Powell endorses Obama

Yep! I didn't even realize I was. I always considered myself a fiscal conservative, but it turns out I'm a socialist, and possibly even a communist...

that's not that bad. I've been called a child killer b/c I'm prochoice.
Said that the GOP has taken a hard turn right, that he thought McCain's campaign was too negative, that Obama has the needed judgment to be President & that he didn't like the Palin pick.

Let the character assasination from the right begin!

He's black.
I think it would have helped. I honestly think Barack would be losing if McCain made a better pick.

There are some people that think the Mormon religion is a cult and would never vote for him (I am one of these) but I don't know if that number is significant.

There's at least 2 of us who agree about the cult thing.

Sorry people but who the hell needs Powell. He's a proven liar and toady. Why would we even care what the hell he thinks or does after he went to the UN with a report that he knew was bullshit?

"Much of the initial information for Mr Powell's speech to the UN was provided by the Pentagon, where Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary, set up a special unit, the Office of Special Plans, to counter the uncertainty of the CIA's intelligence on Iraq.

Mr Powell's team removed dozens of pages of alleged evidence about Iraq's banned weapons and ties to terrorists from a draft of his speech, US News and World Report says today. At one point, he became so angry at the lack of adequate sourcing to intelligence claims that he declared: "I'm not reading this. This is bullshit," according to the magazine.

Presented with a script for his speech, Mr Powell suspected that Washington hawks were "cherry picking",...

...Even more damaging, many of the assertions bandied about were based on reports that were speculative or impossible to corroborate - but seized on because they suited the agenda of the hawks in the administration. Ambiguities and nuance were left aside."

...but he went anyway and knowingly lied thru his teeth to promote Bush's war. Go back to your neo con buddies Powell, we don't need you and I personally don't care who you endorse.
Take your son with you.
Only the far right nutjobs will call this endorsement meaningless. Powell has pretty much always been a moderate Republican. He appeals to moderates in both parties as well as Independents. I doubt there are too many endorsements Obama could receive that could help him more.
Looks like he's one of the last moderates to leave the party to.