Question for evolutionists

The actual fossil record details the fact that there was no PROGRESSION along the supposed evolutionary line. It appears that some proponents of evolution want to forget about Science and the Cambrian Explosion. Still today there is no plausible explanation concerning the sudden appearance in the fossil record of major biological animal life.

Fossils don't show genealogy anyway. They don't contain DNA. Only the image of the animal. We can date the stones relative to each other, but that's all. You are quite right. The Cambrian Explosion itself tends to argue against a slow, consistent pace of evolution.

There are two competing theories for the origin of life on Earth. Neither are theories of science.

The first is the Theory of Abiogenesis, which states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.
The second is the Theory of Creation, which states that life came to Earth through the action of some kind of intelligence. That intelligence need not be a god (it could be an alien), but Christianity considers that intelligence to be a god.

These two theories are mutually exclusive of each other. One of them MUST be False. Neither theory is falsifiable (we can't go back to see what actually happened), and therefore neither theory is a theory of science.

A third theory, the Theory of Evolution, is often associated with the Theory of Abiogenesis. The Theory of Evolution, however, does not discuss the origin of life at all. It states that 'higher order life' evolved from 'lower order life'. It does not presume where that life actually came from. This theory is thousands of years old. Darwin did not create this theory. Apparently, it came out of ancient Greece.

Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection. This theory states that life, as it evolves, tends toward satisfying a need, which benefits the critter in some way, selecting that critter to survive while others die off. This is testable, and it has been falsified.
Fossils don't show genealogy anyway. They don't contain DNA. Only the image of the animal. We can date the stones relative to each other, but that's all. You are quite right. The Cambrian Explosion itself tends to argue against a slow, consistent pace of evolution.

I don't know of anyone who ever asserted that evolution has a predetermined pace. What the evidence and fossil record show is characterized by/as punctuated equilibrium, not any consistent pace. Where have you read that argued scientifically in the primary literature?
If the Theory of Natural Selection is True, then mutations are guided by Natural Selection, which removes randomness. The theory tends to reducing choices to select from, since the others die off. Therefore it is not random.

No, mutations are guided by nothing, they arise randomly, natural selection may or may not have any impact upon a given mutation.
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You're simply ignoring information posted here already. See if you can locate the post. Then see "open circulatory system".

An open circulatory system has a pressurized fluid passage (a blood vessel), and blood (although it's typically hemolymph rather than hemoglobin).

It is still a circulatory system, complete with blood vessel(s) and blood, and a heart.
Nope. That's a complete circulatory system with blood vessel(s), a heart, and blood (hemolymph).

Ah, so open circulatory systems are "incomplete"? Is that a scientific description you've seen somewhere or have you just made that up? They seem to be rather complete in function for the organisms that have them.

The open circulatory system is common to molluscs and arthropods. Open circulatory systems (evolved in crustaceans, insects, mollusks and other invertebrates) pump blood into a hemocoel with the blood diffusing back to the circulatory system between cells. Blood is pumped by a heart into the body cavities, where tissues are surrounded by the blood.

An open circulatory system is a type of circulatory system in which nutrients and waste are moved through the body with the assistance of a fluid which flows freely through the body cavity, rather than being contained in veins. Many invertebrates like insects and shellfish have an open circulatory system, with the exact composition of the circulating fluid varying, depending on the animal species involved. In contrast, vertebrates have a closed circulatory system which circulates blood through a series of vessels in the body, with the interstitial fluid known as lymph moving slowly between the cells and through a series of lymph nodes.

In the case of an animal with an open circulatory system, all of the organs and internal structures are constantly bathed in a mixture of the components of blood and lymph. This fluid brings nutrition and often oxygen to these structures, while carrying away waste for processing. Because the system is not closed, it is not possible to create blood pressure; instead, the animal circulates this fluid with muscle contractions. In some animals, the fluid is not oxygenated; instead, tissues receive oxygen directly through the tracheal system.
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Fossils don't show genealogy anyway. They don't contain DNA. Only the image of the animal. We can date the stones relative to each other, but that's all. You are quite right. The Cambrian Explosion itself tends to argue against a slow, consistent pace of evolution.

There are two competing theories for the origin of life on Earth. Neither are theories of science.

The first is the Theory of Abiogenesis, which states that life originated on Earth through a series of random unspecified events.
The second is the Theory of Creation, which states that life came to Earth through the action of some kind of intelligence. That intelligence need not be a god (it could be an alien), but Christianity considers that intelligence to be a god.

These two theories are mutually exclusive of each other. One of them MUST be False. Neither theory is falsifiable (we can't go back to see what actually happened), and therefore neither theory is a theory of science.

A third theory, the Theory of Evolution, is often associated with the Theory of Abiogenesis. The Theory of Evolution, however, does not discuss the origin of life at all. It states that 'higher order life' evolved from 'lower order life'. It does not presume where that life actually came from. This theory is thousands of years old. Darwin did not create this theory. Apparently, it came out of ancient Greece.

Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection. This theory states that life, as it evolves, tends toward satisfying a need, which benefits the critter in some way, selecting that critter to survive while others die off. This is testable, and it has been falsified.


Bible-based homeschooling
No, mutations are guided my nothing, they arise randomly, natural selection may or may not have any impact upon a given mutation.

The idiot has it exactly backwards. Mutations are not guided by Natural Selection. Mutations are random and constant. Mutations occur, THEN Natural Selection steps in. Good genes survive, bad ones don't. And it doesn't mean going from a "lower life form" to a "higher life form".

It's amazing how some people wish to place their massive ignorance on public display.
The objective reality is that no one saw happen what you say yet you expect people to believe it.

Absolutely correct!

The very definition of religion by philosophy is the use of some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. The circular argument by itself is not a fallacy. The other word for the circular argument is 'faith'.

Attempting to prove a circular argument (or an argument of faith) is a fallacy. That's what a fundamentalist does. Fundamentalism can occur in any religion.