Proposal to board members

yeah its my fault he didn't say he wouldnt

There was no reason for him to say that, in my mind. I knew you were sending him care packages, i remember it from full politics. He was just reassuring Cawacko that you're a real person. HOneslty I have no idea how you saw a threat there. Now that you have, I guess he has to say something about it, since he's a mod, but really, if he were just a regular poster he'd be within his rights to point out that you're paranoid and tell you to go fuck yourself. No offense desh. :)
you people dont understand real life if you think it is not a danger

Yeah Desh, I understand real life, and I know all about danger, and none of the mods here are a danger to anyone, and I personally highly doubt any of the posters here are a danger to any of the other posters here. But even if one of them is, it's not one of the mods, and no one threatened you. YOu took a comment the wrong way, IMO.
Wait, this all started because I said Desh could possibly be the best troll ever Billie said she's a real person? I'm on my phone otherwise I would link to that song by the group garbage call I'm paranoid
Desh please stop. None of the mods here, including Billy, would ever give out any personal information about anyone here, no matter what. (unless there was a court order). They all have my personal info too because of a incident. They wouldn't do it. There is just no way. It won't happen. He is not threatening you with that. It's not even a possibility.

Absolutely. There is no way that he would do that or would even think for a moment that you would actually believe he would.

It is absolutely not going to happen.
I hope you are all correct on your assessment of his morals.

I have been really disturbed about his admission he hates children.

that is pathological.

To hate innocence is to hate everything pure
yeah and you have made me regret being kind to you.

I will sue if you give my personal info

billy isn't threatening to give out your personal details you paranoid skitzo. he was just saying you are a real person and not an internet troll, as so many people seem to think you are.

billy isn't going to reveal your address or personal info and hasn't even told damo or me it at any time nor would there really be any reason too.

you need to relax.
I personally can't handle his stupidity - because he's not just stupid, he's vile and nasty and gross. I don't want to read that stuff every day.

And again, he loves it when people argue with him. Shunning him is more devastating to him.

Yep. I don't need to read a congenital hater like ILA tell me I'm not fit to yank on Palin's tampon string, or whatever similar crap he spews. I tried to give him a chance when he started here and cut him even more slack when he said he was a Steeler fan but enough is enough. There's not a snowball's chance that I'll ever take him off IA.
billy isn't threatening to give out your personal details you paranoid skitzo. he was just saying you are a real person and not an internet troll, as so many people seem to think you are.

billy isn't going to reveal your address or personal info and hasn't even told damo or me it at any time nor would there really be any reason too.

you need to relax.

then he refused to answer when I asked him if he was going to to that.

I think you underestimate the evil on the internets.

I have seen such duplicity from every mod Ive deal with other than damo.
If you recall someone once posted part of my email address thinking it was my name.

fortunately I had plays with letters and it made it look like my name was jade witt.

The person came on here pretending their name was jade witt.

I know immediately what someone was up to
Dear political operatives who read JPP,

My name is Cawacko. If you have been following this board you are already probably aware of both my piercing and brilliant political analysis. I know this is difficult to believe but I can be hired away from JPP. If your starting price is mid six figures let's talk. Please contact me at

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,



Can I be your liberal alternate? We can argue against each other?