Prove to me that God doesn’t exist

I have read it cover to cover. It took a very long time, because it would put me to sleep, but I can not recall all details, just the ones that made an impression.

In Sunday school when I was 12, the class read the Bible cover to cover over a year long span.

Later, in high school I again read it cover to cover. The "begats" were difficult as I gave not one shit about the genealogy of ancient Hebrews. Other sections were entertaining. The New Testament is vastly more readable than the Old.
No, Terry. One cannot notice that which is false or that is not real. No one can notice the fleeting, errant sensations on your brain stem.

Besides you? I can think of several others on JPP who find the concept of "learning" morally reprehensible. Fortunately for you there's no risk of that. Other leftists, however, live with the constant fear that some accurate information might be perceived in some way and stick.

You might speak for yourself.
In Sunday school when I was 12, the class read the Bible cover to cover over a year long span.

Later, in high school I again read it cover to cover. The "begats" were difficult as I gave not one shit about the genealogy of ancient Hebrews. Other sections were entertaining. The New Testament is vastly more readable than the Old.

Who gives a shit??????????????
Apparently you don't. But don't worry, Terry can be a lot of fun; just bend Terry over some furniture and do whatever you want. Terry is harmless.

Why would you think I don't?

What Douche Duck craves is my attention - so I deny it to him. I don't read the shit he vomits out - ever. His attempts to sniff my butt are in vane.

Someday he'll die - and no one will notice.
Why would you think I don't?

What Douche Duck craves is my attention - so I deny it to him. I don't read the shit he vomits out - ever. His attempts to sniff my butt are in vane.

Someday he'll die - and no one will notice.
Claims he ignores me.

I knew an idiot once who was a cry bully like you. “Jits” was one name he was called because the fucking moron kept bragging about kicking other people’s asses with martial arts. No one believed him AFAIK. He was a complete fucking moron. He dropped offline, presumably due to legal issues for fraud and sexual harassment.

I have no doubt he abused his wife too.
I have read it cover to cover. It took a very long time, because it would put me to sleep, but I can not recall all details, just the ones that made an impression.

Was it something your Church and family expected, or did you just choose to read it on your own?

I never could get through all those Jewish ritual purity and food laws, nor could I understand why it was important, so I skipped over it. I like shellfish too much to put stock in the Jewish law!
In Sunday school when I was 12, the class read the Bible cover to cover over a year long span.

Later, in high school I again read it cover to cover. The "begats" were difficult as I gave not one shit about the genealogy of ancient Hebrews. Other sections were entertaining. The New Testament is vastly more readable than the Old.
I agree, the New Testament is not as boring. The begats were awful.
Plausible reasoning.

One hypothesis is that a persisting upsurge in violence across Eurasia during the dark ages of the late Bronze age fueled a lingering anxiety and spiritual crisis among people, promoting them to look inward in seeking some transcendent meaning in life
A fair point. The collapse of civilizations is most certainly an age of human chaos. That said, I side with Maslow. I strongly doubt the people in Ukraine, much less Darfur, are doing much spiritual soul-searching compared to their focus upon basic survival.
I don't think anyone here has read the bible cover to cover, and not with the type of consistency that would allow one to recall all details from the tips of one's fingers.

The archangel Gabriel is the spiritual entity that revealed God's word to Muhammed

Show me where in the Bible anyone but Michael is ArchAngel! FYI,I have read the Bible cover to cover.
Of all the people I would think you would be the last one to spread misinformation.
In Sunday school when I was 12, the class read the Bible cover to cover over a year long span.

Later, in high school I again read it cover to cover. The "begats" were difficult as I gave not one shit about the genealogy of ancient Hebrews. Other sections were entertaining. The New Testament is vastly more readable than the Old.

Certain parts of the Old Testament are very interesting, I like Esther.