecided and my bet is it will cause some veterans who were wishy washy on McCain to re-evalute their position. On friday, someone from the McCain campaign said this sort of endorsement would kill momentum that their campaign was trying to build. Welcome to the momentum killer.
I honestly think the Palin pick sunk McCain. Too many people don;t like her. The only people that like her are the ones that were already voting against Obama. Palin is one of the things he specifically mentioned that helped him make up his mind.

My first choice for him originally was Romney. I wonder how Romney would have done on the campaign trail after the financial explosion with his business world experience? I know its purely conjecture now but do you think that would have helped McCain?
Powel pretty much explained why I left the Republican party. I'm essentially a center right person but the Republican party has gone to the far right and crossed the line to extremism where to question the far right orthodoxy makes you a liberal. In other words, Powel's that is, they have become to narrow.

There are so many mornings that I wake up and wonder "How the hell did I become a democrat?"

But all's I have to do is listen to Fox News, George W Bush/Dick Cheney and right wing talk radio and all becomes clear.

We are about to elect a Liberal president but it's clear to all who are paying attention that the American public is still a center right public and that this is not an endorsement of a liberal agenda rather it is a rejection of the right wing extremism that has become the Republican party orthodoxy.
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I honestly think the Palin pick sunk McCain. Too many people don;t like her. The only people that like her are the ones that were already voting against Obama. Palin is one of the things he specifically mentioned that helped him make up his mind.

I strongly disagree and you may not be paying attention. The Palin pick bridged the gap for McCain and took him from a 10 pt deficit to a lead in the polls. It was mess on Wall Street and McCain's unfortunate comment the month before "That the fundamentals of the American economy are sound" which sunk his little red wagon.
My first choice for him originally was Romney. I wonder how Romney would have done on the campaign trail after the financial explosion with his business world experience? I know its purely conjecture now but do you think that would have helped McCain?
In hindsight I think Romney's economic experience would have helped. But at the time the pick was made they were looking at a way to firm up the fundamentalist right wing christian base, I mean hell, you MUST do what they want, and I don't care what ANYONE says, that group is not voting for a mormon that just recently came to the prolife point of view. Finally prominent moderate republicans, like Powell are starting to reject the extreme right in their own party.
Powel pretty much explained why I left the Republican party. I'm essentially a center right person but the Republican has gone to the far right and crossed the line to extremism where to question the far right orthodoxy makes you a liberal. In other words, Powel's that is, they have become to narrow.

There are so many morning that I wake up and wonder "How the hell did I become a democrat?"

But all's I have to do is listen to Fox News, George W Bush/Dick Cheney and right wing talk radio and all becomes clear.

We are about to elect a Liberal president but it's clear to all who are paying attention that the American public is still a center right public and that this is not an endorsement of a liberal agenda rather it is a rejection of the right wing extremism that has become the Republican party orthodoxy.

What will be intersting (to me at least) Motleydude is with Obama and Democrats controlling Congress including possibly the Senate with 60 seats how liberal things might be. If this is a rejection of right-wing extremism as you say and Democrats really lurch to the left the next two years might we have a repeat in 2010 like we did in 1994 during the Congressional elections?
I honestly think the Palin pick sunk McCain. Too many people don;t like her. The only people that like her are the ones that were already voting against Obama. Palin is one of the things he specifically mentioned that helped him make up his mind.

I wonder if it was palin, especially when vice presidential picks never result in a massive shift in the electorate, or it was that little economy issue with the dow dropping 700 points in one day. It's a pretty tough call, I can see why there is some uncertainty.
My first choice for him originally was Romney. I wonder how Romney would have done on the campaign trail after the financial explosion with his business world experience? I know its purely conjecture now but do you think that would have helped McCain?

I think it would have helped. I honestly think Barack would be losing if McCain made a better pick.

There are some people that think the Mormon religion is a cult and would never vote for him (I am one of these) but I don't know if that number is significant.
I wonder if it was palin, especially when vice presidential picks never result in a massive shift in the electorate, or it was that little economy issue with the dow dropping 700 points in one day. It's a pretty tough call, I can see why there is some uncertainty.

I agree with Motleydude on this one. Palin got the Republican base really fired up and led to a big jump in the polls for him. The economic meltdown and McCain's subsequent behavior is what has left him in his current poll deficit.
I agree with Motleydude on this one. Palin got the Republican base really fired up and led to a big jump in the polls for him. The economic meltdown and McCain's subsequent behavior is what has left him in his current poll deficit.

my comment was facetious but well played.
I wonder if it was palin, especially when vice presidential picks never result in a massive shift in the electorate, or it was that little economy issue with the dow dropping 700 points in one day. It's a pretty tough call, I can see why there is some uncertainty.

I sense sarcasm but I know about 5 people who are moderates who would have voted for McCain but won't now. I could have voted for McCain too but not now. I have voted for him for senate every time.