Proposal to board members

It is amusing that the troll who provides less info about their life than anyone else, demands to know such personal info of someone.

It is amusing that the person who posted what they claimed is their voter registration info will now refuse to confirm their identity.
I'm the person who proved that the term is "Democratic" party, not Democrat. You're the person who deflected from that onto my identity.

What have you proven if the image you posted (which seems to be expired, BTW) is not genuine?

Don't you make sure the things you post are authentic?

So, is that your name on the image, or not?
What have you proven if the image you posted (which seems to be expired, BTW) is not genuine?

Don't you make sure the things you post are authentic?

So, is that your name on the image, or not?

The card has an issuance date only. There is no expiration date.

I'm not good enough at Photoshop to fake a voter card.

Frankly, I find your insistence on knowing if that's my name a tad creepy.
The card has an issuance date only. There is no expiration date. I'm not good enough at Photoshop to fake a voter card. Frankly, I find your insistence on knowing if that's my name a tad creepy.

LOL, you posted it, repeatedly asked me why I doubted it was yours, and now you think it's "creepy"?
Seriously? is this all around what the Democratic party calls itself?

BM, why not just google, oh, I dunno - "Democratic party"? or "democrat vs democratic"?

People who scolded you for using the term "Democrat Senator" are not being paranoid. The fact is that it was an orchestrated attempt by Gingrich in the 1990s to use it to get a subtle negative response to any "Democrat candidate."

BRussell sums it up nicely here:

The most natural phrase would be "Democratic primary" with a large 'D' to distinguish it from a primary that was run in a democratic manner. But many conservative Republicans say "Democrat party." It's almost a litmus test for right-wingedness. Listen to the Limbaughs and other liberal-haters, and they always say "Democrat party" and "Democrat politician" whereas more neutral people or moderate Republicans say the nicer-sounding and more natural "Democratic primary."

"Democrat Party" is a political epithet used in the United States for the Democratic Party. The term has been used in negative or hostile fashion by conservative commentators and members of the Republican Party in party platforms, partisan speeches and press releases since 1940.[1]

We may be Democrats; but the party is the Democratic Party.

Seriously? Why are we letting BM discuss this?
LOL, I don't recall seeing all this anal attention to correctly naming parties when the GOP is referred to by some other moniker.

Why could that be?
LOL, I don't recall seeing all this anal attention to correctly naming parties when the GOP is referred to by some other moniker.

Why could that be?
As if you didn't know, the pejorative terms for the GOP are accurate so no one questions them.