Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

Only a layman, but the dietary restrictions of both the OT and Quran seem to be efforts to prevent people dying of disease in a time lacking refrigeration and antibiotics.

Should the Zombie Apocalypse ever arrive, going kosher or halal should be a considered. Not for religious reasons, but for medical reasons.

Good advice on surviving the Zombie apocalypse!

The ritual Jewish law is boring.
But the histories of the Israelites in the OT is a gold mine for scholars of antiquity. No other ancient people of the Middle East left us such an archive of written material. We take that for granted, but it's pretty remarkable that a small nation state in the highlands of Canaan bequeathed us such a rich library of written material, far exceeding what the great empires of Persia, Babylonia, or the Hittites left us
Good advice on surviving the Zombie apocalypse!

The ritual Jewish law is boring.
But the histories of the Israelites in the OT is a gold mine for scholars of antiquity. No other ancient people of the Middle East left us such an archive of written material. We take that for granted, but it's pretty remarkable that a small nation state in the highlands of Canaan bequeathed us such a rich library of written material, far exceeding what the great empires of Persia, Babylonia, or the Hittites left us

The Miracle of Israel is that it disappeared for around 2000 years and then returned! And not only returned but returned after a Jewish Holocaust!
It's interesting. I'm agnostic, you and IBDAMAN are atheists, and we've all read the Bible - but Cypress who professes to be Christian has not.

How does that work?
you can search until the cows come home and you won't find a post from me claiming to be a practicing Christian

You must have felt pretty stupid reading obscure Jewish ritual purity laws, ritual kosher food laws, and ritual animal sacrifice laws which are irrelevant to your life and even christians aren't supposed to follow.
I used my reason and my brain to decide which parts of the bible are meaningful to read.
Across the globe and throughout time human beings have worshiped some form of deity (ies). Science doesn't explain everything, and faith needs to overlook the contradictions of religious dogma too often. I personally believe that something is going on out there that neither side has pondered or can accept. Perhaps we'll never know. But life is more than enough to handle without worrying if I offend some deity according to someone's "scripture". So I keep this in mind and periodically ponder it. It is what it is.

As they use to say, peace out.
you can search until the cows come home and you won't find a post from me claiming to be a practicing Christian

You must have felt pretty stupid reading obscure Jewish ritual purity laws, ritual kosher food laws, and ritual animal sacrifice laws which are irrelevant to your life and even christians aren't supposed to follow.
I used my reason and my brain to decide which parts of the bible are meaningful to read.

You inflated ego and delusions of grandeur will be your downfall!
It's interesting. I'm agnostic, you and IBDAMAN are atheists, and we've all read the Bible - but Cypress who professes to be Christian has not.

How does that work?

you can search until the cows come home and you won't find a post from me claiming to be a practicing Christian

You must have felt pretty stupid reading obscure Jewish ritual purity laws, ritual kosher food laws, and ritual animal sacrifice laws which are irrelevant to your life and even christians aren't supposed to follow.
I used my reason and my brain to decide which parts of the bible are meaningful to read.

The Down Under dummy seems to get a lot of things confused. His posts, and veracity, are erratic and inconsistent. Not sure if it’s a mental thing, substance abuse or simply being an Aussie.
Yup... very depressing indeed... "own nothing and be happy about it"...

Imagine no Dutch Uncle
I wonder if you can
No need for forum trolling
Let's put to test this plan

Imagine all the users
Posting logically

You are not logical

I can’t imagine you ever will be

You prefer lies to truth
You can prove it to yourself.

Just say, "Dear God, if you exist, strike me with lightning now"!

Let us know how that goes for you!

Here I will say it, "Dear God, if you exist, strike me with lightning now"!

Oh-O-O-O Heaven let your light shine down!

Drop D tuning..
The Down Under dummy seems to get a lot of things confused. His posts, and veracity, are erratic and inconsistent. Not sure if it’s a mental thing, substance abuse or simply being an Aussie.

A lot of the MAGA "atheists and agnostics," who claim to have read the bible page by page, verse by verse, cover to cover are somehow unaware that a large portion on the five books of Torah are dedicated to Jewish ritual laws on purity, animal sacrifice, temple worship, kosher foods, etc. which are meaningless and irrelevant, and even Christians do not follow them.
A lot of the MAGA "atheists and agnostics," who claim to have read the bible page by page, verse by verse, cover to cover are somehow unaware that a large portion on the five books of Torah are dedicated to Jewish ritual laws on purity, animal sacrifice, temple worship, kosher foods, etc. which are meaningless and irrelevant, and even Christians do not follow them.

As soon as someone admits they support a lying, POS rapist, pedophile traitor, I consider everything they say to be either a lie or a delusion.
A lot of the MAGA "atheists and agnostics," who claim to have read the bible page by page, verse by verse, cover to cover are somehow unaware that a large portion on the five books of Torah are dedicated to Jewish ritual laws on purity, animal sacrifice, temple worship, kosher foods, etc. which are meaningless and irrelevant, and even Christians do not follow them.

Correct, those covenants were erased with the arrival of Jesus Christ
Correct, those covenants were erased with the arrival of Jesus Christ

As why God doesn't exist in "one nation under God with equal justice under law" since this Christian Nation Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement thieving US Constitution arsonists went to so much trouble to bring their master plan of 9/11 over decades which was granted standing with SCOTUS more perfect union of Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience with Christiananality pedophilia master race by forgiving themselves with a patriot act....
Great from a historical POV, and often cherry-picked by RWers to justify bigotry against gays.
Terry, Terry, Terry ... are you abusing the word "cherry-picking"?

Do you mean to say that it's cherry-picking when RWers justify bigotry against gays but completely doctrinal when LWers justify bigotry against gays?

Do you mean to say that gays could just as easily cherry-pick to justify their bigotry against RWers?

Be careful not to spit up when responding this time.
You inflated ego and delusions of grandeur will be your downfall!

Just as Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin loss of Ukraine persecutes Russia from Putin's destruction of Ukraine's food chain & lately phosphorous bombings of what is supposedly Russia as this self proclaimed Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of a fabricated stolen voting ballot certainly makes their national religion of Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming escalation in survival of the fittest fascists as what part of their schizoid cognitive dissonance could actually ensure & provide "one nation under God with equal justice under law" to have my vote; which had been stolen more than once while those crooks on Capital Hill putting on a patriot act .....
Just as Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin loss of Ukraine persecutes Russia from Putin's destruction of Ukraine's food chain & lately phosphorous bombings of what is supposedly Russia as this self proclaimed Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of a fabricated stolen voting ballot certainly makes their national religion of Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming escalation in survival of the fittest fascists as what part of their schizoid cognitive dissonance could actually ensure & provide "one nation under God with equal justice under law" to have my vote; which had been stolen more than once while those crooks on Capital Hill putting on a patriot act .....

Do you have an industrial stapler? You should print these out and staple them up around town on telephone poles. That will complete the circle and your message will be received by the proper audience.
Science and atheism don't have any binding, universal ethical framework.

If everybody was out there deciding for themselves what morality means, there would be no consistent vision of what constitutes morally upright behavior.

Even when we are agnostic or atheist, and even when we strip away the religious language, we are still practicing the inherited binding moral framework we adopted from our two thousand year embrace of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism', Islam, depending on where we live. History and geography is in our DNA.

Perhaps we are practicing what any intelligent creatures would practice in order for relative peace and civilization to survive.

I am an agnostic type...and I practice not doing the things I see as wrong...mostly from a practical application of the Golden Rule.** I would not want to be murdered nor have a loved one (or even a stranger) murdered, so I do not murder; I do not cheat on my wife (commit adultery) because I would not want to have my wife cheat on me; I do not steal, because I would not be stolen from...and so forth.

I suspect the people who wrote the books upon which those religions are based....did that same thing. There may be a GOD...or gods, but to suppose a GOD had to tell us those things were wrong if we wanted to live together is absurd.

**Many ancient societies had forms of the Golden Rule...outside of any religious context.
Perhaps we are practicing what any intelligent creatures would practice in order for relative peace and civilization to survive.

I am an agnostic type...and I practice not doing the things I see as wrong...mostly from a practical application of the Golden Rule.** I would not want to be murdered nor have a loved one (or even a stranger) murdered, so I do not murder; I do not cheat on my wife (commit adultery) because I would not want to have my wife cheat on me; I do not steal, because I would not be stolen from...and so forth.

I suspect the people who wrote the books upon which those religions are based....did that same thing. There may be a GOD...or gods, but to suppose a GOD had to tell us those things were wrong if we wanted to live together is absurd.

**Many ancient societies had forms of the Golden Rule...outside of any religious context.

Very reasonable position.

I always find it annoying when religious folks co-opt "morality" as if there is no way to understand it without some fiat command or some "Metaphysical" Truth(tm) out there beyond space and time.

Personally I view morality as a construct of a social animal. A social animal gains a survival advantage from a stable social network. If murders were commonplace and held no opprobrium it would destabilize the social network and remove the survival advantage.

Your reliance on the "Golden Rule" is a key example of how that works. Each member of the society acts in a way that they want to be treated and it provides a self-regulating system wholly without any need for some supernatural or metaphysical "truth".

The example I like to give is a well fed housecat who kills a songbird. No one in their right mind would say the cat is acting "immorally" even though it was an unnecessary murder, but that's because the housecat isn't really part of our "society". If a human were to commit an unjustified murder it would be an indication that that node on the social network was acting incongruously with the needs of the overall network and should be punished or otherwise held apart from the group until they can be reformed.