President Trump Tells Social Justice Warrior Eagles To Stuff It

They must be soooooooooooooo proud of you for disrespecting the symbols of this great nation that they swore to protect and serve. Yep typical ungrateful twit.

Kneeling is a sign of reverence and fealty.. or didn't you know that?
Hello philly rabbit,

Ha ha, good for you mister president, and thank you!

The president doesn't understand what the anthem protests are really about.

Those people who are protesting are making a very brave public statement about the equality they believe in down to their core.

That's a whole lot more American than denying the race problem exists, and trying to turn the protests into something else.

President Trump can't have it both ways.

He can't act like a racist and then pretend he's not a racist.
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Kneeling is a sign of reverence and fealty.. or didn't you know that?

Kneeling is a sign of submission and fear of a higher power. So it has nothing to do with showing respect for the anthem. In fact it is being used as a sign of disrespect. Maybe if you had listened to your relatives who served or paid attention during your Civics class you would know and understand that.
Kneeling is a sign of submission and fear of a higher power. So it has nothing to do with showing respect for the anthem. In fact it is being used as a sign of disrespect. Maybe if you had listened to your relatives who served or paid attention during your Civics class you would know and understand that.

So you aren't a Christian......???
The Trump reaction to the kneelings, is fake news. He lied about the reason for the protests in order to stir up the rightys. It worked so well . The rightys are never embarrassed by being suckered by a lying Trump. They are all over this board bitching about the lack of patriotism. Sorry, but it is patriotic and constitutional to protest calmly and safely. Do rightys really think they should take away the players rights? They were protesting the police abuse and killing of unarmed blacks. It had absolutely nothing to do with the flag or the service. I would be shocked if Trump did not know that. But I know he seized on an opportunity to twist it into something else. Trump has an incredible talent to read and maneuver people. The right are like play things to Donald.
So you aren't a Christian......???

Nice try but religion has nothing to do with this debate. The point is that kneeling during the national anthem is not a display of respect but disdain. Tim Tebow would kneel and pray then rise for the anthem. So your argument is pure hog wash.
Kneeling is a sign of submission and fear of a higher power. So it has nothing to do with showing respect for the anthem. In fact it is being used as a sign of disrespect. Maybe if you had listened to your relatives who served or paid attention during your Civics class you would know and understand that.

So you aren't a Christian......???
If they had concern for our country, they wouldn't shit on our flag and anthem.

They are loathed for this shit.

She is one of those liberals who tries to hide political disdain
and disrespect for the symbols of this country in a Christianity smoke screen.
attn: liberals, you're goin to lose this one, wake up

Nope. It was won when Kap started to protest police brutality and killing of unarmed blacks. The thing you are bitching about does not exist. The protest was not about the flag , anthem or the service. That is entirely made up by Daffy Donald. I did not think even rightys would fall for that fake crap, but i was wrong. Perhaps Trump will claim it is about Hillary, then you will believe that. Maybe he will claim it is a protest against Sessions, then you will be all for it. it does not matter. You kids just follow along without thought.
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fwiw, no Eagles knelt last season during the national anthem

That’s right. Again, fwiw, as a Cowboys fan, it’s hard for me to say but I like a lot of the Eagles players. Especially that quarterback. But then I liked Randall Cunningham back in the day as well.