President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

[h=1]Only Ten Members Of The Super Bowl Champion Eagles Were Going To Show Up At The Trump House[/h]

That is fine. He should have accepted them and let the others look childish.

I know in your pea brain you think the players are winning something, but you can't even articulate what that is. Supposedly this is to raise awareness about some issue, but you can't state what it is and it gets drowned out because you want to disgrace the flag. Keep running with that narrative
That is fine. He should have accepted them and let the others look childish.

I know in your pea brain you think the players are winning something, but you can't even articulate what that is. Supposedly this is to raise awareness about some issue, but you can't state what it is and it gets drowned out because you want to disgrace the flag. Keep running with that narrative

That Thin Skin Little Pussy only cares about himself, not you.
I guess. He shouldn't disinvite them. If some players want to show up, then lavish praise on them and ignore the others who don't let them look childish.

No matter what Trump did he would be demonized. If he let the ten show then the media would say that the Eagles won a great victory buy slapping Trump in the face. This way Trump can take the high ground and say that the Eagles showed disrespect for the WH by only wanting to send a few players instead of the whole team.
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This from CNN
"The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow," Trump said in a statement. "They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country. The Eagles wanted to send a smaller delegation, but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better."

Looks like the Eagles sending only a few players was a slap to the president so he said ( I paraphrase) screw you if all can't attend then none shall attend.

He still might try to call it the largest NFL contingent ever to visit the White House.
No matter what Trump did he would be demonized. If he let the ten show then the media would say that the Eagles won a great victory buy slapping Trump in the face. This way Trump can take the high ground and say that the Eagles showed disrespect for the WH buy only wanting to send a few players instead of the whole team.

Trump take the high ground? :lolup::rofl2:
Hey Einstein I didn't say a word about flag burning! But since you bring it up burning the flag isn't the only display of disdain shown towards symbols of this country. Clearly you are so stupid you can't see that I was talking about all such demonstrations not just the kneeling.

So you didn't post a picture of a flag burning? Are you nuts?
Trump is using this for a huge distraction. Never once has he recognized, or addressed the real reasons for the kneeling. He made it about the flag, when it was never about that and still isn't. This is taking a lie and running with it. Sadly, it has worked on so many rightys and even some real Americans. Trump is a master con man and the right are incredible suckers.
Nope.. I'm a girl and had no desire to be in the military, but the men in my family have served in every war since the American Revolution.

They must be soooooooooooooo proud of you for disrespecting the symbols of this great nation that they swore to protect and serve. Yep typical ungrateful twit.
It's not about anything but a bruised ego, so he did what any overgrown ego child would do. You can't deny me, I deny you. But they did it first Donald, so it's now just a pity party of one mega toddler, in a suit. It's meaningless bluster of a child, that would normally be laughed of as just being a brat, but a grown man, let alone the fucking president, with the greatest responsibilities in the land. God save America. Apparently acting like children so much, that actual children are even forced to take the forefront of some issues, is the new normal for the Republican standard. P.S. God if you can't save us, putting us out of or misery might be the merciful thing to do.
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[h=1]Only Ten Members Of The Super Bowl Champion Eagles Were Going To Show Up At The Trump House[/h]

Okay, so what are you complaining about?

They either go to the white house as a team - an entire team or fuck 'em, nobody goes.

Thank you president Trump.