Question for evolutionists

The trouble with any of these books, lectures, websites, etc. is that they are just opinions and arguments in and of themselves. They are written by people just like you. They may be quite wrong. Even school and college textbooks have been wrong from time to time.

Just because someone bound some written paper together or put up a website doesn't make it automatically True.

The question posed at the beginning of this thread is a valid one for discussion here. Copping out to point at the arguments of others is not a valid reference. That's just lazy thinking. It simply means you can't present an argument of your own on the matter.

Reality America, just make up your own.
Please do, you've obviously not understood what proving a negative is.

It is quite possible to prove a negative, but you can't use open sets to do it. In this case, however, your claim on the fallacy is valid. Attempted proof of a negative using open sets is also the fallacy known as the Argument of Ignorance.

If a set is closed, and you have examined each and every element of the set, you can indeed prove a negative. Example: If you have a bag of marbles of different colors except black, and you have examined each and every marble in the bag, you can conclusively prove there were no black marbles in the bag.

If a set is open, you can't examine each and every element in the set, so it is not possible to prove the negative. This is why it is not possible to prove whether any god or gods exist, or whether any god or gods does not exist. It is also why it is not possible to prove any theory about a past unobserved event False or True. Such a theory is necessarily not falsifiable. It therefore cannot be a theory of science, which is a set of falsifiable theories by definition.