Proposal to board members

I was opposed to this idea on general principles at first, but I am all for it now. He made his bed. Let him lay in it.

Yesterday, 08:54 PM
I Love America
Free Markets Rule

[h=2] This message is hidden because I Love America is on your ignore list. [/h]
I once wrote an email to Rush Limbaugh, he used it in its entirety and gave me no credit. I stopped listening after that, I get all my Rush news from Jarod of all people. He basically took my stuff and pretended he wrote it.

Now you know why Rush occasionally sounds like he has a brain.

he steals thoughts.

Its free ideas on the interwebs .

I don't care if my ideas get "stolen".

good ideas float to the top.

What Rush did to you is NOT that.

hes just a lying thieving scumbag blowhard.

I used to listen to him long ago to see what the right was thinking.

Now I use places like you site.

its much funner than listening to some fat lying prick pretend hes smart while stealing his viewers words
I never put anyone on ignore

You cant know the real republican party unless you listen to people like ILA.

hes the base and about all the right has left in the line of voters
I never put anyone on ignore

You cant know the real republican party unless you listen to people like ILA.

hes the base and about all the right has left in the line of voters

In all fairness Desh, I don't think that people like ILA represent the GOP. He represents the fringe of the GOP. There are quite a him on message boards...but a lot of that has to do with the anonymity of the medium.
In all fairness Desh, I don't think that people like ILA represent the GOP. He represents the fringe of the GOP. There are quite a him on message boards...but a lot of that has to do with the anonymity of the medium.

Does Desh represent the Democrat Party?
He can be a good poster if he chooses to be but he can also be a prick. Having said that I much prefer him to Howey.

I you can tolerate Howey and The Dude, you can tolerate ILA....
the ignore list is a cowards way to run from debate....I prefer to ban assholes from my threads and watch them groan and
You guys are fucking morons. I wish you'd all go back to voting Democrat. The best days of this country were during the Solid South (America's Iron Curtain).
he is who we are fighting against.

the other righties refuse to trash his ass.

maybe they should get some fucking guts
Maybe you should stop race baiting in every post.

I wouldn't trash him because I feel the same way. I'm so fed up with the non-stop race baiting that I want to use the word nigger as much as I can out of pure spite.

You call everyone who disagrees with you and your Savior racists -- why do you piss and moan when they fulfill your prophecy?

You asked for it, you got it..........