President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

Hello Nordberg,

it is patriotic and constitutional to protest calmly and safely.

What an excellent point. You know, a lot of these people complaining about this calm peaceful protest are the same ones who, during riots, would loudly proclaim that: 'the left always has to turn to violence.'

Here is a clear example of a safe and peaceful protest by some on the left; and not a single word about how 'the left always has to turn to violence.'

It almost seems like this is really nothing but a lot of hot air.

Just a load of propaganda, cooked up, served, and swallowed whole by the Basket Of Deplorables.

The right looks so silly when it argues these mundane things; all to avoid admitting there is a problem!


Guess what, racists?

Race relations have gone downhill!

It is not safe to be a black man under white police jurisdiction.

A black man could be shot in the back for the 'crime' of DRIVING WHILE BLACK.

It happened to Walter Scott.

Shot dead over a burned out tail light bulb.


Ya know?

The things these racists come up with to do harm to, or even kill black men!


We've got a lot of work to do in this country.

And it begins with admitting there is a problem.
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Hello Trump Diva,

Amen to that! Enough of these brawny, braindead millionaires shitting on our flag and country.

It has nothing to do with flag and country.

They are making a statement that race relations are bad.

Things need to change.

It is a peaceful protest.

Nobody has to watch it. Everybody is free to go get a beer or go to the bathroom during the anthem. Plenty of people do it. Nobody has anything disapproving to say about them.

Or do like this loyal Jets Fan does.

Wear a T-Shirt that says you stand for the anthem.

Lay the American Flag out on the ground, - and SIT on it!

-With his rear end right on the flag.

-While sipping beer through a straw.

You can't make this stuff up:

Jets Fan Who 'Stands For The National Anthem:' Sits On The American Flag!

Must be a proud Trump voter.

Yes the Eagles did not protest once all year. Nobody took a knee. But they should be taught a lesson. Why? Trumps asshole posturing put the owners and players under a lot of unnecessary stress and criticism. But they should have shown up for the Trump photo op. Why. They owe him nothing. Trump crapped over them all year. using them to stir up his low level voters.
Okay, so what are you complaining about?

They either go to the white house as a team - an entire team or fuck 'em, nobody goes.

Thank you president Trump.

Bull Shit, the entire roster hasn't always gone to the WH ... there's always been players who didn't go.
If social justice is defending those that shit on the symbols of the greatest nation on earth, then neither do I.
The only problem, that isn’t what they are doing, and aren’t you one of those fellows who claim we aren’t so great, that we need to “Make America Great Again”?
They must be soooooooooooooo proud of you for disrespecting the symbols of this great nation that they swore to protect and serve. Yep typical ungrateful twit.
My husband, a decorated vet supports everyone’s rights, he thought that was the reason he fought.
The only problem, that isn’t what they are doing, and aren’t you one of those fellows who claim we aren’t so great, that we need to “Make America Great Again”?

Sorry But I have never used that term nor believed it. In fact I often proclaim this is the Greatest country on God's green earth. Being a mod you should have the capability to verify my statement. Then you can apologize if you have any self respect.
My husband, a decorated vet supports everyone’s rights, he thought that was the reason he fought.

I am willing to bet that your husband like me supports the Constitution, and the rights guaranteed by it! But gets pissed when people abuse those rights to shit on the symbols of the country that gives them the rights.