Pro-Trump signs spotted outside would-be assassin's home: witnesses

Gasoline prices when Trumptard left office, was what they are now.
A bald-faced lie.

01/18/2021 national average = $2.464/gallon
07/15/2024 national average = $3.614/gallon)

$3.614 - $2.464 = $1.15/gallon HIGHER gas prices currently than when Trump left office.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (US-EIA) ; "U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices"

... and that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Were gas prices lower under Trump or under Biden?
If you are too stupid to understand what caused the inflation- then you are as stupid as you look!
Again, that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Was inflation lower under Trump or under Biden?
Biden has not got us into any war. We are not at war with anyone.
Again, that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Was Trump getting us into more wars or was he supporting/brokering peace deals?
And Trump did not call for peace on Jan 6! In fact he told his TRUMPTARDS to FIGHT like hell!
Oh really?? In Trump's own words, on January 6th: "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

Source: Donald Trump's twitter account
A bald-faced lie.

01/18/2021 national average = $2.464/gallon
07/15/2024 national average = $3.614/gallon)

$3.614 - $2.464 = $1.15/gallon HIGHER gas prices currently than when Trump left office.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (US-EIA) ; "U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices"

... and that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Were gas prices lower under Trump or under Biden?

Again, that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Was inflation lower under Trump or under Biden?

Again, that's not what I asked you. Let's try again: Was Trump getting us into more wars or was he supporting/brokering peace deals?

Oh really?? In Trump's own words, on January 6th: "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

Source: Donald Trump's twitter account
Dude, I don't know where you live, but gasoline here is around $2.99 a gallon currently, and has been even lower than that for about a year.

Party of law and order? Duh What? That's fucking hilarious!

Neighbors of the man who allegedly shot Donald Trump said that they spotted campaign signs for the former president outside his home in recent years.

WPXI first reported Monday that law enforcement officers had interviewed the neighbors of Thomas Matthew Crooks, who Secret Service snipers killed following the assassination attempt.

"It was around 10 o'clock this morning when we started to see some movement," WPXI reporter Lauren Talotta said during an afternoon broadcast. "That's when we saw investigators dressed in plain clothes as well as FBI agents approach this house."

Talotta confirmed earlier reports that said Crooks was a registered Republican.

"Records show he is a registered Republican and neighbors today told us that they've actually seen Trump signs outside of the home over the course of the last few years now," she added.
Fake news, you ignorant halfwit. God you're a massive moron. :laugh:

No wonder you're a walking talking dumbass, you get your news from RawStory. You're the definition of stupid. :palm:
I know! If trump told them the sun rose in the west and set in the east, they'd believe him.
He lived with his parents, didn't he? Maybe his parents put signs out?
The bastard tried to kill Trump, and killed an innocent father/husband
and wounded two others. Kinda difficult to say he was a Trump supporter,
but obviously, stupid Biden supporters do.
And they continue to tell that lie. FBI is bullshittin' around,(we knew they would) and many of the sites are lying.
Translation: there aren't any. The story is a dumb lie intended for stupid people like NakedHunterBiden
Sad but true.
Dude, I don't know where you live, but gasoline here is around $2.99 a gallon currently,
Where I am, gasoline (regular unleaded, 10% ethanol blend) juuuuuuuuust increased from $2.99/gallon up to $3.29/gallon. However, it doesn't matter what prices currently are where I live, where you live, or where anyone else lives because I quoted the NATIONAL AVERAGE PRICE for the two week-ending dates that you brought up, and I quoted that data straight from the US-EIA website itself.

Now, let's remind this forum of what you said about "Trumptards" (as you called them) ... and I quote; "[Trumptards] will totally ignore any FACT, that does not play into their malevolent narratives. Trumptards have no respect for the Truth or Reality about themselves or their political adversaries."

Furthermore, let's review our little conversation here, if one can even call it that. Since you claimed (see above) that I, a "Trumptard", will "totally ignore any FACT" ... and "have no respect for the Truth or Reality", I thought that I'd challenge you on that claim and ask you a direct question about whether gas prices were lower under Trump or under Biden. You then TOTALLY IGNORED any "fact" / "truth" / "reality", as you called it, and made a bald-faced lie of a claim that "Gasoline prices when Trumptard left office, was what they are now."

I then quoted you data directly from the US-EIA website that says differently, that gasoline prices are actually $1.15/gallon HIGHER right now than they were when Trump left office. Your response??? "Ummm, derrrr, ummm... but... but.. ummm, idk where you live, but gasoline is currently $2.999/gallon here".

In response to your stupidity-soaked response:
1) $2.999/gallon is STILL HIGHER THAN $2.464/gallon.
2) #1 above is an irrelevant apples/oranges comparison because $2.999 is a localized gas price for a specific type of gas at a specific gas station near you while $2.464/gallon is a nationwide average gas price for all types of gas.
3) My apples/apples comparison from my prior post still stands and is still what is relevant. When Trump left office, the national average for all gas types was $2.464/gallon. Currently, the national average for all gas types is $3.614/gallon. That's $1.15/gallon HIGHER right now under Biden than it was when Trump left office. Your recollection of gas prices is objectively WRONG, and I've provided you with the official US-EIA government data to prove it.

Are you going to admit that you were wrong about this and that I was right about this? That would be the HONEST thing to do, but you aren't very fond of honesty, are you?

Here's your chance to officially show this forum that you CAN actually admit when you are objectively wrong about something.

The floor is yours.
and has been even lower than that for about a year.
Another bald-faced lie.

During most Winter months (NOV '23 - FEB '24), yes.
During the other months of the year, no.

JUN 2023 = $3.684/gallon
JUL 2023 = $3.712/gallon
AUG 2023 = $3.954/gallon
SEPT 2023 = $3.958/gallon
OCT 2023 = $3.742/gallon

NOV 2023 - FEB 2024 = [consistently cheaper than right now]

MAR 2024 = $3.542/gallon
APR 2024 = $3.733/gallon
MAY 2024 = $3.725/gallon
JUN 2024 = $3.576/gallon
Right now (week ending 07/15/2024) = $3.614/gallon

SOURCE: US-EIA website

Do you seriously have absolutely zero shame in spouting off such bald-faced lies on a regular basis??? Of course you don't... Your programmers (the mainstream media) don't either, and neither does your Presidential candidate (and his Obama handlers who actually handle his affairs).
Party of law and order? Duh What? That's fucking hilarious!
Stop being a toddler (and that's unfortunately an insult to many well-behaved toddlers out there).

Did Trump tweet out that message on J6, calling for peace, or did he not? A simple yes/no answer would suffice.