Putin Blinks?

So, what plan would you have advocated? Committing 5,000+ troops indefinitely to keep Bagram secure, and sending additional troops on risky missions to retrieve disabled equipment?

we could have kept with what Trump did......Putin made no aggressive moves over the previous four years.....
It doesn't matter what you believe.
Putin most certainly thinks NATO is eyeing a future move into Ukraine, and that informs the actions he is taking now.

He may or may not think that. Who can tell what Putin is thinking? This could all have been ruse to get something out of the West. We may never know the answer.
It doesn't matter what you believe.
Putin most certainly thinks NATO is eyeing a future move into Ukraine, and that informs the actions he is taking now.

its not Ukraine joining that concerns Vlad. The exersize with Belarus was just a good excuse to trigger Biden into looking foolish.
I note with interest reports that the Ukrainian economy has been greatly weakened over the last months. This plays right into the Empires interests. An impoverished Ukraine will be be increasingly submissive to China.
The New Eurasian Century

The current crises in eastern Europe reflect more than just Kremlin mischief-making—they reflect the first fruits of an emerging world order that spans the vastness from Beijing to Berlin. Unlike the longstanding liberal status quo, with its roots in classical civilization and the Enlightenment, this emerging alternative draws upon a mélange of German geopolitics, the legacy of Chinese emperors, the Mongols, and Orthodox Russian autocracy. For now, the new Eurasian ascendency encompasses Russia and its expanding list of recovered satellites, as well as China, the world’s premier dictatorship and workshop. But it also now threatens to include Germany, a development that would bring a militarily strong and resource-rich state into alliance with the world’s second and fourth largest economies.

Although the Germans have not yet conceded their ties to liberal democracy, the new Eurasian alliance possesses a magnetic appeal, and shares a common distaste for Anglo-Saxon liberalism. After all, Russia supplies much of Europe’s gas—critical at a time of regulatory-driven energy shortages, and soon to be bolstered by the Nord Stream 2 pipeline—while China has emerged as Germany’s largest export market. The niceties of democracy may be scrupulously observed, but in the end, money talks, along with power, and more than a little anti-American revanchism.

China is in charge, make no mistake on this point.
Oh look, fake crocodile tears from conservatives who never gave a rat's ass about human rights in third world countries, let alone the welfare of Muslim civilians.

Praying for America to fail does not make it so. You conservatives practically guaranteed me Americans would be beheaded, and that this was an epic clusterfuck for the history books.

What the history books are going to show is that Biden got us out of a failed war previous presidents had failed to successfully execute. 13 Americans killed by a terrorist bomb is a tragedy, but it will only be a minor footnote in the history books.

How would you know what went on when all the press bailed out in July?
An opinion piece by a Biden antagonist, not a news report. You may not want to credit Biden for correcting the "minor incursion" remark and make him eat it, but correct it he did though with Trumpers he will never stop eating it.

he tried to pretend he didn't mean what he said.......that is different from "correcting it".........in any event it had the effect on Putin that we all saw......
You said that w/ the economy, too.

I think it's just something you say.

With Afghanistan, Biden couldn't stop the snowball from rolling. He should have been out by May 1 but he (or his handlers) wanted to push the final date to 9/11 for big optics.

Staying past the agreed time to move out and thinking he could get away with it is the problem.

It got people killed unnecessarily, gave the Taliban millions of dollars' worth of fine American weaponry, and China a 1st look at all our battle tech.

That's pretty fucked up. Oh..as an afterthought, Biden also made us look weak on the world stage.
Douglas Macgregor just said on Tucker basically that I am right....China has given Putin permission and pledged support to make Ukraine Russian again.
You know what's hilarious? Putin's story is he was never going to invade, "the west" invented this lie.

And what are all the rightys who swear on their mother's grave they're not Putin's little stooges saying?

Oh, that exact same thing. LOL It's one thing to be a little Putin dog, jerking this way and that whenever Putin yanks your dog collar. It's another to be so transparently stupid and expect people to buy your shrill denials.