Proposal to board members

Desh please stop. None of the mods here, including Billy, would ever give out any personal information about anyone here, no matter what. (unless there was a court order). They all have my personal info too because of a incident. They wouldn't do it. There is just no way. It won't happen. He is not threatening you with that. It's not even a possibility.

I hope you are right because that is not the case with another board I know about, the owner actually gives that stuff out!
I guess you can't go back there?

Correct, banned for using the info. he himself gave me of his own free will. I'm the lead wolf in any pack, i'll always find find someone's weakness and exploit it, he just made it too easy.

Pages 7 to about 11 were totally fucking bizarre! I had to think back to try and remember if I drank or smoked anything today while I tried to make sense of that paranoid episode.........nope, completely sober.

Wow! All I can say is wow! and i've seen some major meltdowns before.
this is a thread for the ages.

I had to stop and read slowly then go back because I couldn't figure out what had sent her off the cliff, then I came back across Billy's(i'm new, thats his name, right?) post and the first time I read it I thought he was giving her props, getting her back etc. etc., still don't see why she went all fruit loops.
Holy fuck, calm down Desh. I have no desire to give out your personal info. Fuck I don't even have your address anymore (got lost years ago during one of my moves). Plus, I have no reason to do so. What would I possibly gain from it? Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to, and sincerly I am sorry if you felt threatened. I don't want to give you that impression.
One would think with all your skills and powers you should be able to post ban her, readily enough.

That's against our stated policy. I mean, we mods have the power to do it, but we said we won't so we won't. Integrity is a bitch.
I have literally seen jabs and or points I have made used on the tube AFTER I thought them up and used them

I once wrote an email to Rush Limbaugh, he used it in its entirety and gave me no credit. I stopped listening after that, I get all my Rush news from Jarod of all people. He basically took my stuff and pretended he wrote it.
Hahhahha - and he used to claim that Rush was using his stuff! Man that was awesome.

I'm not kidding that it happened to me. Not even a little bit. That dude simply stole an email of mine and used it on his radio show during the Clinton impeachment trials not even stating it came from an email.
That's actually not true. During the bush years it did come out that the RNC was paying people to post on internet forums. I believe they both do it now. I'm not saying this one. If I had to guess I'd think the comment sections of the major national newspapers, the huffpo, yahoo, etc. But no I don't think they'd waste their time or assets here.

Do you have a link to that "it came out" thing? It sounds entirely ridiculous when you see how backwards and behind the times that the RNC really is... They're still trying to get up some Facebook "sites", and can't even say Interwebs right.
I'm not kidding that it happened to me. Not even a little bit. That dude simply stole an email of mine and used it on his radio show during the Clinton impeachment trials not even stating it came from an email.

A plagiarist, too. I knew you listened to him, lol.
A plagiarist, too. I knew you listened to him, lol.
Not since the Clinton era. He stole my thoughts and pretended they were his. I've listened a few times after Jarod posted something he supposedly said, only to find out Jarod has him out of context almost every time. However, I can't get myself to listen otherwise because hearing him makes me slightly angry. I don't like feeling unforgiving. He stole my stuff.

Gawds... I suck as a Buddhist sometimes.
I once wrote an email to Rush Limbaugh, he used it in its entirety and gave me no credit. I stopped listening after that, I get all my Rush news from Jarod of all people. He basically took my stuff and pretended he wrote it.

time to send two people to the farm . . .