Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Nope, (I'm not the sharpest), butt: my one functional brain cell puts me light years ahead of you.

A brick, (an overly stupid one at that), is like Albert Einstein to you: ding dong. burp...

The evidence is pretty clear when you say stuff is stupid as you say yeah you're just an inbred moron
What a page of thunderous stupidity.
I agree. That's how all PoliTalker threads are, because he fills up his threads with stupidity. I like to call out his stupidity from time to time, as I did in post #54 in this one...

I've decided to start adding two particular words into my lexicon whenever responding to people such as him. Those words are 'communist' and 'demon'. It's about time that demonic communist liberals start sucking on a big wad of truth...
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?

It makes no sense.

What you are doing defies logic.

What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?

How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?

Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?

They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.

Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.

They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.

They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.

They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.

We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.

That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.

Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.

And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.

And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.

I just don't get it.

Where is your heart?

Where is your sense of duty to your country?

Where is your compassion?

What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.

A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.

It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.

That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.

It is time.

Just do it.

And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.

Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.

Do the right thing.

Get vaccinated.

I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.

It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.

It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.

This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.

I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.

Paradox V.
Hello Concart,

I still need to read your thread.

Just the title inspired me.

Yeah, I know it's probably futile, but I also know that what I've done here is honest, respectful, to the heart, and MIGHT get someone somewhere to think for a moment. And it can't hurt. So, why not?

I'm not surprised that no one who is opposed to vax and masking has taken the challenge and tried to give an honest answer.

Paradox V. Pascal's Wager fallacy.
Hospitals, and ICU doctors everywhere are pleading with the public to get vaccinated.

They have had enough, and it is very frustrating for them to know most of these cases that end up in the ICU or worse could have been prevented from either occurring in the first place, or not have become so bad that they ended up in the ICU.

President Biden is right to apply more pressure to get more people vaccinated.

It is not right that ICUs are filling up with cases that never had to be that bad.

It takes away our safety net from others who depend on it.

When people call 911, they like to know there is an emergency team ready to come; and not sitting outside an ER with a COVID patient in the back the hospital can't even admit, and it's because the COVID patient chose not to get vaccinated.

Paradox V. Fascism.
irrefutable lmfao, well I already know you are retarded ...


Implementing fascism is not a good change.
Hello Concart,

I don't expect to see many logical answers to my question.

The reason is because of extremist hatred.

Right wing extremists are motivated by hatred.

That causes them to want to unload their frustrations on somebody like me who states logical reasons for liberal measures.

But I decided a long time ago to treat myself to a pleasant experience discussing politics without vehemence, anger, hatred or insulting. Anybody who insults me once gets placed on my permanent Ignore List because I only want to talk to rational people who can discuss the pros and cons of political positions based on the merit of an argument, not hatred or personal abuse.

Sadly, that leaves out most of the right. They don't seem to be able to express themselves without controlling their anger.

The anger of the right is their primary motivational force.

It appears the vast majority of anti-mask, anti-vaccine positioning is on the right, and held by those right wing extremists who are primarily motivated by hatred and anger directed at the left, and have already found their way to my Permanent Ignore List, because they have mouthed off at me or shown disrespect.

We'll see if any polite poster can make a rational argument for refusing the vaccine, but that could take a while.

If it ever happens.

I will respond to every post I can read here. If I don't respond to posts in this thread, it is because the poster is already on my Ignore List and I am not even reading what they post. By choice!

Bulverism fallacy. Paradox V.
Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Question for you; why do you think you can dictate what others want to do with their bodies? What happened to choice? You know, the one about a woman's right to kill her baby? Why can't that same woman decide if she wants the vaccination.

Masks don't work. We know this after a year and half of masking and social distancing, yet there still are spikes in the infection rates.
The answer, PollyAnna, is that "no vax / no mask" is the official position of the troglodyte segment of the electorate/population,

the existence of which you essentially fail to acknowledge when you continue to describe them as "human."

Insult fallacies. Paradox M. Paradox V.
A seat belt is kind of like a vaccine.

Neither is 100% effective.

We know it's not going to save everybody who gets into a wreck while wearing one.

But we know it saves lives, so we wear them.

At least, smart, logical people do.

False equivalence fallacy. Paradox V.