Protesters, vandals increasing attacks on US military recruiting offices

have you seen the video games and neighborhoods a lot of kids live in? They know all about violence.

Ohh yeah they know about violence , but still have a sense that it cannot happen to them at that age. Why do you think the military did not draft older people ? A bit harder to brainwash, oops train.

I do realize why that soft brainwashing is needed in the military, but do recognize it for what it is. and see why it works better on the young.
Believe me. Nobody trusts the recruiters. There wasn't even one guy in boot camp that wouldn't tell you that their recruiter did what they expected them to do. Not one guy/gal that I ever met in the military that was shocked about the recruitment process.

I guess you guys are not hearing me. I am getting these kids after they come away from the recruiting table, and they do believe it. Mostly the Hispanic ones. The black kids, they know that they’re considered expendable. They have a hard time with the black kids. But the Hispanic ones, especially recent immigrants? Oh they are falling for it alright.
Darla, PBS had a good segment a night or so ago about the areas that recruits come from. and it is the poorer areas mostly.

and I think from some of the terrirories/colonies they get citizenship for serving ?
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Economically disadvantaged..........well that aptly describes us here. 85% of our enrollment is on free and reduced lunch. Many of our kids who sign up (including some of my nephews whom I counseled to enter) see the military as a way out of their situation. I obviously agree or wouldn't work with the recruiters. The most telling line in your response above is this one:

"It is not open for debate."

What that tells me is that I am wasting my time with this and that you will believe what you want, believing it to be true about the entirety of recruiters across the land no matter what. Re-read this line from my earlier post:

"Are there recruiters that will lie? I'm positive there are. Is that the norm? I'm positive it's not."

Now I think I will go fishing. See all of you later.

No I won't believe what I want to believe, that's you. I believe what I see every week, and I think you’re a right wing flag waiver, one time Bush voter and future McCain voter, who is full of shit leaning. Why do I think you’re full of shit? Well, besides the fact that you call yourself “leaningright” and are a former bush voter and future McCain voter, and should just call yourself “toppledright”, I think you’re full of shit because I see it with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears every week.

So who should I believe? You, or my own lying eyes?
Well, isn’t this a telling post.

Yeah, those people are like that. They’re used to violence. We might as well as send them. If we don’t, people who matter might have to go.

What goes around comes around, that I have always believed. Someday some of you, when your own children are in high school, might sing a different song. The boys they stalk in low-income neighborhoods.

But the girls? Some of them are getting seduced in, and they’re in the middle class schools. Pretty little white girls.

Wouldn’t that be some funny shit huh? Oh the squealing would be loud then.

you think I'm wrong? do you want to come by neighborhoods in my area where I went to school? Inner-cities don't ask to hire large number of cops because they are peaceful and safe places. Violence is part of these kids lives.

You don't think playing videos where you get extra points for killing cops and pimping prostitutes doesn't tell kids about violence? Kids like beer and girls but they know all too much about violence.
Leaning is a good guy, just right leaning like a lot I know. I think you two agree on more than you both realize. He is pro military and you are anti so you clash.

He is a type that we need some of for balance. heck I would like to have no military, but realize that to be idealism and not realism in todays world. Kinda like string on liberteranism. :)

btw I edited my response about enlistees from our colonies getting citizenship for serving, is that correct ?

Cawacko, according to what I saw the percentage of enlistees from inner cities is not a great as from more rural areas. the rust belt , over thru the midwest, down thru MO and accross the southern states is the largest concentration. per percentage of population.

The military is taking advantage of the poor, no doubt about that. but it does offer a possible out and romance of going to war in Iraq. sheesh only bush and teenagers will buy that line on the romance and adventure part in the current situation.
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you think I'm wrong? do you want to come by neighborhoods in my area where I went to school? Inner-cities don't ask to hire large number of cops because they are peaceful and safe places. Violence is part of these kids lives.

You don't think playing videos where you get extra points for killing cops and pimping prostitutes doesn't tell kids about violence? Kids like beer and girls but they know all too much about violence.

I think that you are stereotyping blacks, and the main target of military recruiters right now are recent Hispanic immigrants, and I don’t see what your post has to do with them.

And I also think that since you believe this about the kids recruiters prey on, you don’t give a shit what they’re telling them, as long as they don’t come into the neighborhoods where the people that matter live.

It doesn't sound like you think much of "our troops" I'll tell you that.
Leaning is a good guy, just right leaning like a lot I know. I think you two agree on more than you both realize. He is pro military and you are anti so you clash.

He is a type that we need some of for balance. heck I would like to have no military, but realize that to be idealism and not realism in todays world. Kinda like string on liberteranism. :)

btw I edited my response about enlistees from our colonies getting citizenship for serving, is that correct ?

I’m sorry, but with the death and destruction that has been wreaked upon this world, it is my opinion that no one who is going to vote for John McCain is a “decent person”.

I really feel that way. I understand it’s not “tolerant” But people are dying and these guys don’t give a shit about it, no matter what they say. If they did care, they wouldn’t be voting for the guy who has promised more of it.
Yes, there are people on this forum who actually believe that kids who volunteer for the military, "don't know" that soldiers obey orders, get sent places, shoot guns, kill people and destroy property.

No wonder those people on this forum are regarded as whackos. It's no more than the truth.
Darla, PBS had a good segment a night or so ago about the areas that recruits come from. and it is the poorer areas mostly.

and I think from some of the terrirories/colonies they get citizenship for serving ?

they mostly come from small towns in middle america and the south
I think that you are stereotyping blacks, and the main target of military recruiters right now are recent Hispanic immigrants, and I don’t see what your post has to do with them.

And I also think that since you believe this about the kids recruiters prey on, you don’t give a shit what they’re telling them, as long as they don’t come into the neighborhoods where the people that matter live.

It doesn't sound like you think much of "our troops" I'll tell you that.

what the fuck are you talking about Darla? I'm sterotyping what? Where the fuck do live in New York City if you think kids aren't exposed to violence?
what the fuck are you talking about Darla? I'm sterotyping what? Where the fuck do live in New York City if you think kids aren't exposed to violence?

Read your own posts, you are stereotyping, black people. I was very clear there is no need to ask me what I’m talking about. All kids are exposed to violence. Even white middle class ones. What the hell does that have to do with telling a kid that he’s not going to Iraq your’e going to send him to chef’s school, and then shipping him to Iraq?? You don’t even make any sense on this thread.

is just a 'Code Pink' ho...she could care less what happens to soldiers...all she cares about is getting a liberal into office...end of story! Doing the code pink protesting is just a means to her goal!
I guess you guys are not hearing me. I am getting these kids after they come away from the recruiting table, and they do believe it. Mostly the Hispanic ones. The black kids, they know that they’re considered expendable. They have a hard time with the black kids. But the Hispanic ones, especially recent immigrants? Oh they are falling for it alright.
I believe they are feeding you a line. Nobody at all in boot camp or at any other time I was in the military were ever shocked or surprised at what the recruiters did in order to get them to join. Not even one.

Nobody trusts the recruiters. Poor does not equal stupid or gullible no matter how much people want to think it does. The suggestion that those who grew up in poor areas are all so gullible and trusting is preposterous and insulting.
Read your own posts, you are stereotyping, black people. I was very clear there is no need to ask me what I’m talking about. All kids are exposed to violence. Even white middle class ones. What the hell does that have to do with telling a kid that he’s not going to Iraq your’e going to send him to chef’s school, and then shipping him to Iraq?? You don’t even make any sense on this thread.

It has nothing. Citizen said kids only care about girls and beer. I agree they care about those two things but violence is also an issue. So go ahead and blame me for certain people living in bad neighborhoods but violence is all over. I didn't say a fucking word about Iraq or your military center. Fucking chill.
I believe they are feeding you a line. Nobody at all in boot camp or at any other time I was in the military were ever shocked or surprised at what the recruiters did in order to get them to join. Not even one.

Nobody trusts the recruiters. Poor does not equal stupid or gullible no matter how much people want to think it does. The suggestion that those who grew up in poor areas are all so gullible and trusting is preposterous and insulting.

I have heard the recruiters say it, and it really doesn’t matter what you believe. Like I said, who am I supposed to believe, you or my lying eyes? (or ears in this case).

You need to believe what you need to believe because you are a flag waiver. Facts don’t really concern you. Let’s be honest.
I have heard the recruiters say it, and it really doesn’t matter what you believe. Like I said, who am I supposed to believe, you or my lying eyes? (or ears in this case).

You need to believe what you need to believe because you are a flag waiver. Facts don’t really concern you. Let’s be honest.
Let's be honest. I was there. I think that you need to believe what you want to believe so that you can convince yourself to hate me regardless of my opinion.

I'm not saying they tell the truth, I am saying that nobody is fooled and believing they are credible.

Nobody trusts recruiters. Nobody is that stupid. They equate them with used car salesmen and know that they will feed them a line.

And, if anything, those in poor areas are less gullible, too often people think they can take advantage of their need.
I believe they are feeding you a line. Nobody at all in boot camp or at any other time I was in the military were ever shocked or surprised at what the recruiters did in order to get them to join. Not even one.

Nobody trusts the recruiters. Poor does not equal stupid or gullible no matter how much people want to think it does. The suggestion that those who grew up in poor areas are all so gullible and trusting is preposterous and insulting.

You know I just read your last sentence. You are such an asshole sometimes Damo. It defies imagination. If “all of the kids” who grew up in poor neighborhoods were that naïve and gullible then we would hardly need much recruiting now would we? But SOME of them are, and those are the few that they get to join out of any given school. What is insulting is your blaming the victim of lies, rather than the liar.

But that’s because you’re a stupid flag waiver who doesn’t really give a shit either. You only care about the image of the military. You don’t care what happens to these kids. They asked for it. Maybe they were wearing a short skirt you know?

Let's be honest. I was there. I think that you need to believe what you want to believe so that you can convince yourself to hate me regardless of my opinion.

Nobody trusts recruiters. Nobody is that stupid. They equate them with used car salesmen and know that they will feed them a line.

Nah, I hear it and see it every week with my own eyes, and you are getting angrier and angrier because I won't back down and say "gee maybe I'm mistaken and haven't been seeing and hearing what I thought I was".

And it reflects badly on the military that you glorify. But that's why I will always be in the schools. Becuase recruiters are pieces of shit predators, and people like you lie to cover up for them, because you don't care about anyting other than waiving your flag.

It'll bite you in your ass one day Damo.