Protesters, vandals increasing attacks on US military recruiting offices


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Most of these recruiting centers are not staffed 24/7, but only during daylight hours. Unsuprisingly, the people attacking and vandalizing them, do it only when they can be sure not to face the soldiers they're attacking.


Report Cites Increase in Attacks on Military Recruiting Centers
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

By Melissa Underwood
Newsradio 620 WTMJ-AM

Shattered windows and bomb scares are growing threats for recruiters working to find young men and women to join the U.S. military, according to a new report that claims attacks on military recruiting stations are on the rise.

The report, issued by a not-for-profit group that supports members of the military, calls the incidents — including the spray-painting of graffiti — "attacks," and claims there have been more than 50 since March 2003.

"The peace protesters are not peaceful," said Catherine Moy, executive director of Move America Forward, which released the report. "They are violent. They are causing havoc in an illegal manner on recruiting offices across the United States."

• Click here,4644,3641,00.html for photos of recent incidents.

Vandals last week targeted the Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station, leaving behind the anti-war graffiti message "War Is Offensive." On March 6, a hooded bicyclist was captured on video pedaling away from the military recruiting station in New York's Times Square after a small homemade explosive damaged the facade of America's busiest recruiting center.

Milwaukee and Times Square are among the incidents listed in Move America Forward's report, which documents protests, broken windows, graffiti, bombs and other disturbances among the "attacks."

Click here to read the report.

"We hope that people will see the report and see that this is not just one or two incidents," Moy said. "They are attacking these institutions to try to stop the war even as we are winning the war."

Moy continued: "These people will stop at nothing."
If I lived somewhere that had a recruiting station I would organize a group of volunteers to guard the station during off hours. I would volunteer my time as well. There are better ways to protest the war and people who think we don't need the military are nuts.
If I lived somewhere that had a recruiting station I would organize a group of volunteers to guard the station during off hours. I would volunteer my time as well. There are better ways to protest the war and people who think we don't need the military are nuts.
That is really a good idea. We aren't having those problems here but I would do the same if we did. You cannot support the war but still support men and women that want to get a start in life by joining the Military. My BA is completely due to my Army College fund. I could not have done it without it. Plus it was fun to jump outta airplanes and repel outta helocopters. I would not change a thing about my time inthe army.
Wow. How many times do I have to post this? Please, get out more often and find out what is going on. Do you have any idea how many disadvantaged teens are being lied to by military recruiters? They’re going to be cooks, they’re going to go straight into an education deferment and not be shipped overseas, they’re going to be in the band, I have so many stories I could list them all day.

If you support lying to a teenager, and then as soon as he signs, shipping him off to the war zone you assured him he was not going to, then you are morally decrepit it in my opinion. I just don’t see any way around that.
What a crock of proverbial.............

Wow. How many times do I have to post this? Please, get out more often and find out what is going on. Do you have any idea how many disadvantaged teens are being lied to by military recruiters? They’re going to be cooks, they’re going to go straight into an education deferment and not be shipped overseas, they’re going to be in the band, I have so many stories I could list them all day.

If you support lying to a teenager, and then as soon as he signs, shipping him off to the war zone you assured him he was not going to, then you are morally decrepit it in my opinion. I just don’t see any way around that.

crap this is...if a 18-25 year old does not understand what the military is and what it really blow things up and kill...then they must have failed all there reading comprehension classes while in school! Like you duhla!
Hey BB, some of our guys are on their fourth tour and recent polls have shown that a majority want to come home, they are dying to come home .
Why don’t you support one troop, instead of “the troops” and send your granddaughter over to replace one of these poor, tired, bruised souls?
Instead of talking shit to people who want to end the war, put some skin in the game, big mouth. Send your grandchildren!
I have worked with dozens of recruiters over the years and have heard first hand their conversations with the kids they were trying to recruit and have never heard a single one of them downplay the potential for danger during wartime...........even when they were recruiting in times of peace. If it weren't for the military my dad would not have accomplished what he has accomplished in this world. Yes, he had to live through 2 1/2 wars to do it but he was one of the lucky ones. My nephews (6 of them) have done tours in Afghaniston and Iraq and all but one are now out and in college on the GI Bill. The one that isn't is a ranking officer and getting ready to ship back to Iraq in August. I say all this to point out that supporting military recruiting is not the same as:

Originally posted by Darla

If you support lying to a teenager, and then as soon as he signs, shipping him off to the war zone you assured him he was not going to, then you are morally decrepit it in my opinion. I just don’t see any way around that. matter how much some want it to be.

Are there recruiters that will lie? I'm positive there are. Is that the norm? I'm positive it's not.
I have worked with dozens of recruiters over the years and have heard first hand their conversations with the kids they were trying to recruit and have never heard a single one of them downplay the potential for danger during wartime...........even when they were recruiting in times of peace. If it weren't for the military my dad would not have accomplished what he has accomplished in this world. Yes, he had to live through 2 1/2 wars to do it but he was one of the lucky ones. My nephews (6 of them) have done tours in Afghaniston and Iraq and all but one are now out and in college on the GI Bill. The one that isn't is a ranking officer and getting ready to ship back to Iraq in August. I say all this to point out that supporting military recruiting is not the same as: matter how much some want it to be.

Are there recruiters that will lie? I'm positive there are. Is that the norm? I'm positive it's not.

Really, they've been taped numerous times doing it, and even mainstream abc news has showed them on tape doing it.

I am in the schools counter recruiting and every time I am in there, it is the same story. "you're not going to go to Iraq"

So maybe you need to get out there into the schools today, and stop going by what was happening, gee, before the war.

Because today? In economically distressed high schools, that IS the norm. No matter what you're "positive' of.
Really, they've been taped numerous times doing it, and even mainstream abc news has showed them on tape doing it.

I am in the schools counter recruiting and every time I am in there, it is the same story. "you're not going to go to Iraq"

So maybe you need to get out there into the schools today, and stop going by what was happening, gee, before the war.

Because today? In economically distressed high schools, that IS the norm. No matter what you're "positive' of.

Lady, ??? I work in the public school system and am in contact with recruiters on a monthly basis. I am also the Selective Service coordinator here at the school. Believe me, I know the guys that work in our area and would definitely volunteer to guard their facility if need be.
I have served, I will support any of my children if they choose to serve also. When you sign up you KNOW that there is avery real possibility that you will be asked to place yourself in danger. If they were promised they would be a cook it will say so on their enlistment papers. Same with band or any other MOS. There is no contract that says Cook and then the person gets sent to infantry school and off to Iraq. I was lied to when I went to enlist. I WANTED to be an infantry soldier and was told there was no openings for 11B which is the infantry MOS. That was BULLSHIT plain and simple but the recruiter had spaces he needed to fill and my GT score made it possible to place me in an MOS he needed to fill. I should have told him I was going to talk to the Marines because they had already told me I could be a Recon soldier. But I didn't. If you don't like the MOS they try to give you you can say no. You can refuse to raise your hand and take the oath, you can even get out in basic training. You would have to be more than disadvantaged you would have to be too dumb to pass the ASVAB to be suckered like that. In this matter, color me from Missouri. SHOW ME.
crap this is...if a 18-25 year old does not understand what the military is and what it really blow things up and kill...then they must have failed all there reading comprehension classes while in school! Like you duhla!

18 yr olds do not have a clue usually.
Cars. girls and beer pretty much covers it at that age.
Lady, ??? I work in the public school system and am in contact with recruiters on a monthly basis. I am also the Selective Service coordinator here at the school. Believe me, I know the guys that work in our area and would definitely volunteer to guard their facility if need be.

Well lucky you, you must not be in an economically disadvantaged area. I work in them every week, because that is where the military predators go. I see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears, so tell me leaning, given that, what makes you think that you're going to tell me that I'm wrong??

I see it. I hear it. I am in the middle of it. It is fact. It is not opinion. It is not open for debate. It is fact. Believe what you want to believe. The flag waivers always have to.
I have served, I will support any of my children if they choose to serve also. When you sign up you KNOW that there is avery real possibility that you will be asked to place yourself in danger. If they were promised they would be a cook it will say so on their enlistment papers. Same with band or any other MOS. There is no contract that says Cook and then the person gets sent to infantry school and off to Iraq. I was lied to when I went to enlist. I WANTED to be an infantry soldier and was told there was no openings for 11B which is the infantry MOS. That was BULLSHIT plain and simple but the recruiter had spaces he needed to fill and my GT score made it possible to place me in an MOS he needed to fill. I should have told him I was going to talk to the Marines because they had already told me I could be a Recon soldier. But I didn't. If you don't like the MOS they try to give you you can say no. You can refuse to raise your hand and take the oath, you can even get out in basic training. You would have to be more than disadvantaged you would have to be too dumb to pass the ASVAB to be suckered like that. In this matter, color me from Missouri. SHOW ME.

You’re full of shit about this and talking out your ass. A kid is groomed by a recruiter and comes to trust them. That trust is violated when they lie to them, and you want to blame the kid.

That’s fine, but that’s why I’m in the schools doing this work, not because I hate the country, but because I hate liars, especially when they are victimizing near-children. If you’re good with that, that’s on you. I could never be.
The recruiters may tell them things when they come to the schools but the enlistment portion takes place in a MEPS station. You don't sign ANYTHING until you pass your physical and then go to the MEPS recruiter and sign on the dotted line. NO ONE SIGNS and takes their oath at a highschool So I am pretty sure you have not been in the MEPS station when they actually sign their contract and take the oath. The contract spells out what the enlistee is and is not guarenteed.
You’re full of shit about this and talking out your ass. A kid is groomed by a recruiter and comes to trust them. That trust is violated when they lie to them, and you want to blame the kid.

That’s fine, but that’s why I’m in the schools doing this work, not because I hate the country, but because I hate liars, especially when they are victimizing near-children. If you’re good with that, that’s on you. I could never be.
Believe me. Nobody trusts the recruiters. There wasn't even one guy in boot camp that wouldn't tell you that their recruiter did what they expected them to do. Not one guy/gal that I ever met in the military that was shocked about the recruitment process.
The recruiters may tell them things when they come to the schools but the enlistment portion takes place in a MEPS station. You don't sign ANYTHING until you pass your physical and then go to the MEPS recruiter and sign on the dotted line. NO ONE SIGNS and takes their oath at a highschool So I am pretty sure you have not been in the MEPS station when they actually sign their contract and take the oath. The contract spells out what the enlistee is and is not guarenteed.
We had to sit there forever as they explained minute details to people who couldn't read. Or it seemed that they believed somebody there couldn't read.
have you seen the video games and neighborhoods a lot of kids live in? They know all about violence.

Well, isn’t this a telling post.

Yeah, those people are like that. They’re used to violence. We might as well as send them. If we don’t, people who matter might have to go.

What goes around comes around, that I have always believed. Someday some of you, when your own children are in high school, might sing a different song. The boys they stalk in low-income neighborhoods.

But the girls? Some of them are getting seduced in, and they’re in the middle class schools. Pretty little white girls.

Wouldn’t that be some funny shit huh? Oh the squealing would be loud then.
Well lucky you, you must not be in an economically disadvantaged area. I work in them every week, because that is where the military predators go. I see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears, so tell me leaning, given that, what makes you think that you're going to tell me that I'm wrong??

I see it. I hear it. I am in the middle of it. It is fact. It is not opinion. It is not open for debate. It is fact. Believe what you want to believe. The flag waivers always have to.

Economically disadvantaged..........well that aptly describes us here. 85% of our enrollment is on free and reduced lunch. Many of our kids who sign up (including some of my nephews whom I counseled to enter) see the military as a way out of their situation. I obviously agree or wouldn't work with the recruiters. The most telling line in your response above is this one:

"It is not open for debate."

What that tells me is that I am wasting my time with this and that you will believe what you want, believing it to be true about the entirety of recruiters across the land no matter what. Re-read this line from my earlier post:

"Are there recruiters that will lie? I'm positive there are. Is that the norm? I'm positive it's not."

Now I think I will go fishing. See all of you later.
Believe me. Nobody trusts the recruiters. There wasn't even one guy in boot camp that wouldn't tell you that their recruiter did what they expected them to do.
And the initial contact with a recruiter is not where the actual signing takes place. No hometown recruiter guarentees anything. The MEPS recruiter is the one that drafts the contract and that is where you read it and sign. I got the guarentee for jump school and then the recruiter left if off and I pointed it out and told him I would not sign without the guarentee. If changed it and I signed it.