Primavera/cancelled by Damo 12/25

I have a memory of Prima saying that someone here tried to get him in trouble with the Thai authorities.

I never saw him say anything bad about the dictator King and I never saw him offer the meekest criticism of the Thai authoritarian police state.

What could he get in trouble for?

The only thing he was keen to criticize was America's democratic government.
He used to attack the king on twitter as Havana moon, then his real name disappeared, the one he joined JPP with, since he has been very quiet about the king, gee I wonder why

Well that was crazy. No insult to JPP intended but Twitter has to have millions more followers than this forum. :D
I never saw him say anything bad about the dictator King and I never saw him offer the meekest criticism of the Thai authoritarian police state.

What could he get in trouble for?

The only thing he was keen to criticize was America's democratic government.

American democracy was murdered by the WOKE Revolution but I dont know the details of what Prima claimed was done to him....only that he said that something was.
Does anybody know the difference between cancelled and banned?????

Yes. Cancelled is when you ask the mods to close your account for a reason. Banned is when the mods close your account because you've broken the rules too many times.

There have been a few cancellations since I've been here but not nearly as many as bans.
Yes. Cancelled is when you ask the mods to close your account for a reason. Banned is when the mods close your account because you've broken the rules too many times.

There have been a few cancellations since I've been here but not nearly as many as bans.

Maybe whatshisname had a visit from the Royal Thai Police? He's made several enemies on JPP by constantly attacking Americans and pushing his racist, monarchist bullshit.

I've done my best to educate others about how to contact the Royal Thai Police. Maybe someone finally did. Fine by me if they did. LOL

I truly lose my sense of humor with anti-American monarchists.
Yes. Cancelled is when you ask the mods to close your account for a reason. Banned is when the mods close your account because you've broken the rules too many times.

There have been a few cancellations since I've been here but not nearly as many as bans.

Thank you
Well that was crazy. No insult to JPP intended but Twitter has to have millions more followers than this forum. :D

Thailand monitors the internet

Around a quarter of Thai citizens are online. Some, particularly those in Bangkok, can access high-speed Internet at home or at cyber cafes. Until 2006, the state-run Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) operated the nation’s only Internet exchange point. There are now nine exchange points, with the CAT operating only two. In 2010, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) replaced the National Telecommunications Commission as the country’s independent industry regulator. The Senate-appointed commission includes officials from the military, police, bureaucracy, and civil society. The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) oversees ICT policy throughout the country, including those related to Internet filtering.

The Thai government has used legislation, court orders, and extrajudicial authority to restrict online speech, leading many netizens to self-censor. In 2002, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) created a Cyber Inspector unit that filters content relating to pornography, gambling, terrorism, separatist movements, and criticism of the monarchy. The last category—called lese majeste—has driven an increase in censorship and, since 2008, state-run Internet gateways have primarily filtered URLs relating to such content. The 2007 Computer Crime Act empowers the government to block online information, seize computer equipment, and punish people who use computers to commit crimes, spread pornography, or post information “likely to damage the country's security or cause a public panic.” The law extends the same penalty to Internet service providers as it does to individuals, chilling free expression online.
American democracy was murdered by the WOKE Revolution but I dont know the details of what Prima claimed was done to him....only that he said that something was.

Of course you do, weirdoboy. lol

Maybe whatshisname had a visit from the Royal Thai Police? He's made several enemies on JPP by constantly attacking Americans and pushing his racist, monarchist bullshit.

I've done my best to educate others about how to contact the Royal Thai Police. Maybe someone finally did. Fine by me if they did. LOL

I truly lose my sense of humor with anti-American monarchists.

Well, he's still here, not banned, just added /cancelled after his name for reasons only psychos know. lol
Well, he's still here, not banned, just added /cancelled after his name for reasons only psychos know. lol

His last post was yesterday morning:

His name doesn't show up on the community membership roster:

That can't be faked; his name was removed from the roster.

That said, I agree he's still here...just under a sock username. Find an anti-American monarchist dumbass who suddenly starts posting more often and that would be my first suspect. LOL
Thailand monitors the internet

Around a quarter of Thai citizens are online. Some, particularly those in Bangkok, can access high-speed Internet at home or at cyber cafes. Until 2006, the state-run Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) operated the nation’s only Internet exchange point. There are now nine exchange points, with the CAT operating only two. In 2010, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) replaced the National Telecommunications Commission as the country’s independent industry regulator. The Senate-appointed commission includes officials from the military, police, bureaucracy, and civil society. The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) oversees ICT policy throughout the country, including those related to Internet filtering.

The Thai government has used legislation, court orders, and extrajudicial authority to restrict online speech, leading many netizens to self-censor. In 2002, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) created a Cyber Inspector unit that filters content relating to pornography, gambling, terrorism, separatist movements, and criticism of the monarchy. The last category—called lese majeste—has driven an increase in censorship and, since 2008, state-run Internet gateways have primarily filtered URLs relating to such content. The 2007 Computer Crime Act empowers the government to block online information, seize computer equipment, and punish people who use computers to commit crimes, spread pornography, or post information “likely to damage the country's security or cause a public panic.” The law extends the same penalty to Internet service providers as it does to individuals, chilling free expression online.

All of the World is going in that direction.....the Chinese have won the battle on what the Internet should look like.
Internet censorship is conducted by the Royal Thai Police, the Communications Authority of Thailand, and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT).

(content that defames, insults, threatens, or is unflattering to the King, includes national security and some political issues)

Oh, you're right. It could have been the Thai internet police who caught him. He's a little weird, but I never had a real problem with him. He has the ability to debate honestly which is more than I can say for most of the MAGAs here.
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Oh, you're right. It could have been the Thai internet police who caught him. He's a little weird, but I never ha a dreal problem with him. He has the ability to debate honestly which is more than I can say for most of the MAGAs here.

Or maybe the authorities showed up at his door to question him, and he knows that it was being on JPP that caused it.
Oh, you're right. It could have been the Thai internet police who caught him. He's a little weird, but I never had a real problem with him. He has the ability to debate honestly which is more than I can say for most of the MAGAs here.

Well, that's because he perceived you to be a male and less "educated" than he claims to be. If you're a woman here your TommyResults vary a lot, because he thinks we are all stupid. If you're an American male who he thinks is more educated, intelligent, and credible than he is then he gets almost as nasty and trollish in his responses to you.
He probably will post and lurk under a different screen name.

I believe he was already posting and decided to lurk under the name Primavera/cancelled.......obviously a rule violation......what will be interesting is to see who else gets a ban for the violation......