Proposal to board members

Not at all.

I support the rights of all who were born to be who they were born.

We are trying to support your coming out
No, you're trying to insult me by insinuating that I am gay, when in fact you know nothing about me.

dudette we have been talking to you for years.

If your not a man then you have been lying for years.

BTW being a intersexed person is not being gay.

its having both male and female genitalia and has nothing to do with which sex you prefer.

People are BORN this way and it is NO shame whatseoever.

It is being human.

being a fancy nancy is not an insult.
who said they man the chemical ones.

they man the weapons delivery system that Obama was going to bomb because they sold them to them.

That is why pootin is so upset.

If Syria gets the weapon to deliver bombed by the US then Russian cant sell them more.

They will just get bombed again and Syria wont buy new ones from Russia or pay to have help maintaining them.

Its all about commerse for Russia.

they like this new capitalism game
Russian military presence in Syria poses challenge to US-led intervention

Advisers deployed with surface-to-air systems bolster President Assad's defences and complicate outcome of any future strikes
The depth and complexity of Syria's anti-aircraft defences mean that any direct western campaign, in support of a no-fly zone or in the form of punitive air strikes against the leadership, would be costly, protracted and risky. The possibility of Russian military casualties in such a campaign could have unpredictable geopolitical consequences.

Meanwhile, near-daily atrocities have kept western governments under pressure to act. A Syrian government air strike on a town near the central city of Hama on Sunday killed dozens of civilians queueing for bread, according to human rights activists
The depth and complexity of Syria's anti-aircraft defences mean that any direct western campaign, in support of a no-fly zone or in the form of punitive air strikes against the leadership, would be costly, protracted and risky. The possibility of Russian military casualties in such a campaign could have unpredictable geopolitical consequences. Meanwhile, near-daily atrocities have kept western governments under pressure to act. A Syrian government air strike on a town near the central city of Hama on Sunday killed dozens of civilians queueing for bread, according to human rights activists
