Protesters, vandals increasing attacks on US military recruiting offices

I have heard the recruiters say it, and it really doesn’t matter what you believe. Like I said, who am I supposed to believe, you or my lying eyes? (or ears in this case).

You need to believe what you need to believe because you are a flag waiver. Facts don’t really concern you. Let’s be honest.
Have you ever once accompanied a kid to the MEPS station, waited for him to take his physical and then sat with him as he talked to the recruiter that actually assigns him a spot?
You know I just read your last sentence. You are such an asshole sometimes Damo. It defies imagination. If “all of the kids” who grew up in poor neighborhoods were that naïve and gullible then we would hardly need much recruiting now would we? But SOME of them are, and those are the few that they get to join out of any given school. What is insulting is your blaming the victim of lies, rather than the liar.

But that’s because you’re a stupid flag waiver who doesn’t really give a shit either. You only care about the image of the military. You don’t care what happens to these kids. They asked for it. Maybe they were wearing a short skirt you know?

This is BS. I lived my life in those neighborhoods. They get people to join because they choose to, not because they believe the recruiters.

They may believe it is their best bet at getting through college without debt, or that they would never be able to go to a language school as good as DLI, ever, without joining. Or any other myriad of reasons. But being all stupid and gullible is not the reason. If gullibility were the only requirement it certainly wouldn't be the poor schools they'd have their best shot at.
Nah, I hear it and see it every week with my own eyes, and you are getting angrier and angrier because I won't back down and say "gee maybe I'm mistaken and haven't been seeing and hearing what I thought I was".

And it reflects badly on the military that you glorify. But that's why I will always be in the schools. Becuase recruiters are pieces of shit predators, and people like you lie to cover up for them, because you don't care about anyting other than waiving your flag.

It'll bite you in your ass one day Damo.
I'm not glorifying the military, Darla.

You are projecting that onto me. I am saying that people are not as stupid as you are saying they are. In all of my time in the military I never met one person shocked over what their recruiters did to get them to join. We all had stories, but they were all about how they tried to "sell" it, not about how much we believed them.

This isn't "Military is Great", it is, "We weren't that stupid."
All the hometown recruiter does is get the kid to the MEPS station. My bet is you have NEVER heard the kids being recruited at the MEPS station nor heard a kid say AFTER he signed his contract that he was lied to about where he would be going or what he would be doing. I was asked time and again if ANYONE had promised me anything not in the contract before I signed it. You don't EVER sign anything that says you won't be going to Iraq or any other war zone.
Yeah the voting for McCain thing. I really am not sure what I will do if Hillary gets the nomination. I honestly do not think she will get us out of Iraq either....
I would probably have to drink a half pint hold my nose and pull the Dem lever.
Politics in the USA sucks big time right now.

I can't bring myself to vote for McCain.
Most of these recruiting centers are not staffed 24/7, but only during daylight hours. Unsuprisingly, the people attacking and vandalizing them, do it only when they can be sure not to face the soldiers they're attacking.


Report Cites Increase in Attacks on Military Recruiting Centers
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

By Melissa Underwood
Newsradio 620 WTMJ-AM

Shattered windows and bomb scares are growing threats for recruiters working to find young men and women to join the U.S. military, according to a new report that claims attacks on military recruiting stations are on the rise.

The report, issued by a not-for-profit group that supports members of the military, calls the incidents — including the spray-painting of graffiti — "attacks," and claims there have been more than 50 since March 2003.

"The peace protesters are not peaceful," said Catherine Moy, executive director of Move America Forward, which released the report. "They are violent. They are causing havoc in an illegal manner on recruiting offices across the United States."

• Click here,4644,3641,00.html for photos of recent incidents.

Vandals last week targeted the Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station, leaving behind the anti-war graffiti message "War Is Offensive." On March 6, a hooded bicyclist was captured on video pedaling away from the military recruiting station in New York's Times Square after a small homemade explosive damaged the facade of America's busiest recruiting center.

Milwaukee and Times Square are among the incidents listed in Move America Forward's report, which documents protests, broken windows, graffiti, bombs and other disturbances among the "attacks."


The report, issued by a not-for-profit group that supports members of the military, calls the incidents — including the spray-painting of graffiti — "attacks," and claims there have been more than 50 since March 2003.

Graffiti as an "attack"?? Jesus, can rightwinger be any more pussified? Ya'll have been crapping your diapers for seven years over non-existent Iraqi WMD, Iranian nuclear weapons, and hordes of islamofascists invading your local Walmart.

Change your diapers and keep a stiff upper lip!
It has nothing. Citizen said kids only care about girls and beer. I agree they care about those two things but violence is also an issue. So go ahead and blame me for certain people living in bad neighborhoods but violence is all over. I didn't say a fucking word about Iraq or your military center. Fucking chill.

wait you left out cars.
Vandals last week targeted the Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station, leaving behind the anti-war graffiti message "War Is Offensive.

Little nut, I can't believe you posted this pussy piece of shit. It's fucking graffiti, dick wad. Not "an attack". If you bush lovers would just go volunteer to fight in your war, so military recruiters wouldn't have to bribe, lie, and cajole kids into fighting your war for your, it would be problem solved.
anyone who does not think war is offensive are idiots.
Even a necessary war is offensive.
But then I guess this bunch of war supporters think of this a a defensive war not an offensive one...
A preemptive defensive invasion for non existing WMD's.
Here's an Army national guard recruiter lying her ass off to a kid

[ame=""]YouTube - Hidden camera catches Army recruiter[/ame]

Unbelievable. And your rightwingers and bush voters want to go stand guard at a recruiting station so they don't get spray painted with a "war is offensive" graffiti tag? Piss off you wingnuts

You wingnuts are the first to cry foul when somebody steals some food stamps, or committs medicare fraud. Your the first ones to scream bloody murder and demand they be thrown in jail.

But, when taxpayer-paid recruiters lie their asses off, while working on our dime, your crying like little girls about some innocuous graffiti, and proclaiming that you'll stand guard at the recruiting station.

What a bunch of hypocritical pussys.
Here's an Army national guard recruiter lying her ass off to a kid

Unbelievable. And your rightwingers and bush voters want to go stand guard at a recruiting station so they don't get spray painted with a "war is offensive" graffiti tag? Piss off you wingnuts

You wingnuts are the first to cry foul when somebody steals some food stamps, or committs medicare fraud. Your the first ones to scream bloody murder and demand they be thrown in jail.

But, when taxpayer-paid recruiters lie their asses off, while working on our dime, your crying like little girls about some innocuous graffiti, and proclaiming that you'll stand guard at the recruiting station.

What a bunch of hypocritical pussys.
What did she say that was a lie? You can be deployed to Germany, you can be a band in the Army though it is difficult to be in THE Army band. She painted the rosiest picture but you can't say she out and out lied. That also was NOT the session where you sign your name on the dotted line. If you go to MEPS and they don't get you a spot in the band you don't have to enlist.
What did she say that was a lie? You can be deployed to Germany, you can be a band in the Army though it is difficult to be in THE Army band. She painted the rosiest picture but you can't say she out and out lied. That also was NOT the session where you sign your name on the dotted line. If you go to MEPS and they don't get you a spot in the band you don't have to enlist.
And if you enlist in the DEP program you aren't officially in until the day you sign the contract at MEPS.

Again. Who was fooled? Everybody knew that she painted the prettiest picture she possibly could. Like I said, we all had stories about their "sell", nobody was fooled.
Regardless of how you feel about the war or soldiers, or recruiters, a criminal act is a criminal act. These cowardly thugs are playing with fire not freedom of speach. Sure most of these incidents seam minor, but left alone the severity will continue to increase.

It is true that Recruiting Stations normally are not open 24 hours, but many times Recruiters work late and arrive early (late=10pm - early=4am). Unchecked, these incidents will end with someone injured. These Recruiters are primarily soldiers that have themselves deployed to dangerous areas of the world. They never force anyone to join our military and 99% of them do the right thing every day.

After 5 years of War, our young men and women know what they are signing up for and many Re-up knowing that they will deploy again to Iraq or Afghanistan. Recruitment is one option and DRAFT is the other. I for one would rather stay with Recruitment.
Regardless of how you feel about the war or soldiers, or recruiters, a criminal act is a criminal act. These cowardly thugs are playing with fire not freedom of speach. Sure most of these incidents seam minor, but left alone the severity will continue to increase.

It is true that Recruiting Stations normally are not open 24 hours, but many times Recruiters work late and arrive early (late=10pm - early=4am). Unchecked, these incidents will end with someone injured. These Recruiters are primarily soldiers that have themselves deployed to dangerous areas of the world. They never force anyone to join our military and 99% of them do the right thing every day.

After 5 years of War, our young men and women know what they are signing up for and many Re-up knowing that they will deploy again to Iraq or Afghanistan. Recruitment is one option and DRAFT is the other. I for one would rather stay with Recruitment.

Sorry, I'm not going to get wound up, or piss my pants about somebody spray painting a "War is immoral" tag on a recruiting office. Yeah, its a 50 dollar misdemeanor, and anybody who gets caught doing it should pay the fine. Its civil disobedience, and civil disobedience is not neccessarily supposed to be good, clean, legal fun.

I'm not a fan of any government agency that lies, exaggerates, and misleads people. And that would include military recruiting offices. And sorry, but a little spay paint is not an "attack", as the diaper pissing Little Nut contends, nor is it going to divert my focus from a three trillion dollar war that was initiated on lies and has cost up to a million people their lives. My time is better spent on ways to end that immoral war, than in "guarding" a recruiting office against a handful of spray painters.
Sorry, I'm not going to get wound up, or piss my pants about somebody spray painting a "War is immoral" tag on a recruiting office. Yeah, its a 50 dollar misdemeanor, and anybody who gets caught doing it should pay the fine. Its civil disobedience, and civil disobedience is not neccessarily supposed to be good, clean, legal fun.

I'm not a fan of any government agency that lies, exaggerates, and misleads people. And that would include military recruiting offices. And sorry, but a little spay paint is not an "attack", as the diaper pissing Little Nut contends, nor is it going to divert my focus from a three trillion dollar war that was initiated on lies and has cost up to a million people their lives. My time is better spent on ways to end that immoral war, than in "guarding" a recruiting office against a handful of spray painters.

LOL. That's exactly what it is too - a big overblown distraction. Oh let's go to alert level Red - the recruiting stations are under attack. Grow up!
LOL. That's exactly what it is too - a big overblown distraction. Oh let's go to alert level Red - the recruiting stations are under attack. Grow up!
Well if that is the case you won't mind when I and other former soldiers defend against the vandalism? Right? Right?
Well if that is the case you won't mind when I and other former soldiers defend against the vandalism? Right? Right?

If you want to waste your time and you have nothing else to do, why would I care? A lot of fish snap at obvious bait. Have fun with it.
Whatever Duhla...........

Hey BB, some of our guys are on their fourth tour and recent polls have shown that a majority want to come home, they are dying to come home .
Why don’t you support one troop, instead of “the troops” and send your granddaughter over to replace one of these poor, tired, bruised souls?
Instead of talking shit to people who want to end the war, put some skin in the game, big mouth. Send your grandchildren!

My kids have free will...they will choose when they become of for you why don't you become a 'Donut Dollie' serve the troops where it counts most...IC...instead of acting like a moron dressing in nightees and protesting!

fyi...I have been a proponent of returning to the one 12 month tour as we had during the VN conflict...I also believe it should be voluntary if a soldier wishes for more than one tour in a combat zone!