President will speak shortly; will strike Syria

Breaking news that Mueller has evidence now that Cohen was indeed in Prague meeting with Russians in the late summer of 2016.
Cohen has always denied that he was ever in Prague and even tweeted a picture of his passport to prove it.
The evidence gathered from Cohen's offices shows that he was lying . He entered the Czech Republic by way of Germany where there are open boarders so nothing would show on his passport.
The significance of all this you ask?
This was one of the key items in the Steele Dossier that the Trump team has held up as proof that the Dossier is made up. The dossier reported that Cohen was in Prague in the late summer of 2016 to meet with a Russian oligarch who was very close to Putin. Guess what. It's all true.
Nothing in the Steele dossier has proven to be false.
The timing of the Syria missile launch is to steal the headlines from this new evidence.
Wag the orange clown.

Yup. That's it. The FBI and Assad and the Pentagon all colluded to put this perfectly timed perfect storm together just to fit your narrative.
Bottom line is that using chemical weapons is illegal in a weird world in which some methods of killing is allowed and others are not.
Therefore Assad doing it is felony stupid. That force the US and others to make a show. Putin should be pissed at Assad too.

The US did what they had to do and not too much. It says "you do this again, then guess what, we will shock and awe". I think that message was sent this night.

Trump got out of the way, said yes, and read a nice little speech someone 1000 times more intelligent than he wrote. Good for Trump.

If he continues to defer to real people, I will allow him to persist in office.
Bottom line is that using chemical weapons is illegal in a weird world in which some methods of killing is allowed and others are not.
Therefore Assad doing it is felony stupid. That force the US and others to make a show. Putin should be pissed at Assad too.

The US did what they had to do and not too much. It says "you do this again, then guess what, we will shock and awe". I think that message was sent this night.

Trump got out of the way, said yes, and read a nice little speech someone 1000 times more intelligent than he wrote. Good for Trump.

If he continues to defer to real people, I will allow him to persist in office.
very noble of you,your Highness
well i feel a bit better. this isn't really going after Assad forces ( and they claim they bypassed civilian facilities).
It's a far cry from Libya/Iraq interventionism.

Hopefully it didn't change the balance of power.. Assad is close to winning the war. end it


I’m interested to see if Trump holds the line on the six month pull out dead line.

If he does that I’ll declare victory.
Yup. That's it. The FBI and Assad and the Pentagon all colluded to put this perfectly timed perfect storm together just to fit your narrative.
Chemical attacks in Syria have been happening the whole time Trump was in office, why did it suddenly matter, now?
Syria is a long time Russian client state. they upgraded their port of Tartus -they have AF and army bases there as well.
Assad invited them in..if you think geo-politics -Russia has kept Assad in power -or Assad would have been gone long ago..if Assad was kicked out because of lack of support -what happens to Syria?

the otherwise strongest factions are Islamic jihadi..they could easily take over Damascus
they came close a few years ago

what we really need to do is improve Russian elations -for all his talk tonight Trump made a point of saying that . It would greatly benefit us not just in the mid-east,but would also be superior to have Russia with a natural European orientation -turning AWAY FROM CHINA -our long term nemesis

The Russians will be elated to hear that China is our real enemy.
There should be elations in the streets.
I’m interested to see if Trump holds the line on the six month pull out dead line.

If he does that I’ll declare victory.

US generals have already said that Assad won the war..

The future of Syria looks pretty bleak.. with polio and illiteracy in the picture.
US generals have already said that Assad won the war..

The future of Syria looks pretty bleak.. with polio and illiteracy in the picture.

It is bleak.

But so is our infrastructure. Trump ran on putting America first and it’s one of the reasons I voted for him.
Since when has that long winded bag of air ever spoke shortly?

How long was Obama speech on the strikes after Syria crossed his red line

Oh wait nevermind he did nit do a fucking thing he was scared of big bad Putin.. or he was exercising some of that flexibility he told Russia he would have