Putin Blinks?

You know what's hilarious? Putin's story is he was never going to invade, "the west" invented this lie.

And what are all the rightys who swear on their mother's grave they're not Putin's little stooges saying?

Oh, that exact same thing. LOL It's one thing to be a little Putin dog, jerking this way and that whenever Putin yanks your dog collar. It's another to be so transparently stupid and expect people to buy your shrill denials.

It appears that Putin has succeeded in convincing everybody that Ukraine will never join NATO. Now, having met with Germany's Scholz, the Nord Stream project is set to proceed without further US interference- it is hoped. If the US doesn't butt out and forces its closure- which is its aim- then the Russians will recognize the two breakaway states in the Donbas. That would be like absorbing a huge , Russian-speaking, chunk of Ukraine without crossing Ukraine's border with so much as an ice-cream trolley.
Best for everybody if the US starts to wind down its foreign empire ambitions and concentrates on its mounting problems at home. It's still recovering from four years of having a mobster moron in charge who made an enemy of China.
It appears that Putin has succeeded in convincing everybody that Ukraine will never join NATO. Now, having met with Germany's Scholz, the Nord Stream project is set to proceed without further US interference- it is hoped. If the US doesn't butt out and forces its closure- which is its aim- then the Russians will recognize the two breakaway states in the Donbas. That would be like absorbing a huge , Russian-speaking, chunk of Ukraine without crossing Ukraine's border with so much as an ice-cream trolley.
Best for everybody if the US starts to wind down its foreign empire ambitions and concentrates on its mounting problems at home. It's still recovering from four years of having a mobster moron in charge who made an enemy of China.

Nato has refused to be honest about Ukraine.

That's a huge motherfucking problem.
he tried to pretend he didn't mean what he said.......that is different from "correcting it".........in any event it had the effect on Putin that we all saw......

Everyone seems to think he knows what as an "effect on Putin".

As for Biden's statement, diplomatic language is diplomatic language. The statement meant "zero incursion."
"Nothing else has occurred?"

I don't even know what that means. If you don't follow what the admin does, just say so.

Tell me one thing he has done to help the average American! That answer is a cop out and you know it just get it over with call me a racist and leave the conversation. His only accomplishment is hyperinflation, and making us dependent on others for energy thus increasing the price!! Did he cure covid like he claimed he would? NOPE! Is the average American better off nope! Are big corporations still acording to you making gross unfair profits yep.
Tell me one thing he has done to help the average American! That answer is a cop out and you know it just get it over with call me a racist and leave the conversation. His only accomplishment is hyperinflation, and making us dependent on others for energy thus increasing the price!! Did he cure covid like he claimed he would? NOPE! Is the average American better off nope! Are big corporations still acording to you making gross unfair profits yep.

Biden/Kam also get credit for the open borders...illegals (non-citizens), drugs, drug gangs, MS-13, human sex traffickers and terrorists.
This is all about Nord Stream 2.
Biden wants it shut- Europe wants it open.
Putin will continue to advance the truth that co-operation is progressive and NATO is the opposite.

Scholz and Putin will be discussing how to get the anti-Nord Stream mad-dog NATO drones off the case so that they can continue with the co-operation that the pipeline has promised.
If there is to be any ' false flag ' operation it won't be the Russians behind it.

Russian troops withdrawing from Ukraine border – Moscow
Forces have already begun preparing for withdrawal, the Ministry of Defense has announced

Russian troops have completed their training drills in Belarus, close to neighboring Ukraine, and will begin returning to their places of regular deployment, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow has announced amid fears in the West that the exercises could have been a precursor to an invasion.




Look at this fucking traitor siding with putin over the US.

Just like trump in Helsinki

Trump trashed our entire USA intel system and said they were lying about Putin

He said he knew that because Putin told him so

Fucking traitors
Tell me one thing he has done to help the average American! That answer is a cop out and you know it just get it over with call me a racist and leave the conversation. His only accomplishment is hyperinflation, and making us dependent on others for energy thus increasing the price!! Did he cure covid like he claimed he would? NOPE! Is the average American better off nope! Are big corporations still acording to you making gross unfair profits yep.

How about the infrastructure bill that was so awesome lying assed republicans pretended they voted for it when they bragged to their constituents about what it will do for them

Why were they telling those people it would destroy the world like they were saying when they voted against it?

Because they are evil lying fucks
Look at this fucking traitor siding with putin over the US.

Just like trump in Helsinki

Trump trashed our entire USA intel system and said they were lying about Putin

He said he knew that because Putin told him so

Fucking traitors

Yet your side were the ones colluding with Russian intel against a rightfully elected POTUS. Traitors indeed.

How about the infrastructure bill that was so awesome lying assed republicans pretended they voted for it when they bragged to their constituents about what it will do for them

Why were they telling those people it would destroy the world like they were saying when they voted against it?

Because they are evil lying fucks

The spending in the infrastructure is what is causing the hyperinflation! It is destroying our economy, and it will only get worse! How about how he promised to end covid?
The spending in the infrastructure is what is causing the hyperinflation! It is destroying our economy, and it will only get worse! How about how he promised to end covid?


You are an economics idiot
Putin will continue to advance the truth that co-operation is progressive and NATO is the opposite.

If there is to be any ' false flag ' operation it won't be the Russians behind it.
Holy smoke, check out this Putin cocksucker siding with the Kremlin.
Holy smoke, check out this Putin cocksucker siding with the Kremlin.

Except I didnt post that,...I quoted another poster and left a link to the original. Also left a link to the original article the poster was disgussing.