President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

Isn't it kinda sad, in a pathetic kinda way that these great patriots defending their wretched ruler don't know that?? That he simply lied about/excused away w/ lies why he uninvited them & they slurped it up, hook, line & sinker.:palm:

Welcome back! Good to seeya again.
The "celebration" where WH house staffers were pressed into service to beef up the crowd. And a lily-white crowd it was. :D

"In fact, many of the attendees were White House and congressional staffers—the ID-cards around their necks gave them away pretty easily. ABC reports they had been invited via an email blast the morning of the event."

Good God.
That is off the charts lame.
I've noticed this is true of most veterans no matter which side of the political aisle they call home. It's only the massively insecure ones who get wrapped up in symbolism and feel the need to whine and screech about "disrespect." Those are, naturally, the Trumpanzees who apparently enjoy being played by a con man who never served, has nothing but contempt for those who did (like John McCain and the Gold Star parents), and who manipulates them like a master puppeteer.

Said the gullible individual that elected a POTUS based upon the color of his skin. Enlighten us......just what branch of service did OBAMA serve and just where did he get the idea to enlist a private Brown Shirt army equal to the US military? Talk about Nazi Nationalism. Really "you" need a private national security force equal to and as well funded as the US MILITARY?
Hello Trump Diva,

It has nothing to do with flag and country.

They are making a statement that race relations are bad.

Things need to change.

It is a peaceful protest.

Nobody has to watch it. Everybody is free to go get a beer or go to the bathroom during the anthem. Plenty of people do it. Nobody has anything disapproving to say about them.

Oh bullshit. They are shitting on the flag no matter how you spin it. We pay their salaries so they can do their 'protests' anytime but when they are on the job.

Shit on the flag, pay the price. Fans are appalled by these anti-American, braindead millionaires shitting on the country which made them rich.
Not the victims. Is that what you thought? It is about the unarmed blacks abused and killed by police. The players used their first amendment rights to kneel. They did not disrupt the game .They were silent. This whole mess in Trumps fault. Some teams did , on some teams a couple players, some teams none. Who paid attention? Then Trump made a big fucking deal out of nothing and you bought in 100 percent.

Then why haven't they taken their protests to the source of their complaints? If Kaepernick organized his protests in front of police stations or courthouses, I'd bet no one would be complaining. But no, he blamed the whole country ("I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,") when the fact is the whole "country" is not to blame.
Said the gullible individual that elected a POTUS based upon the color of his skin. Enlighten us......just what branch of service did OBAMA serve and just where did he get the idea to enlist a private Brown Shirt army equal to the US military? Talk about Nazi Nationalism. Really "you" need a private national security force equal to and as well funded as the US MILITARY?

Please get back on your meds. Thanks.
Then why haven't they taken their protests to the source of their complaints? If Kaepernick organized his protests in front of police stations or courthouses, I'd bet no one would be complaining. But no, he blamed the whole country ("I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,") when the fact is the whole "country" is not to blame.
trump has a hell of a nerve demanding how people should express their patriotism. When he said "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country" I thought some cons would criticize him, but mostly there was silence.

Of course they won't. The armchair patriots think that *any* protest that they do not agree with is subversive, wrong, possibly even treasonous. The anthem celebrates freedom. But don't you dare exercise *your* First Amendment rights during the playing of it!

Whatever happened to "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?
Don't you read before replying? I now know you are another person who throws their vote away. Now why don't you tell me who these mythical Republicans you have voted for.
What an asinine comment. No vote is ever thrown away. It is my right to vote for the person that I see as a politician who will do the will of the people.
What an asinine comment. No vote is ever thrown away. It is my right to vote for the person that I see as a politician who will do the will of the people.

Yes it is your right to vote for whom ever you want.

But only a moron would vote for a candidate with no hope nor chance of winning, and then believe they accomplished anything.

Like it or not voting third party in a presidential election is an exercise in futility.
All you kneeling for the anthem supporters.

Just what does the National Anthem have to do with city or state police forces shooting unarmed black people? You do understand the federal government has little or no control over city and state police forces?
All you kneeling for the anthem supporters.

Just what does the National Anthem have to do with city or state police forces shooting unarmed black people? You do understand the federal government has little or no control over city and state police forces?

NOTHING ... because it's not about The Anthem ... step on the gas and try to catch up sport.

NOTHING ... because it's not about The Anthem ... step on the gas and try to catch up sport.

Oh I'm not the one that needs to catch up you do. I understand that you support a bullshit action that is nothing more than grand standing!!!!!

Glad to see you admit that it is an inappropriate act as the two have nothing to do with each other. And you should be demonstrating at police buildings where it might do some good.
Oh I'm not the one that needs to catch up you do. I understand that you support a bullshit action that is nothing more than grand standing!!!!!

Glad to see you admit that it is an inappropriate act as the two have nothing to do with each other. And you should be demonstrating at police buildings where it might do some good.

It must suck that you don't have the power anymore ... :laugh:
Hello Trump Diva,

Oh bullshit.

No BS. I made extremely valid points which you blew off in order to focus on this one thing that you can't get our of your head. It is a thing which was placed there by the president. You have allowed our leader to do your thinking for you; and that is very dangerous to our freedom.

They are shitting on the flag no matter how you spin it.

True, and I would not choose that form of protest myself, but you don't even want to TALK about why they have done that. You refuse to see beyond this simpleton mental block placed in your head by our president. It is sad some people can be so easily manipulated by a demagogue.

We pay their salaries so they can do their 'protests' anytime but when they are on the job.

Shit on the flag, pay the price.

No. Our freedom is not that simple. You are not their boss. You are but one fan among many. And yours is NOT the dominant position!

Fans are appalled by these anti-American, braindead millionaires shitting on the country which made them rich.

SOME fans are appalled. OTHERS are paying attention to the reason these players would do this seemingly anti-American thing. Is it REALLY anti-American? These players ARE Americans. They are not SAYING anything bad about America. They are SAYING our country has some problems which need to be addressed. If these problems did not exist, they would not be engaging in this form of protest which, btw, is protected by our great Constitution, and the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

Some Trump supporters have this tendency to believe that they are the majority, that theirs are the most popular views, but that just isn't true.

And what makes you think these protesting players are 'braindead?' Football is not just a physical sport. Players have to be smart enough to know what to do on the field, and how to train for that. These are the best players in the country. They are not dummies.

They are smart enough to know that an NFL career lasts a little more than a decade, that they only have that much time to make all the money they will ever make out of it, and that they will have national name recognition only as long as they are actively playing, and that they only have this one time window of public recognition in which to make a statement. They give up quite a bit, take a huge risk with their career to further this worthy cause, which you, apparently, refuse to even acknowledge the existence of the problem. They have far more vested in this than you do. And some of them probably know people who have been wrongly abused or even killed by police simply because they are black.

If you and others don't even understand or want to admit why these players are protesting in this way, then the protests are totally warranted.
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It must suck that you don't have the power anymore ... :laugh:

No what sucks is you going through life believing you're a second class citizen. Maybe if you buried some of your hatred for white people you will find we are all the same people under the skin. I don't know about you but every black or white or red or yellow person I have ever met had red blood just like me. Guess it sucks to be you.
No what sucks is you going through life believing you're a second class citizen. Maybe if you buried some of your hatred for white people you will find we are all the same people under the skin. I don't know about you but every black or white or red or yellow person I have ever met had red blood just like me. Guess it sucks to be you.

:laugh: You obviously never met me ... but please continue