Proposal to board members

Maybe you should stop race baiting in every post. I wouldn't trash him because I feel the same way. I'm so fed up with the non-stop race baiting that I want to use the word nigger as much as I can out of pure spite. You call everyone who disagrees with you and your Savior racists -- why do you piss and moan when they fulfill your prophecy? You asked for it, you got it..........

I hope you are all correct on your assessment of his morals.

I have been really disturbed about his admission he hates children.

that is pathological.

To hate innocence is to hate everything pure

Well, we kill it everyday in this country. It's the American way.

I'm almost to the point of wondering if Desh might be one of the best internet trolls ever. This almost has to be an act that we have all fallen for and she (or he) is just laughing their asses off.

Who would have thought it would be found out so soon after the cover was blown on my Lorax account? :D