President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

Over the top rhetoric that does not comport with limited targeting of chemical stockpiles. It basically is, "Asaad is a monster, but we are leaving him in power."
that's a strategic decision.
what happens if you take out Assad?

oh shit. Damascus hit.
Breaking News
‏Verified account @BreakingNews
12m12 minutes ago

Several explosions heard in Damascus and smoke seen rising on east side of city, @Reuters reports citing witness.
8 replies 228 retweets 82 likes
Breaking News
‏Verified account @BreakingNews
8m8 minutes ago

British PM May: We cannot allow the use of chemical weapons to become normalized – within Syria, on the streets of the UK, or anywhere else in our world. We would have preferred an alternative path. But on this occasion there is none."
4 replies 102 retweets 123 likes


Breaking News
‏Verified account @BreakingNews
8m8 minutes ago

British PM May: "This evening I have authorized British armed forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes to degrade the Syrian Regime’s chemical weapons capability and deter their use."
Everyone here is a bit premature, nobody knows what actually happened, well, except Hannity, he's now got Trump up there with Roosevelt and Eisenhower

Had to occur, to do nothing would have been a huge mistake, let's just hope US personnel is safe and Syrian civilian injuries are at a minimum
Everyone here is a bit premature, nobody knows what actually happened, well, except Hannity, he's now got Trump up there with Roosevelt and Eisenhower

Had to occur, to do nothing would have been a huge mistake, let's just hope US personnel is safe and Syrian civilian injuries are at a minimum

I also prayed and asked God to give us and our allies over there excellent eyesight and sharp precision!
The decision not to take him out may be strategic, but vilifying him in your speech and then not taking him out looks feeble.
that's absurd. It's called "proportional response"
Look I am 100% against this as it's NOT IN OUR INTEREST ( just because of da Russians) - our interest is in keeping the jihadi groups like Jabhat Fateh al-Sham OUT OF POWER