Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

Was it something your Church and family expected, or did you just choose to read it on your own?

I never could get through all those Jewish ritual purity and food laws, nor could I understand why it was important, so I skipped over it. I like shellfish too much to put stock in the Jewish law!

Jewish laws are for Jews.
In Sunday school when I was 12, the class read the Bible cover to cover over a year long span.

Later, in high school I again read it cover to cover. The "begats" were difficult as I gave not one shit about the genealogy of ancient Hebrews. Other sections were entertaining. The New Testament is vastly more readable than the Old.

Yet you turned to Satan as an abusive, wife-beating liar and bully. Sad.
Cypress claimed "No one has read the entire Bible."

It's actually very common for Christians to read the Bible cover to cover.

You're a moron for having wasted your time slogging your way though all the arcane Jewish ritual purity laws, sacrificial laws, civil laws, and food laws. Even Paul said Jewish law doesn't apply to christians, and I just skipped past that stuff
You're a moron for having wasted your time slogging your way though all the arcane Jewish ritual purity, sacrificial, and food laws. Even Paul said Jewish law doesn't apply to christians, and I just skipped past that stuff

And Jesus said he came to fulfill Jewish law.
You're a moron for having wasted your time slogging your way though all the arcane Jewish ritual purity laws, sacrificial laws, civil laws, and food laws. Even Paul said Jewish law doesn't apply to christians, and I just skipped past that stuff

I think you should rethink calling people a moron who choose to read what you skip.
I have no idea why you quote Paul's POV??? Paul was a Jew not a Christian! Christians are Gentile believers.
Jewish believers are Jews that recognize their Messiah was Jesus.