Privelege Grant

Here's another opinion on the perception that white males are at a disadvantage for scholarships.

MICHEL MARTIN, host: We wanted to dig further into Colby Bohannan's perception that whites, particularly white men, are somehow at a disadvantage when it comes to getting college scholarships. So we've called one of the country's leading experts on college financing, Mark Kantrowitz. He's the publisher of, a free scholarship-matching service, and He's the author of "Secrets to Winning a Scholarship." And he's been called upon to testify before Congress on these matters. And he's with us now from member station WQED in Pittsburgh.

Mark Kantrowitz, welcome. Thanks so much for joining us.

Mr. MARK KANTROWITZ (Publisher, and; Author): Thank you for having me.

MARTIN: Now, you just heard Colby Bohannan say that he had a difficult time finding scholarships that he was eligible for. Is it true that minorities are more likely to receive college scholarships?

Mr. KANTROWITZ: In fact, they are less likely to receive college scholarships. And they represent about a third of the applicants, but only about 28 percent of the recipients. Caucasian students receive 72 percent of all scholarships. Minority students receive only 28 percent of all scholarships.

MARTIN: Why might that be so?

Mr. KANTROWITZ: Well, partly, the scholarship providers, private scholarships, are sponsored by individuals, and many times for people who are like themselves or who engage in activities like themselves. It's not deliberate discrimination, but, for example, very few minority students engage in equestrian sports, whereas Caucasian students might be more likely to. I mean, that's a pretty rare example. But it shows that when you have scholarships that are for characteristics that you value, then people like you are more likely to qualify for those awards.

MARTIN: You actually say in your book that this is a common misperception and that, actually, every couple of years, somebody comes up with an idea like Colby Bohannan's and tries to generate or create a scholarship specifically for white students. And it generally doesn't take off or last very long. Why do you think that this perception persists? And why is it that these kinds of, like, for-whites-only scholarships don't tend to succeed very well, even though scholarships for people who engage in specific activities that white people might be more interested in, are more likely to participate in, does persist over time?

Mr. KANTROWITZ: Well, the scholarships are a lot rarer than people expect. I mean, families tend to overestimate their eligibility for merit-based awards and underestimate their eligibility for need-based awards. The merit-based scholarships for students who are pursuing a four-year degree, a bachelor's degree, about one in 10 students receives private-sector scholarships to pay for their education. And the average amount used per year is $2,815. So when students have higher expectations about the availability of scholarships and then don't win the scholarships, they want to blame someone. And there are a few high-profile scholarships for minority students, and that attracts the attention. They then want to blame those awards.

As to why these scholarships for whites-only awards or white men tend to not last, they tend to be sponsored by students. Before the current one, there was one by the College Republicans at Boston University. And these are students who are doing this attract publicity, and they generally don't last beyond the students' graduation.

MARTIN: And on this specific perception that Colby Bohannan had, is that white males particularly are at a specific disadvantage, do you have any reflections on that?

Mr. KANTROWITZ: Well, men are underrepresented in college education. For the past decade or two, there has been a shift in college enrollment from men being the majority to women being the majority. I don't have a good explanation for why that shift has occurred, but it's something that I've observed. But the ability of men to win scholarships is about the same as the ability of women, even when you disaggregate it by race.

Mr. KANTROWITZ: Well, men are underrepresented in college education. For the past decade or two, there has been a shift in college enrollment from men being the majority to women being the majority. I don't have a good explanation for why that shift has occurred, but it's something that I've observed. [/URL]

This is something the scholarship is trying to address. After all we want equality. No matter the rate of acceptance the more total available scholarships available out there the more total males can go to college. The end result is that 8 more straight white men could go to college that wouldnt have been able to afford it before bringing us one step closer to equality :)

In the future if the privelege grant succeedds maybe it can look into branching out into other races but for now it has to take its limited resources into account and try to address the male / female imbalance as best it can.
This is something the scholarship is trying to address. After all we want equality. No matter the rate of acceptance the more total available scholarships available out there the more total males can go to college. The end result is that 8 more straight white men could go to college that wouldnt have been able to afford it before bringing us one step closer to equality :)

In the future if the privelege grant succeedds maybe it can look into branching out into other races but for now it has to take its limited resources into account and try to address the male / female imbalance as best it can.
good luck. As a straight white male no one gave me any scholarship. I paid cold hard cash for my education. It taught me responsibility, the value of money and the value of an education that I paid through the nose for.

So that's my legacy to your 8 straight white males. Get a job.
good luck. As a straight white male no one gave me any scholarship. I paid cold hard cash for my education. It taught me responsibility, the value of money and the value of an education that I paid through the nose for.

So that's my legacy to your 8 straight white males. Get a job.

and you should be applauded for your hard work :) you anecdotal evidence aside I dont see why there should be no scholarships for white males as there is a severe imbalance between males and females in college. This grant is just doing its (small) part to put equality in our society.

More opportunities for education can only lead to good things :)

I get that most people believe in Bernie Sanders message that "white people dont know what it is like to be poor" but the reality is poverty knows no race and affects all segments of the population.
Your joke are as weak as your proof of skydaddy!
I didn't think it was real
So some racist are sending 8 white guys to college

Budding racists can't possibly compete honestly in the arena of ideas, so it's only natural that older racists provide some sort of "scholarship" that might allow the newly indoctrinated "proto-racists" to go out into the hallowed halls of higher learning and attempt to influence other young, impressionable minds.
Budding racists can't possibly compete honestly in the arena of ideas, so it's only natural that older racists provide some sort of "scholarship" that might allow the newly indoctrinated "proto-racists" to go out into the hallowed halls of higher learning and attempt to influence other young, impressionable minds.

:( why is it ok to have a scholarship for black men/women female whites latin american men/women gays transgenders but not for straight white males?

its only 8 and its statistically proven that there is gender inequality in our colleges as more women attend than men.
:( why is it ok to have a scholarship for black men/women female whites latin american men/women gays transgenders but not for straight white males?

its only 8 and its statistically proven that there is gender inequality in our colleges as more women attend than men.

Why don't you just yell, that you didn't go to college!
This is something the scholarship is trying to address. After all we want equality. No matter the rate of acceptance the more total available scholarships available out there the more total males can go to college. The end result is that 8 more straight white men could go to college that wouldnt have been able to afford it before bringing us one step closer to equality :)

In the future if the privelege grant succeedds maybe it can look into branching out into other races but for now it has to take its limited resources into account and try to address the male / female imbalance as best it can.

I'm wondering why you inserted the word "straight" before "white males" in all your posts. That is never mentioned on the website and in fact, Yiannopolous is a gay man. Do you have a problem with gays or did you just think nobody would notice?
:( why is it ok to have a scholarship for black men/women female whites latin american men/women gays transgenders but not for straight white males?

its only 8 and its statistically proven that there is gender inequality in our colleges as more women attend than men.

It's still a money-making business. Maybe statistics have shown that women are more likely than men to stick it out the entire four years, thus keeping that tuition rolling in.
I'm wondering why you inserted the word "straight" before "white males" in all your posts. That is never mentioned on the website and in fact, Yiannopolous is a gay man. Do you have a problem with gays or did you just think nobody would notice?

I've never heard a college grad talk this racist or bigoted