Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Most people get it that we live in a society and owe some responsibility to the society that makes our lives possible.
Marxist bullshit.

Others are selfish.

We call them unvaccinated.
Who is "we"? Do you have multiple personalities?

See above.

would love to welcome them with open arms into the circle of the socially conscious and responsible.
AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!!! You are a liar. You consider half the nation to be "deplorables" and otherwise "sub-human". Fuck your Satanism.

Please join us.
I do not wish to join your cult.

The sooner you do the better off we all are.
You should check into your multiple personality issue...
Marxist bullshit.

Who is "we"? Do you have multiple personalities?

See above.

AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!!! You are a liar. You consider half the nation to be "deplorables" and otherwise "sub-human". Fuck your Satanism.

I do not wish to join your cult.

You should check into your multiple personality issue...

you are a moron
I got the vaccine,
I didn't (and I've decided that I won't get one for numerous reasons, but especially due to the high incidence of blood clotting and heart inflammation in men who are my age). I also don't wish to fuck with my well functioning immune system.

but I don't bother with cloth masks
Besides work, where I am mandated to wear one (I could always leave and get a different job, but for now I'm sticking with my current one), I don't bother with the damn things either. And even then, I wear them below my nose so that I can breathe normally.

Lately, though, I've been making use of mesh masks at work (they happen to have a snakeskin design on them so its difficult to tell how thin they are unless you are up close to me and purposely looking for thickness). I even end up putting those below my nose much of the time, but if one is forced to wear a mask above their nose, then those are the way to go imo because those are much easier to breathe through than cloth or paper masks. Unfortunately, many people aren't even allowed THAT option at their jobs atm...

unless service is withhold by doing so.
I will only put on a mask (for a few minutes) if it is for some sort of important medical service such as a dental appointment. If it is for groceries, hair cutting, or anything else of the sort, then I absolutely refuse to put one on. If a business has a problem with me refusing to wearing a mask inside of their store, then I just take my business elsewhere and put them onto a "boycott" list. --- Costco and Menards are currently on that list for me. They have been replaced by Piggly Wiggly and Fleet Farm (or Home Depot if necessary).

Why? for the same reason I don't have a diaper on. I don't think it's needed
I recommend watching the recent AwakenWithJP video about mandatory life jackets. It sums up this mandatory mask/jab bullshit quite well.

I believe my risk assessment is in line with the danger I face.
I've just been living my life as normally as possible.

In the past, I've never been one for wearing any sort of political messaging attire, but now I'm going to start wearing anti-tyranny (pro-freedom) attire around whenever I am "out and about" in an effort to start waking some people up who can still be woken up.
Is it true in California, they expect you to put the mask on between drinks or bites of food?
Yes. King Newsom has issued such a royal decree for all of the SOTC. I would assume that the freedom zones within the SOTC are ignoring it though.

In Illinois, when you walk into a bar, you have to have a mask on until you get served, than it can come off. the science behind that is nonexistant.
That's fucking retarded as well. But likewise with the SOTC, I would assume that much of Illinois (outside of the Chicago area) ignores that bullshit as well.

Here in Wisconsin, most all of the State is living life in a pre-COVID manner. Only Dane County (Madison area) is forcing people (whether vaccinated or not) to wear masks indoors in public atm. I still refuse to wear masks inside of stores within Dane County (as most of them in my experience seem not to care whether or not their customers are wearing masks).

Outside of Dane County (and Milwaukee County, where many people are voluntarily enslaving themselves to fear) you wouldn't even know that COVID was supposedly still a thing.
Thanks. I'd hate to be left out of your view that everyone is a moron. :thup:
Usually whenever someone (in this case, katzgar) thinks that literally everyone else around them is a moron or an asshole or whatever, the problem doesn't lie with everybody else...
Usually whenever someone (in this case, katzgar) thinks that literally everyone else around them is a moron or an asshole or whatever, the problem doesn't lie with everybody else...

Same goes when a person thinks they are the only one that is sane or constantly believes they are the sanest person they know.
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.

Dude, its not about the vaccine, its not about anything save for the fact, this country since Trump; has shown the world time and time again, over and over, we are a nation of piss poor ignorant stupid mf's that would rather rally for a corrupt immoral clown, its morally corrupt politicians and stand for nothing, as long as a democrat holds power in this country. For these worthless stupid mf's to turn on teachers and healthcare workers, just because.....makes my stomach turn and I live for the day, these losers...all just simply drop the fuck dead.
Hello tigerred59,

Dude, its not about the vaccine, its not about anything save for the fact, this country since Trump; has shown the world time and time again, over and over, we are a nation of piss poor ignorant stupid mf's that would rather rally for a corrupt immoral clown, its morally corrupt politicians and stand for nothing, as long as a democrat holds power in this country. For these worthless stupid mf's to turn on teachers and healthcare workers, just because.....makes my stomach turn and I live for the day, these losers...all just simply drop the fuck dead.

I disagree. Having a portion of the populace drop dead would not be a good thing at all. All the functions they provide for society would be halted. The dependents they provide for would be left without. That would be a devastating impact on the economy. It would cause a depression. It is nothing to wish for.

Holding power is not the goal. It is what is to be done with the power. Democrats seek to do good things for society, to have our government care about individuals. We are a great country because we have a big powerful government. We would be nothing without our big powerful government. If we just get government out of the way and let capitalists do as they please things would be a lot worse. There would be no minimum wage. Minimum wage is a Democratic idea that set a bottom floor for how much a worker can be paid.

Greedy capitalists would love to pay people less than minimum wage. The only reason that doesn't happen is because it is against the law. It's like they are saying to the workers: "I respect you so little that I would totally exploit all of your available time and pay you so little that you can't even live on it, and the only reason I don't do that is because it is against the law."

We have our big powerful government to stand between the greed of selfish powerful people and responsible caring people who simply want to work, be paid a reasonable wage, and be good citizens and members of a strong functioning community.

Most people simply want to be a productive member of society, doing their part. It is the selfish and the greedy that mess things up.

A pandemic response must be a centrally coordinated organized effort. Nobody can stop a pandemic on their own. It takes all of us. We have to work together as part of an organized, well thought out plan.

That is why we have distancing, masks, and vaccines.

Every pandemic in history has had people who resist the needed mandates. What we are seeing is nothing new.

The sooner we can grind this resistance down, the sooner we can put this thing in the rear view mirror.

We will beat this pandemic.

These measures are not the new normal forever.

We all need to do our part, and together we will prevail.
Why does it matter. We still do not live in a Fascist dictatorship. People still have CHOICES. If you don't like it. MOVE to some Socialist utopia like Cuba. :palm:

If ppl still have choices, why are the women in texas and red states struggling to have CHOICES OVER THEIR BODIES????
Every time I see these loud mouth Karen's mouthing off to complete strangers, with they bad ass's, I give 10000000% credit to BLACK SELLOUTS.....its because of black men and their lust for these mops, the Karens feel embolden to have voices of I'M BETTER THAN ANYBODY ON THE PLANET AND MY VOICE IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS BECAUSE NOW I HAVE BLACK TOM'S TO BACK ME UP