Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

The problem with the mask rules is that so often they have nothing to do with the spread of SARS-COV2, the rules are made by either idiots or people who are after something other than bug control (OBEDIENCE!) . There is no evidence that cloth masks do anything, surgical masks might indoors in certain conditions cut the spread 10% which will be only minimally helpful in cutting COVID, and while the N95 masks could perhaps cut the transmission 50% if they were properly used (they generally will not be) they are too uncomfortable and intrusive for constant everyday use.
Why? Just because a so-called "expert" says something is no reason for me to simply obey their edict. Fauci and the CDC have been wrong more often than right during this whole fiasco. I have no faith in either and ignore what they say now. You can only cry 'wolf!' so often before people stop listening.

It's clear from even cursory research that the whole mask edict is simply wrong. Yes, there are at least 50+ studies that show masks work in a laboratory setting. However, the handful of well done studies on actual populations wearing and not wearing masks and Chinese Disease contraction rates show that masks make a miniscule difference that is statistically insignificant. Thus, the actual science contradicts the whole wear a mask edict. It even gets more ridiculous when idiots like Fauci try to tell you you need to wear one virtually all the time.

Good studies from places like Israel, where more than 80% of the population is now vaccinated, show that the vaccines are no panacea against Chinese Disease. They help, but they aren't anywhere near 100% effective. Again, the so-called experts early on told us they would be. Now they're back pedaling.

The bottom line here is that the response of the government gives me every reason to ignore the government response and just get on with my life. So, for the Nth time, Fuck the government, fuck masks, and I'll do as I damn well please. I am not going to listen or rely on incompetents and idiots to try and run my life. You hear me Fauci? FUCK YOU AND YOU CAN TAKE YOUR GODDAMNED MASKS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS!
That statement is 100% false. Completely wrong.

considering you stated previously "LOL, yes it's a vaccine. No vaccine prevents all infection. Are you really this stupid, or is it an act. Because if it isn't...... you need serious psychiatric help."

my response

"All what you stated means that a covid shot doesn't prevent a person from getting aids, polio, or even leftist and globalist retardation. It's not a vaccine if you can still get covid after the shot."

My statement is 100 percent correct but thanks for revealing how desperate you are to try and make such pathetic lies you spew the issue.
Seriously, do you think if you repeat your idiotic statement enough times it will become true? No vaccine prevents 100% of infections OF THE DISEASE THE VACCINE IS INTENDED TO PREVENT.

How the fuck did you get so goddamn stupid?

"a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease."

Can you fucking read? The covid vaccine does EXACTLY what defines a vaccine.

I don't mind repeating fact when around deliberately ignorant imbeciles. It's not a vaccine if you can get covid after the shot dumbass. It's useless, why get the shot for one's so called benefit if it is not a vaccine to begin with. Like I stated, you are retarded.

Oh yeah call it a vaccine and tell everyone to get it yet they can still get covid after getting the shot yet such dumbasses are still calling it a vaccine hence where you come into play.
The problem with the mask rules is that so often they have nothing to do with the spread of SARS-COV2, the rules are made by either idiots or people who are after something other than bug control (OBEDIENCE!) . There is no evidence that cloth masks do anything, surgical masks might indoors in certain conditions cut the spread 10% which will be only minimally helpful in cutting COVID, and while the N95 masks could perhaps cut the transmission 50% if they were properly used (they generally will not be) they are too uncomfortable and intrusive for constant everyday use.

they don't go on evidence, they just ignore fact, make up lies call it their belief and try and force such rubbish upon everyone else just like the religious have been doing for thousands of years ...
they don't go on evidence, they just ignore fact, make up lies call it their belief and try and force such rubbish upon everyone else just like the religious have been doing for thousands of years ...

As they club the Not Woke with lies about being anti science they ignore science in when they make COVID Martial law, and deny biology always.

We are so very fucked.
As they club the Not Woke with lies about being anti science they ignore science in when they make COVID Martial law, and deny biology always.

We are so very fucked.

You know what, science is just a process that determines recognition of fact. If it is still a science, it is incomplete.

It's annoying when morons claim scientific fact because no such thing exists.

Science and fact are two different things. For example: Once the process of sciences to create a television was completed it then became fact that we could create television with a successful formula hence no longer a science to create television, but a fact we have television. From there scientific processes took place to create new types of television such as the colour television and once the forumla was successful, it was no longer a science because it became fact that we have colour television through a successful formula. Same with flat screens, computer monitors, nuclear reactors, harnessing electricity, light bulb, gas engine, computer, radio etc. Once a successful formula, no longer a science but a fact.

They ignore evidence and fact while trying to deplatform everyone who reminds them just like the lgbt started the trend about 15 years ago with what they called liberal policy (which was slander everyone who exposes their sick and filthy lgbt lies to have people banned from websites without validly justifying such bans, just slander) 15 years ago before that trend was adopted by globalists and leftists world wide along with all of their selfish interest groups now following religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else in days of now because those sickos succeeded forcing garbage with such an ignorant formula.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
The problem with the mask rules is that so often they have nothing to do with the spread of SARS-COV2, the rules are made by either idiots or people who are after something other than bug control (OBEDIENCE!) . There is no evidence that cloth masks do anything, surgical masks might indoors in certain conditions cut the spread 10% which will be only minimally helpful in cutting COVID, and while the N95 masks could perhaps cut the transmission 50% if they were properly used (they generally will not be) they are too uncomfortable and intrusive for constant everyday use.

You are a moron
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.

These people don't want to be told what to do, even if it's to their best interest?!! The former guy in the white-house, did not help things and is partly to blame, along with some social media sites and pundits and crackpot politicians?!! We live in a divided country now, and some just want to stick it to or own the libs?!!

Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.

yeah. no.

authority figures lies.

these injections are from bad actors who have a human depopulation agenda.

postal workers are exempt so they will help dems steal elections. that exemption is the gift of life be because the jab is a eugenics toxin.
The answer, PollyAnna, is that "no vax / no mask" is the official position of the troglodyte segment of the electorate/population,

the existence of which you essentially fail to acknowledge when you continue to describe them as "human."

I did a fact check. It came up with.......



postal workers are exempt so they will help dems steal elections.

Postal workers are not exempt. They are in a semi-autonomous part of the government, so Biden cannot directly order them to get the vaccine. Instead, he has to go through a longer process that will take a few more weeks.

Biden will never be able to order Congress or judges to be vaccinated. They are completely outside his authority.
Postal workers are not exempt. They are in a semi-autonomous part of the government, so Biden cannot directly order them to get the vaccine. Instead, he has to go through a longer process that will take a few more weeks.

Biden will never be able to order Congress or judges to be vaccinated. They are completely outside his authority.

Thanks for confirming there's a postal exemption, and that you openly support "laws for thee, but not for me" style elitism.

We're all out of range from his authority.
There is no postal exemption. It simply does not exist. It is just that Biden is not allowed to order the USPS directly, and has to do it indirectly, which takes more time.

Both I and Biden have gotten the vaccine. You think postal workers are elite?

There is a de facto postal exemption.

For the moment they are made to feel elite, with their exemption, so they will permit mysterious ballots into the mail in voting system.
Postal workers are not exempt. They are in a semi-autonomous part of the government, so Biden cannot directly order them to get the vaccine. Instead, he has to go through a longer process that will take a few more weeks.

Biden will never be able to order Congress or judges to be vaccinated. They are completely outside his authority.

Wow. A semiautonomous part of government. Sounds made up.