
We are around 18 posts in now and there have been a couple of attempts to de-rail your thread, a signature of the Right Wingers in this Forum. If they can't debate you, they will try to de-rail the thread. In fact your very first response from a Right Banger was an attempt to de-rail.

On abortion, I tend to think that there are measures that could be taken to end Abortion as a necessity and eventually ban it except for rape, incest etc. But no one wants to hear that.

Holding standards on imperfect people and letting a child suffer is ignorance.

Grind is pro-abortion, in case you were considering his posts derailment. Quit fucking lying about this stuff.
What did Grind or you have to say about the topic at hand........nothing. So read more, type less kid.


As for me, I discussed adoption, which has a slight amount to do with abortion. Also, genius, the thread title is Pro-Life - I reminded everyone that the Anti-Life side is currently supporting such policies as the drone program and our involvement in Libya.

As for me, I discussed adoption, which has a slight amount to do with abortion. Also, genius, the thread title is Pro-Life - I reminded everyone that the Anti-Life side is currently supporting such policies as the drone program and our involvement in Libya.

It's not about being pro, or least

For most of us it's about the idea of choice.
It's not about being pro, or least

For most of us it's about the idea of choice.

But when the choice is murder it goes a little deeper than that. In fact using the word "choice" shows how dishonest abortion supporters are. They can't even be honest about who they are. They have to hide behind euphemisms.

Hell I could claim Zimmerman was Pro Choice the night he met young Trayvon. It was just a choice right? Nobody should get between a man and his gun.
We are around 18 posts in now and there have been a couple of attempts to de-rail your thread, a signature of the Right Wingers in this Forum. If they can't debate you, they will try to de-rail the thread. In fact your very first response from a Right Banger was an attempt to de-rail.

On abortion, I tend to think that there are measures that could be taken to end Abortion as a necessity and eventually ban it except for rape, incest etc. But no one wants to hear that.

Holding standards on imperfect people and letting a child suffer is ignorance.

Thats my whole point, Conservatives are so full of inconsistencies in their positions its crazy. They claim to be for less regulation, but want abortion and queer marriage(i'm against queer marriage but on purely moral grounds only but i've accepted thats a losing position and is inconsistent with the constitution) regulated to the hilt not regulate their guns, oh no thats wrong. Then they claim to want to lighten up the welfare rolls and such, well, at least here in the Baltimore D.C. area many of the children born in the inner city are born unwanted or drug addicted etc. etc. etc. and guess where they are headed? Thats right, right onto the dole but oh no the mother,, who knows what the future is going to bring, shouldn't be allowed to terminate the birth...........cons are so hypocritical it makes me laugh.

Only 1 so far has said they plan to
But when the choice is murder it goes a little deeper than that. In fact using the word "choice" shows how dishonest abortion supporters are. They can't even be honest about who they are. They have to hide behind euphemisms.

Hell I could claim Zimmerman was Pro Choice the night he met young Trayvon. It was just a choice right? Nobody should get between a man and his gun.

What euphenism? It is a choice. Don't like abortion? Don't have 1.

George Zimmerman was playing cops and robbers only he wasn't a cop and Trayvon wasn't a robber.
But when the choice is murder it goes a little deeper than that.

Abortion my well be murder especially if you could prove beyond any reasonable doubt when a human life becomes a human life. One could even argue that the sperm and or the egg by themselves are human life.

Of course promoting human life is a moral endeavor. But how does one condemn abortions and yet promote unnecessary involvement in undeclared, unconstitutional wars?
Abortion my well be murder especially if you could prove beyond any reasonable doubt when a human life becomes a human life. One could even argue that the sperm and or the egg by themselves are human life.

Of course promoting human life is a moral endeavor. But how does one condemn abortions and yet promote unnecessary involvement in undeclared, unconstitutional wars?

Wow that last line was beautiful! I hadn't put those two together yet but...lets take the case of Iraq.....................they had no qualms with sending 18-30 yr olds to fight somewhere where we had no business being and without proper could make the analogy that they care more for the fetus than they do young men.......young men are expendable politically just like saving the fetus is
So you'd rather the child suffer with what the overwhelming percentages say will be a life of abject poverty and misery?

There would be sooooo much less abject poverty and misery if fucking Democrats hadn’t enslaved the poor to a life of abject poverty and misery by abolishing the poor’s incentive and ambition for self-reliance with socialist government programs.
There would be sooooo much less abject poverty and misery if fucking Democrats hadn’t enslaved the poor to a life of abject poverty and misery by abolishing the poor’s incentive and ambition for self-reliance with socialist government programs.

Oh the old "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" type. Republicans tell you that but then go and hide the laces(and cut laces production) so eventually you walk out of your boots.

Your view would've resulted in millions upon millions out on the streets while the corporate elite sip champagne and eat caviar with the money they save from having not to fund social safety nets.
Oh the old "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" type. Republicans tell you that but then go and hide the laces(and cut laces production) so eventually you walk out of your boots.

Your view would've resulted in millions upon millions out on the streets while the corporate elite sip champagne and eat caviar with the money they save from having not to fund social safety nets.

Well if you’d read the Constitution maybe you’d understand that the authority for “social safety nets” is awarded solely to the States and the people. The federal government is forbidden by the Constitution to provide social safety nets and anything else not enumerated in the Constitution as a power of the United States government.

Actually I support the founder’s idea of several State laboratories experimenting with laws and programs within the confines of the National Constitution and relevant to their particular State issues and the wellbeing of their citizens thereby providing evidence and ideas for one another as to what works and what doesn’t work and providing the freedom for State’s citizens to vote and accept and or reject the actions of State government or even vote with their feet and walk away from a particular State and live in another if they choose. I greatly prefer that Idea over “one size fits all” federal government extortion and inescapable mandate and the fucking vote bribing system we have today contributing greatly to a 17 trillion $ national debt, how about you?
Thats my whole point, Conservatives are so full of inconsistencies in their positions its crazy. They claim to be for less regulation, but want abortion and queer marriage(i'm against queer marriage but on purely moral grounds only but i've accepted thats a losing position and is inconsistent with the constitution) regulated to the hilt not regulate their guns, oh no thats wrong. Then they claim to want to lighten up the welfare rolls and such, well, at least here in the Baltimore D.C. area many of the children born in the inner city are born unwanted or drug addicted etc. etc. etc. and guess where they are headed? Thats right, right onto the dole but oh no the mother,, who knows what the future is going to bring, shouldn't be allowed to terminate the birth...........cons are so hypocritical it makes me laugh.

Only 1 so far has said they plan to

Is it intrusive to have laws against assault and murder? According to the leftist talking points you are spewing here, the only logical alternative is total anarchy. Now, laws regulating civil marriage actually are intrusive.
Thats my whole point, Conservatives are so full of inconsistencies in their positions its crazy. They claim to be for less regulation, but want abortion and queer marriage(i'm against queer marriage but on purely moral grounds only but i've accepted thats a losing position and is inconsistent with the constitution) regulated to the hilt not regulate their guns, oh no thats wrong. Then they claim to want to lighten up the welfare rolls and such, well, at least here in the Baltimore D.C. area many of the children born in the inner city are born unwanted or drug addicted etc. etc. etc. and guess where they are headed? Thats right, right onto the dole but oh no the mother,, who knows what the future is going to bring, shouldn't be allowed to terminate the birth...........cons are so hypocritical it makes me laugh.

Only 1 so far has said they plan to

What you are describing is cultural rot. And instead of trying to fix that, you advocate murder? How liberally compassionate of you.
Should we start executing people for living below the poverty line or make them continue to suffer?

Quicker than starving to death....don't forget that not only does your side want these kids to be born without exception....they also want to take away Social Programs that keep those kids fed and housed.

Combine the two other words....if your side gets their way that's what we'll be facing.

Seems pretty twisted to me.
Thats my whole point, Conservatives are so full of inconsistencies in their positions its crazy. They claim to be for less regulation, but want abortion and queer marriage(i'm against queer marriage but on purely moral grounds only but i've accepted thats a losing position and is inconsistent with the constitution) regulated to the hilt not regulate their guns, oh no thats wrong. Then they claim to want to lighten up the welfare rolls and such, well, at least here in the Baltimore D.C. area many of the children born in the inner city are born unwanted or drug addicted etc. etc. etc. and guess where they are headed? Thats right, right onto the dole but oh no the mother,, who knows what the future is going to bring, shouldn't be allowed to terminate the birth...........cons are so hypocritical it makes me laugh.

Only 1 so far has said they plan to

This must explain why there are so many liberals, in those inner cities, spreading the word about personal responsibility, when it comes to sexual relationships.

OH-WAIT, that's not what they're doing.