Proposal to board members

once again being intersexed is NOT being gay.

how many times will you need to be told that?

maybe we should call you densey fancy nancy
I'm just not that familiar with those particular nuances. You seem to know a lot about them.

it takes seconds to read what intersexed is.

I happen to read about things often.

You see you make decisions about other people lives without even knowing the basics.

Its the term for hermaphrodites in todays world.

These are real people and they are born that way.

Its not a crime and they have no reason for you to treat them like people who will destroy your marriage by merely existing.

that is just insane republican rethoric designed to make idiots vote again their own interests to help the wealthy own everything
According to Jeremy Binnie, the editor of Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor, recent Russian deliveries include Buk-M2 and Pantsyr-S1 (known to Nato as SA-22) mobile missile launch and radar systems. Reports of the shipment of the modern long-range S-300 have not been confirmed, and the Syrian armed forces did not show off any S-300 missiles in a military display this year. It is possible they have been delivered but are not yet operational.

Guy Ben-Ari, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said: "They don't just sell the equipment. They also help man the crews and train the crews. Sometimes there is just no domestic capacity to run these systems, and that is the case in Syria where Syrian crews are not capable of using the equipment to its full capacity."