Powell endorses Obama

What will be intersting (to me at least) Motleydude is with Obama and Democrats controlling Congress including possibly the Senate with 60 seats how liberal things might be. If this is a rejection of right-wing extremism as you say and Democrats really lurch to the left the next two years might we have a repeat in 2010 like we did in 1994 during the Congressional elections?
It's possible. It all really depends on how bad this economic debacle gets and how effective, assuming Obama is elected, he is at managing this issue, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also everyone lets not act like Colin Powell is part of some staunch bedrock of American Conservatism. I mean get real . . .

Well actually he is as is McCain. You weren't listening to what he said. The Republican party has taken things to far to the right. To the point that what they call "conservatives" are in fact reactionaries. McCain and Powel are by no means moderates.
I don't think that is the point but I also don't see why the pundits are making such a big deal out of it. They are saying it is important but do people really vote based on endorsements?

No, but they do listen to informed persons, such as Powel, and weigh their reasoning with their own. It probably goes a long ways towards reasuring people that they have made the right decision as opposed to convincing them to go one way or the other.
no retard. be honest for a change. Colin Powell was by far the most liberal member of the bush administration, and he's been a pretty middle of the road guy for sometime. you are being COMPLETELY intellectually dishonest to suggest that colin powell is this staunch conservative.

Not true. You're being obtuse and don't understand the differance between radicals, liberals, moderates, conservatives and reactionaries. To call a conservative in the most reactionary administration in modern history "liberal" is one by comparison only. Hell Richard Nixon would be liberal compared to Bushco.
Powell's endorsement is not about reaching hardcore conservatives; it's about reaching independents.
I don't think Powel was intending to reach anyone or persuade anyone. He was simply explaining his reasons for voting for Obama and was very clear about that.
the indisputable benefit that Powell brings Obama is that the former Secretary of State and general is sure to block out any chance McCain has of winning the next two or three days of news coverage, as the media swoons over the implications of the choice. It is simple political math: McCain has 15 days to close a substantial gap, and he will now lose at least one fifth of his total remaining time.
Obviously that had little impact on his decision today. This is the equivilent of an Eisenhower coming out in 60 and endorsing Kennedy. This was a hard blow against the republican party rather than McCain. I think that had McCain stood up to his party and the mouthbreathers at the Rallies Powell would have at worst stood silent. But after watching the last few weeks of "he's an Ay-rab." "He's a Moslem" He's a Terrorist Powell could NOT sit by. Republicans brought this on themselves. But you guys keep deluding yourself that this endorsement will have no effect.

Well said. This is less a ringing endorsement of Obama than a rejection of the extremist right wing orthodoxy of the modern Republican party.
Not true. You're being obtuse and don't understand the differance between radicals, liberals, moderates, conservatives and reactionaries. To call a conservative in the most reactionary administration in modern history "liberal" is one by comparison only. Hell Richard Nixon would be liberal compared to Bushco.
As would Goldwater.
"And does the fact that Powell endorsed Obama now mean that he's a Democrat?"

No more than it does for conservatives like Buckley & Sullivan. Bush & the GOP abandoned them; the latter 2 in particular are still conservative.

They are supporting Obama outside of ideology, because the see him as a transformational figure, and see in him an intelligent leader who will use wise judgment, among other qualities. If neither party is going to be conservative, why not?

I agree and I'm excited about it. The USA got off to a bad start in the 21st century by electing a Reactionary administration. Not only is Obama being a transformational figure important to me but the fact that he's of my generation (were the same age) and represents so well my generation excites me too.

In a way I feel bad for the Vietnam generation. As during the war, they still get political short shrift and it feels like their generation was passed by from the WWII/Korean generation to my generation.
I agree and I'm excited about it. The USA got off to a bad start in the 21st century by electing a Reactionary administration. Not only is Obama being a transformational figure important to me but the fact that he's of my generation (were the same age) and represents so well my generation excites me too.

In a way I feel bad for the Vietnam generation. As during the war, they still get political short shrift and it feels like their generation was passed by from the WWII/Korean generation to my generation.
True. There have only been two boomer presidents. Compare that to the WWII generation presidents. I guess they are what Brokaw called Greatest Generation.
Said that the GOP has taken a hard turn right, that he thought McCain's campaign was too negative, that Obama has the needed judgment to be President & that he didn't like the Palin pick.

Let the character assasination from the right begin!

wasn't that so great? i don't have any admiration for powell, but large swaths of the population do. and i have so enjoyed watching the R's squirm today. i laugh every time i remember how many r's told me over the years that they would love it if powell ran for president.
I honestly think the Palin pick sunk McCain. Too many people don;t like her. The only people that like her are the ones that were already voting against Obama. Palin is one of the things he specifically mentioned that helped him make up his mind.

i agree, and a lot of editorial pages have mentioned her when making their endorsements.
I think Powell's character took plenty of assination from the anti-war crowd back in 2002 and 2003. Not a lot left to go after.

don't divert. this was not an endorsement to sway liberals. this hits you right in your guts. R's, especially military R's and centrist R's hold Powell in high esteem.
my comment was facetious but well played.

you're both wrong. chuck todd had mentioned right after the r convention that if you talked to the mondale people they would tell you that the week after the ferraro pick, was the only week they thought they could win. two weeks later, ferraro had become a liability.

the intial blush of palin, gave him a bump in the polls. first, don't forget obama was leading going into the convetions. second, once americans saw palin on the national stage, and in interviews, she became a huge liability. why are you ignoring her current and prior poll number?

why are you all ignoring her prior and current poll numbers?

there is only one possible reason: you want to let mccain off the hook. you want to pretend that this was out of his control. you are wrong.

in fact, it has been bush who has been let off the hook by the palin pick, and also by how mccain has run his campaign.

and also, in your rush to defend johnny, don't forget this - barack obama has run a nearly flawless and incredible campaign.

i know we'd love to leave that out.
no retard. be honest for a change. Colin Powell was by far the most liberal member of the bush administration, and he's been a pretty middle of the road guy for sometime. you are being COMPLETELY intellectually dishonest to suggest that colin powell is this staunch conservative.

he's a staunch republican.

he's not a democrat. he's not a liberal

he's a life-long, staunch republican.

he's a staunch republican.

he's not a democrat. he's not a liberal

he's a life-long, staunch republican.


I think that maybe unfair. I remember reading something by Powell when I was in college, a long time ago. He wasn't a general yet, obviously. He was really writing about what he thought kids in the lower socioeconomic level needed and needed to believe. What was implied was discipline, of mind and body, not unusual from a military person. I think for a long time, he saw more of that being espoused by the GOP and went with it. Not so true for quite awhile and this was his way of reacting.

I think Obama's race may play a part, I think moreso where he stands right now in the polls and what Powell thinks the impact on his presidency may have on the youth.

I disagree that an Obama presidency will be good for the youth or any of us, but I wouldn't put nefarious motives upon Powell.
Who will he change his party to, Independent or Democrat? We can go back to 2002 and 2003 to see what Democrats had to say about him and his character and integrity after backing Bush's decision to go to war.

I don't think it was the fact of Powell "backing Bush's decision to go to war" that the Democrats were pissed about although I cannot speak for all of them.

For me, it was the fact that he gave a 45 minute presentation at the UN that was 100% false. He lied to the country and the world and provided the window-dressing for the war. He was not a passive backer of the war. He was one of the people responsible for actively spreading the lies that served as the basis for the war.

If he gets attacked by the right, I'm fine with it as long as it's not the "so a black guy is voting for the black guy" stuff.
wasn't that so great? i don't have any admiration for powell, but large swaths of the population do. and i have so enjoyed watching the R's squirm today. i laugh every time i remember how many r's told me over the years that they would love it if powell ran for president.

It certainly makes up for Zel Miller and Joe Leiberman's betrayals of the Democratic party.