Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Most people get it that we live in a society and owe some responsibility to the society that makes our lives possible.

Others are selfish.

We call them unvaccinated.

But we would love to welcome them with open arms into the circle of the socially conscious and responsible.

Please join us.

The sooner you do the better off we all are.
I got the vaccine, but I don't bother with cloth masks unless service is withhold by doing so. Why? for the same reason I don't have a diaper on. I don't think it's needed

I believe my risk assessment is in line with the danger I face.
I got the vaccine, but I don't bother with cloth masks unless service is withhold by doing so. Why? for the same reason I don't have a diaper on. I don't think it's needed

I believe my risk assessment is in line with the danger I face.

it isnt about your risk, its about you being an ass hole
Is it true in California, they expect you to put the mask on between drinks or bites of food?

In Illinois, when you walk into a bar, you have to have a mask on until you get served, than it can come off. the science behind that is nonexistant.
Is it true in California, they expect you to put the mask on between drinks or bites of food?
In some places, yes. Other businesses are telling King Newsom to go fuck himself.
In Illinois, when you walk into a bar, you have to have a mask on until you get served, than it can come off.
Still inane.
the science behind that is nonexistant.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories. No theory can be based on a paradox.

People that demand you wear a mask are only stating that their own mask doesn't work. So you should wear one because it ...... doesn't work?? I call this paradox M.
People that demand you get vaccinated are only stating that their own vaccination doesn't work. So you should get vaccinated because it....... doesn't work?? I call this paradox V.
People that demand you wear a mask even though you are vaccinated are simply combining the two paradoxes.

Masks, of course, do not work. They are completely ineffective against a virus. The pores are simply way to large. You might as well try to stop a fly with a barbed wire fence.
In some places, yes. Other businesses are telling King Newsom to go fuck himself.

Still inane.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories. No theory can be based on a paradox.

People that demand you wear a mask are only stating that their own mask doesn't work. So you should wear one because it ...... doesn't work?? I call this paradox M.
People that demand you get vaccinated are only stating that their own vaccination doesn't work. So you should get vaccinated because it....... doesn't work?? I call this paradox V.
People that demand you wear a mask even though you are vaccinated are simply combining the two paradoxes.

Masks, of course, do not work. They are completely ineffective against a virus. The pores are simply way to large. You might as well try to stop a fly with a barbed wire fence.

You are a moron