President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

:laugh: You obviously never met me ... but please continue

Your posts make it abundantly clear who and what you are. During my military career I have seen countless people like you come in with a chip on their shoulders and after living and working with the very people they hated they found lifelong friendships and camaraderie. No I don't know you but I have seen many just like you. And like I said, it sucks to be you.
Your posts make it abundantly clear who and what you are. During my military career I have seen countless people like you come in with a chip on their shoulders and after living and working with the very people they hated they found lifelong friendships and camaraderie. No I don't know you but I have seen many just like you. And like I said, it sucks to be you.

You should Write a Book and make lots of Money.
Hello Trump Diva,

No BS. I made extremely valid points which you blew off in order to focus on this one thing that you can't get our of your head. It is a thing which was placed there by the president. You have allowed our leader to do your thinking for you; and that is very dangerous to our freedom.

True, and I would not choose that form of protest myself, but you don't even want to TALK about why they have done that. You refuse to see beyond this simpleton mental block placed in your head by our president. It is sad some people can be so easily manipulated by a demagogue.

No. Our freedom is not that simple. You are not their boss. You are but one fan among many. And yours is NOT the dominant position!

SOME fans are appalled. OTHERS are paying attention to the reason these players would do this seemingly anti-American thing. Is it REALLY anti-American? These players ARE Americans. They are not SAYING anything bad about America. They are SAYING our country has some problems which need to be addressed. If these problems did not exist, they would not be engaging in this form of protest which, btw, is protected by our great Constitution, and the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Some Trump supporters have this tendency to believe that they are the majority, that theirs are the most popular views, but that just isn't true.

And what makes you think these protesting players are 'braindead?' Football is not just a physical sport. Players have to be smart enough to know what to do on the field, and how to train for that. These are the best players in the country. They are not dummies.

They are smart enough to know that an NFL career lasts a little more than a decade, that they only have that much time to make all the money they will ever make out of it, and that they will have national name recognition only as long as they are actively playing, and that they only have this one time window of public recognition in which to make a statement. They give up quite a bit, take a huge risk with their career to further this worthy cause, which you, apparently, refuse to even acknowledge the existence of the problem. They have far more vested in this than you do. And some of them probably know people who have been wrongly abused or even killed by police simply because they are black.

If you and others don't even understand or want to admit why these players are protesting in this way, then the protests are totally warranted.
A lot of words saying nothing.

Football isn't engineering. Brawn doesn't equal brains, for sure, in this case. lol

Last year, the stadiums were becoming empty. If they defecate on the flag again, it'll happen again. So let them repeat it, I say. Rehearse the definition of insanity.

Tell me again about the poor black chirren those big bad cops are on the streets killing every day. Like po' lil Mike Brown. Hands up -- don't shoot! The biggest LIE of the century. lmao Blacks commit more violent crimes although they are only 13% of the population. Fact. Anyone who isn't deaf, dumb and blind knows the handwriting on the wall. You or they expect for cops to look the other way while some thug robs or kills someone, sorry to break the news - it ain't happening. Not now, not ever. No matter how much they shit on the flag, it will never happen.

Thugs will never get free passes to rob and maim cuz dey beez bwack.
Yes it is your right to vote for whom ever you want.

But only a moron would vote for a candidate with no hope nor chance of winning, and then believe they accomplished anything.

Like it or not voting third party in a presidential election is an exercise in futility.
Your opinion and one I don’t value. This is what the two parties count on to hold their power. I don’t follow the crowd just because, never have, never will.
Your opinion and one I don’t value. This is what the two parties count on to hold their power. I don’t follow the crowd just because, never have, never will.

And that is your choice so just don't complain when you don't get what you want. Oh when it comes to respect for ones opinion to me your opinion is lower than whale feces.

Translation= I have no respect for your opinions. :rolleyes:
And that is your choice so just don't complain when you don't get what you want. Oh when it comes to respect for ones opinion to me your opinion is lower than whale feces.

Translation= I have no respect for your opinions. :rolleyes:
Good, I don’t need or want your respect. There are quite a few people on this forum who vote third party. I’m sure they don’t care about your opinion, either.
Good, I don’t need or want your respect. There are quite a few people on this forum who vote third party. I’m sure they don’t care about your opinion, either.

I know there are you can form a club "The Futile voters club". Oh almost forgot to thank you and your fellow third party voters for helping to keep Hillary out of office. :cool:

BTW Thank your husband for his service.
Do you thank me for mine? :innocent:

Yea Phantasmal I thought that would stick in your craw. Not only are you judgmental but a hypocrite to boot. You say you are proud of your husbands service but you won't extend the same courtesy to me a person you disagree with. :321:

PS I'm holding a real assault weapon so now you have another reason to hate me.
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Not smart to pick a fight with the team whose fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus.

You're not going to win that fight.

they should have went to the ceremony and had a sit down with the president. The whole thing was a stunt to embarrass Trump.
This might be the first time I have seen a real American serviceman demand thanks for his service.
Yea Phantasmal I thought that would stick in your craw. Not only are you judgmental but a hypocrite to boot. You say you are proud of your husbands service but you won't extend the same courtesy to me a person you disagree with. :321:

PS I'm holding a real assault weapon so now you have another reason to hate me.