Powell endorses Obama

It certainly makes up for Zel Miller and Joe Leiberman's betrayals of the Democratic party.

Many Republicans wanted Powell to run in 2000. If memory serves correctly he was also pretty popular with Independents and some Democrats at that time too.
I think that maybe unfair. I remember reading something by Powell when I was in college, a long time ago. He wasn't a general yet, obviously. He was really writing about what he thought kids in the lower socioeconomic level needed and needed to believe. What was implied was discipline, of mind and body, not unusual from a military person. I think for a long time, he saw more of that being espoused by the GOP and went with it. Not so true for quite awhile and this was his way of reacting.

I think Obama's race may play a part, I think moreso where he stands right now in the polls and what Powell thinks the impact on his presidency may have on the youth.

I disagree that an Obama presidency will be good for the youth or any of us, but I wouldn't put nefarious motives upon Powell.

You think race played a part in his decision? Well I'm sure we'll hear that alot but the people that say this are projecting.

If Powell really cared about going along with his race, he wouldn't have been a Republican in the first place.
You think race played a part in his decision? Well I'm sure we'll hear that alot but the people that say this are projecting.

If Powell really cared about going along with his race, he wouldn't have been a Republican in the first place.

I think you have a comprehension problem, though it's normal to zero in on what you wish to find.
You think race played a part in his decision? Well I'm sure we'll hear that alot but the people that say this are projecting.

If Powell really cared about going along with his race, he wouldn't have been a Republican in the first place.
He also would not have taken months to make this endorsement. He would have done it much sooner. But since we are on the topic of Black republicans I want to ask a question. Earlier CAW said he thinks ONLY Powell's moderate stands on issues would hurt him and not his race. So, do you think that an ideological black candidate, one that is both social and fiscally conservative, would have a better time running for president in the republican party?
He also would not have taken months to make this endorsement. He would have done it much sooner. But since we are on the topic of Black republicans I want to ask a question. Earlier CAW said he thinks ONLY Powell's moderate stands on issues would hurt him and not his race. So, do you think that an ideological black candidate, one that is both social and fiscally conservative, would have a better time running for president in the republican party?

To be clear I'm sure there are Republicans that would never vote for a black Republican. Unfortunately they do exist. I think Powell would have more success in a national election than he would in strictly a Republican primary because his positions attract a lot more moderates and independent leaning Republicans (again I guess it varies on each state and how their primary voting rules go).

For example J.C. Watts was very popular with the party base. I know Cypress' answer is he never would have been elected if he weren't a football hero in the state. I'm sure that helped him. But many have been elected with help of their family name, their exploits etc. Watts rose up to number 3 or 4 in the House.

It's a challenge for the party no doubt and one they must meet to be relevent going forward.
To be clear I'm sure there are Republicans that would never vote for a black Republican. Unfortunately they do exist. I think Powell would have more success in a national election than he would in strictly a Republican primary because his positions attract a lot more moderates and independent leaning Republicans (again I guess it varies on each state and how their primary voting rules go).

For example J.C. Watts was very popular with the party base. I know Cypress' answer is he never would have been elected if he weren't a football hero in the state. I'm sure that helped him. But many have been elected with help of their family name, their exploits etc. Watts rose up to number 3 or 4 in the House.

It's a challenge for the party no doubt and one they must meet to be relevent going forward.
I aks this question because there is a very strong erudite conservative black man who has run repeatedly for president in your party. When he speaks, he is the most concise and the most intellectually honest right-wing republicans in politics today. His name is Alan Keyes and he NEVER posts numbers above 10% nationwide. He could NEVER get elected and he really does make McCain look like a raging liberal. The southern primaries would NEVER go for a black republican. Conservative or not.
I aks this question because there is a very strong erudite conservative black man who has run repeatedly for president in your party. When he speaks, he is the most concise and the most intellectually honest right-wing republicans in politics today. His name is Alan Keyes and he NEVER posts numbers above 10% nationwide. He could NEVER get elected and he really does make McCain look like a raging liberal. The southern primaries would NEVER go for a black republican. Conservative or not.

I wouldn't vote for Alan Keyes. That guy makes some of the religious right seem tame. There are definitely parts of Keyes that I like but black, white, yellow or brown he is a serious serious bible thumper.
I wouldn't vote for Alan Keyes. That guy makes some of the religious right seem tame. There are definitely parts of Keyes that I like but black, white, yellow or brown he is a serious serious bible thumper.
So then why doesn't the base, which is a huge block of the primary voters all vote for him. Becaue while I know you are not the bible thumping republican, there is a huge block of them that vote in the south during primaries yet Keyes still can't post the numbers that would be consistent with that voting block.
So then why doesn't the base, which is a huge block of the primary voters all vote for him. Becaue while I know you are not the bible thumping republican, there is a huge block of them that vote in the south during primaries yet Keyes still can't post the numbers that would be consistent with that voting block.

What has Keyes been elected too? Was he in the House at one point?
So then why doesn't the base, which is a huge block of the primary voters all vote for him. Becaue while I know you are not the bible thumping republican, there is a huge block of them that vote in the south during primaries yet Keyes still can't post the numbers that would be consistent with that voting block.

Maybe this analogy will resonate. I see Keyes kind of like Dennis Kuchinich. They have positions that play well with small portions of each base but neither would never be taken seriously on a national level.
So then why doesn't the base, which is a huge block of the primary voters all vote for him. Becaue while I know you are not the bible thumping republican, there is a huge block of them that vote in the south during primaries yet Keyes still can't post the numbers that would be consistent with that voting block.

I personally feel that Keyes is not an effective candidate. He's black Sam Brownback with more energy. The religious right didn't vote for Brownback either, even though on paper he's a pretty good fit.

They care about style too, which is why they got on board with Huckabee.
This is way bigger of a deal than people in the R party will want to know, there are many "Roosevelt Republicans" as they call them who really look up to Powell.
Many Republicans wanted Powell to run in 2000. If memory serves correctly he was also pretty popular with Independents and some Democrats at that time too.
Danged straight many of us wanted him to run. I think we'd have had President Powell and Iraq wouldn't have even been on the radar.
Danged straight many of us wanted him to run. I think we'd have had President Powell and Iraq wouldn't have even been on the radar.
And I would have voted for him as well. I don't know if you saw it today but Powell said one of his concerns was if there were two more conservative justices appointed to the supreme court. I always knew the guy had a socially moderate to liberal mind.