Question for evolutionists

If that is true, then why was there a need to develop a circulatory system? We're discussing warm-blooded mammals here. Not insects.

Insects have a circulatory system. Their hearts pump their blood through a dorsal passage to the head and rear, and it just flows openly through the body from those openings. That passage is the blood vessel for an insect.
Learn to do internet searches pard.

Someday you're going to learn about plumbing. Fluid isn't going to move unless you have something that is greater pressure than something else and a pressurized passage for it to move through.

Even plants have circulatory systems and 'blood' (sap).
Ok. Your body has a circulatory system. This is used to move oxygen rich blood cells through every part of your body. Now, here's a question for you. A circulatory system is useless without blood. Also, blood has no reason to exist without one. So which came first? Blood or our circulatory system? The answer is neither. They were created at the same time. There is no other rational explanation.

Mother of fucking Christ!
Even reading it, I can't believe it
At least the asylum let's him have a computer.
Mutations arise randomly all the time, all enviroment does is result in selective pressure(s) upon randomly arising mutations in the population which may be beneficial/advantageous, detrimental/disadvantageous, both or indifferent. Semantics for you perhaps, but clearly we need to make this as simple as possible for the Grug.

You just built yourself into a paradox.

If the Theory of Natural Selection is True, then mutations are NOT random.
If mutations are random, then the Theory of Natural Selection is not True.

This is actually what falsifies Darwin's theory.

The Theory of Evolution, on the other hand, is not falsifiable.
Because it's random and through reproduction eventually spreads. Life reproduces because it can survive long enough to do so, therefore ththe assumption is that these continual mutations which survive are therefore beneficial. All the ones that aren't beneficial do not live ti be passed on.

Than it's not random.
If you're so stupid you think you did, that's your problem. Educate yourself. You do sound like the typical leftwinger when called on something trying to play it off.

You sound like you're a tad upset you didn't get the insult.
How is anywhere in this sequence 'progress'?

The actual fossil record details the fact that there was no PROGRESSION along the supposed evolutionary line. It appears that some proponents of evolution want to forget about Science and the Cambrian Explosion. Still today there is no plausible explanation concerning the sudden appearance in the fossil record of major biological animal life.
A useless thread. Evolution as accepted by these Darwinian Cultists has never been proven to be a FACT OF SCIENCE, its all theory, conjecture, speculation void of the required evidence to be called a FACT. Why waste time with a theory that has faith that everything came from nothing? When you start with nothing, NOTHING IS WHAT YOU GET. On the other one has ever presented the scientific experiment that disproves CREATION. Funny......the cultists accept blind faith but declare Creation to be blind. :bigthink:

This thread is about the Theory of Evolution, not the Theory of Creation. However, neither theory is science. Neither theory is falsifiable.

Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution. He created the Theory of Natural Selection, a different theory, and one that has been falsified.