President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

I also like how they know what kind of President Hillary would have made. They all have crystal balls.

Technically speaking you are right, until someone is elected and actually in the office of President we don't know what kind of President they would make. The Clinton's have been in the public eye for years. Do we really think if elected Hillary would be any different than she's always been? And ultimately isn't that the point of primaries, trying to help voters project what kind of President a person would be? It's not like we have a system where someone is President for year on a trial basis then we vote if we like them or not so as to avoid having to use a crystal ball.

Hillary and Trump had the two highest unfavorable ratings on any Presidential candidates in the past 50 years (or since the polling started). That means millions of voters voted for someone they had an unfavorable view of. So no disrespect Cypress but you're full of sh*t when you essentially argue Democratic voters really liked/loved Hillary. No they didn't. Many many Hillary voters weren't fans of her but said there was no way in hell they would vote for Trump. You like to say only Republicans have that position about Trump when it is just not true.
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I also like how they know what kind of President Hillary would have made. They all have crystal balls.

All one has to do is look at her track record from filegate to her possible exposure of Top Secret defense information to see that she is not fit to be president. Trump is bad but Hillary would have been ten times worse. But keep your head in the sand and ignore all the evidence simply because she has a D behind her name.
Hello cawacko,

Technically speaking you are right, until someone is elected and actually in the office of President we don't know what kind of President they would make. The Clinton's have been in the public eye for years. Do we really think if elected Hillary would be any different than she's always been? And ultimately isn't that the point of primaries, trying to help voters project what kind of President a person would be? It's not like we have a system where someone is President for year on a trial basis then we vote if we like them or not so as to avoid having to use a crystal ball.

Hillary and Trump had the two highest unfavorable ratings on any Presidential candidates in the past 50 years (or since the polling started). That means millions of voters voted for someone they had an unfavorable view of. So no disrespect Cypress but you're full of sh*t when you essentially argue Democratic voters really liked/loved Hillary. No they didn't. Many many Hillary voters weren't fans of her but said there was no way in hell they would vote for Trump. You like to say only Republicans have that position about Trump when it is just not true.

More Trump voters voted against Hillary - than Hillary voters voted against Trump. AND Hillary got more votes.
Technically speaking you are right, until someone is elected and actually in the office of President we don't know what kind of President they would make. The Clinton's have been in the public eye for years. Do we really think if elected Hillary would be any different than she's always been? And ultimately isn't that the point of primaries, trying to help voters project what kind of President a person would be? It's not like we have a system where someone is President for year on a trial basis then we vote if we like them or not so as to avoid having to use a crystal ball.

Hillary and Trump had the two highest unfavorable ratings on any Presidential candidates in the past 50 years (or since the polling started). That means millions of voters voted for someone they had an unfavorable view of. So no disrespect Cypress but you're full of sh*t when you essentially argue Democratic voters really liked/loved Hillary. No they didn't. Many many Hillary voters weren't fans of her but said there was no way in hell they would vote for Trump. You like to say only Republicans have that position about Trump when it is just not true.

I am going to treat your posts like a good deep state bureaucrat and reject your submission based upon the first error. That took to the first sentence. Everyone intelligent knew in advance what a piece of shit ineffectual dullard potus trump would be in advance.

Correct and resubmit. Eventually we may get through your post.
They're a bunch of grossly overpaid prima donnas.

And now they're all victims.

I personally hope they win two games next season.

Not the victims. Is that what you thought? It is about the unarmed blacks abused and killed by police. The players used their first amendment rights to kneel. They did not disrupt the game .They were silent. This whole mess in Trumps fault. Some teams did , on some teams a couple players, some teams none. Who paid attention? Then Trump made a big fucking deal out of nothing and you bought in 100 percent.
Not 24 years, only 14. Anyway, you do believe you have to hang on to your guns to overthrow the government someday, don't you? I know I am right because of the personal attack. I too own guns a believe we all have the right to, just not to overthrow the government, we do that every 4 years. You also believe "them" people kneeling is disrespecting your flag that represents the country you have your guns to overthrow. Do you understand the cognitive dissonance required to hold both beliefs at the same time?
And I bet you are so full of shit your eyes are brown. I am a proud gun owner and spent 24 years of my life defending the Constitution can you say the same dick head?
I would not vote for Hillary either, so this last election ever I didn't vote.
See you just proved my point!!!!!! You only see what you what to see and ignore everything else!!!!!!! I'll put this in as easy to understand words as I can so you might be able to grasp them, What part of I voted to keep Hillary from becoming president don't you understand?.

You are such a proud American you supported a woman who was a danger to national security and only looking to further enrich herself, thank God your side failed.
All one has to do is look at her track record from filegate to her possible exposure of Top Secret defense information to see that she is not fit to be president. Trump is bad but Hillary would have been ten times worse. But keep your head in the sand and ignore all the evidence simply because she has a D behind her name.
The only problem with you theory is I’m not a Democrat and I’ve voted for Republicans in the past. Keep stabbing the air, it’s entertaining.
The only problem with you theory is I’m not a Democrat and I’ve voted for Republicans in the past. Keep stabbing the air, it’s entertaining.

Now that is harlarous. You may not be a registered Democrat but that doesn't keep you from agreeing with the party and it plank.

Earlier you were defending Hillary but you are not a Democrat.
You say you voted for Republicans in the past. Let me guess how you voted for president from 1980 on. (This assumes you never vote third party)
I may not be 100% but I bet I'm close.
Now that is harlarous. You may not be a registered Democrat but that doesn't keep you from agreeing with the party and it plank.

Earlier you were defending Hillary but you are not a Democrat.
You say you voted for Republicans in the past. Let me guess how you voted for president from 1980 on. (This assumes you never vote third party)
I may not be 100% but I bet I'm close.
Your assumption is incorrect, and I’ve voted since ‘73 and voted third party a couple of times in both Federal and local elections.
Your assumption is incorrect, and I’ve voted since ‘73 and voted third party a couple of times in both Federal and local elections.

Don't you read before replying? I now know you are another person who throws their vote away. Now why don't you tell me who these mythical Republicans you have voted for.
The celebration goes on..the Eagle's loss...
(gee, they could have taken a knee in the Oval office...missed

The "celebration" where WH house staffers were pressed into service to beef up the crowd. And a lily-white crowd it was. :D

"In fact, many of the attendees were White House and congressional staffers—the ID-cards around their necks gave them away pretty easily. ABC reports they had been invited via an email blast the morning of the event."

It's not about anything but a bruised ego, so he did what any overgrown ego child would do. You can't deny me, I deny you. But they did it first Donald, so it's now just a pity party of one mega toddler, in a suit. It's meaningless bluster of a child, that would normally be laughed of as just being a brat, but a grown man, let alone the fucking president, with the greatest responsibilities in the land. God save America. Apparently acting like children so much, that actual children are even forced to take the forefront of some issues, is the new normal for the Republican standard. P.S. God if you can't save us, putting us out of or misery might be the merciful thing to do.

trump has a hell of a nerve demanding how people should express their patriotism. When he said "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country" I thought some cons would criticize him, but mostly there was silence.