President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

I am willing to bet that your husband like me supports the Constitution, and the rights guaranteed by it! But gets pissed when people abuse those rights to shit on the symbols of the country that gives them the rights.
Nope, he supports the people, symbols are symbols, they aren’t the USA, he doesn’t buy into uberPatriotism. The Constitution is “we the people”, not we the flag or anthem, without the people, symbols are meaningless.
Nope, he supports the people, symbols are symbols, they aren’t the USA, he doesn’t buy into uberPatriotism. The Constitution is “we the people”, not we the flag or anthem, without the people, symbols are meaningless.

No offense meant. He must be a bleeding heart just like you. I'm not surprised at all.

So you are saying that this country is no different than any other. GOT IT!

I'm still waiting for your apology.
Nope, he supports the people, symbols are symbols, they aren’t the USA, he doesn’t buy into uberPatriotism. The Constitution is “we the people”, not we the flag or anthem, without the people, symbols are meaningless.

I've noticed this is true of most veterans no matter which side of the political aisle they call home. It's only the massively insecure ones who get wrapped up in symbolism and feel the need to whine and screech about "disrespect." Those are, naturally, the Trumpanzees who apparently enjoy being played by a con man who never served, has nothing but contempt for those who did (like John McCain and the Gold Star parents), and who manipulates them like a master puppeteer.
No offense meant. He must be a bleeding heart just like you. I'm not surprised at all.

So you are saying that this country is no different than any other. GOT IT!

I'm still waiting for your apology.
I owe you no apology, you are a Trump supporter, you voted for MAGA and the con man.
I owe you no apology, you are a Trump supporter, you voted for MAGA and the con man.

Oh but you do!!! You accused me of not thinking this country is great, and now you accuse me of being a Trump supporter. It's clear you only read or see what you want to see. To you all conservatives are Trump supporters and want to kill old people and the poor. Sorry but I am not a Trump supporter as my many posts have shown in the past!!!!! Yes I voted against Hillary and the only candidate that stood a chance of beating her was Trump. But your little myopic liberal views won't let you accept that so you must label all conservatives as Trump lovers/supporters.
Oh but you do!!! You accused me of not thinking this country is great, and now you accuse me of being a Trump supporter. It's clear you only read or see what you want to see. To you all conservatives are Trump supporters and want to kill old people and the poor. Sorry but I am not a Trump supporter as my many posts have shown in the past!!!!! Yes I voted against Hillary and the only candidate that stood a chance of beating her was Trump. But your little myopic liberal views won't let you accept that so you must label all conservatives as Trump lovers/supporters.
Lol, and you Trump supporters twist it, I don’t support him, but I voted for him? What? That type of logic escapes me.
How can you be disinvited when you're not going in the first place?

Sounds like an adolescent girl to me.
Well, some were going. There were supposed to be community events with the players. The Eagles couldn't get it together schedule-wise...the link explaining how things went down was posted...
The coach has moved on (no comments) for obvious reasons. So should you and everyone else....
Well, in this case of kneeling on the job, ... it has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

That is exactly what it is about. They have a right to protest, first amendment right. In case you are deliberately ignoring that, some owners did recognize that and kneel with them. This is about police brutality and killing of unarmed blacks. The anthem and flag have nothing to do with this. However Trump is great about reading low info people, like you. He sad he is going to pound this fake story all the way to midterms. You guys are such suckers.
Hello philly rabbit,

The president doesn't understand what the anthem protests are really about.

Those people who are protesting are making a very brave public statement about the equality they believe in down to their core.

That's a whole lot more American than denying the race problem exists, and trying to turn the protests into something else.

President Trump can't have it both ways.

He can't act like a racist and then pretend he's not a racist.

They're a bunch of grossly overpaid prima donnas.

And now they're all victims.

I personally hope they win two games next season.
Lol, and you Trump supporters twist it, I don’t support him, but I voted for him? What? That type of logic escapes me.

See you just proved my point!!!!!! You only see what you what to see and ignore everything else!!!!!!! I'll put this in as easy to understand words as I can so you might be able to grasp them, What part of I voted to keep Hillary from becoming president don't you understand?.

You are such a proud American you supported a woman who was a danger to national security and only looking to further enrich herself, thank God your side failed.
See you just proved my point!!!!!! You only see what you what to see and ignore everything else!!!!!!! I'll put this in as easy to understand words as I can so you might be able to grasp them, What part of I voted to keep Hillary from becoming president don't you understand?.

You are such a proud American you supported a woman who was a danger to national security and only looking to further enrich herself, thank God your side failed.
Ha ha, good for you mister president, and thank you!

None of the Eagles took a knee last season.

Also, is it really wise to pick a fight with a team whose fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus, and whose stadium features its own courthouse and jail because of those unruly fans?
They're a bunch of grossly overpaid prima donnas.
And now they're all victims.
I personally hope they win two games next season.

Not smart to pick a fight with the team whose fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus.

You're not going to win that fight.
I owe you no apology, you are a Trump supporter, you voted for MAGA and the con man.

That is a gig a lot of rightwing message boarders have adopted: "I voted for Trump but I don't support him!"

Lame, feeble, and preposterous.

I am absolutely convinced they adopt this gig because they do not want to be in the position of having to defend the Orange Clown, while still having carte blanche to complain about Democrats. That is the essence of that gig.

If one's only purpose in voting is to vote against Democrats, we don't even need a Republican Party. There just needs to be a "I hate Democrats" Party as America's second major party.
fwiw, no Eagles knelt last season during the national anthem

Isn't it kinda sad, in a pathetic kinda way that these great patriots defending their wretched ruler don't know that?? That he simply lied about/excused away w/ lies why he uninvited them & they slurped it up, hook, line & sinker.:palm:
That is a gig a lot of rightwing message boarders have adopted: "I voted for Trump but I don't support him!"

Lame, feeble, and preposterous.

I am absolutely convinced they adopt this gig because they do not want to be in the position of having to defend the Orange Clown, while still having carte blanche to complain about Democrats. That is the essence of that gig.

If one's only purpose in voting is to vote against Democrats, we don't even need a Republican Party. There just needs to be a "I hate Democrats" Party as America's second major party.
I also like how they know what kind of President Hillary would have made. They all have crystal balls.