Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Covid19 does not kill.

Oregon. Biden's Handlers. AOC. The Wicked Witch of the West. King Newsom. Parts of Australia. All of them are advocating forcing people to take the vaccine. You are also advocating mandated vaccination.

Why? Weekly anal or nasel probes belong to stories about being abducted by aliens.

You are literally the dumbest moron on the planet you're even dumber than Trump
Democrats stand for good policy and seeking to solve problems.

Republicans are mostly motivated by hatred.

I'd say the opposite is much more true.

For the Democrats / Left envy, hatred, jealousy, and other negative emotions rule their thinking.

The Democrats are the party that wants to

Strip the successful of their success and wealth that resulted from success (politics of envy)
Tell you what you can and can't do medically (politics of fear)
Tell you what you have to use as energy sources (luddite politics of anti-science)
Restrict what you can and cannot say (politics of hate)
Force one-size-fits-all solutions and programs on society (paternalism or maternalism your choice)
Micromanage everyone's life (again, paternalism or maternalism)

When anyone says something the a Leftist / Democrat doesn't like their response will be to call that person (variously) a, hater, racist, intolerant, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, islamophobe, ignorant, or some other similar pejorative. You will never get a rational and well explained answer if you press them to give one. They'll go to open vulgar insults instead.

While the Republicans, and non-Left, are no paragons of virtue, they aren't the rabidly insane, emotional, and irrational haters the Left are.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

I'd say the opposite is much more true.

For the Democrats / Left envy, hatred, jealousy, and other negative emotions rule their thinking.

The Democrats are the party that wants to

Strip the successful of their success and wealth that resulted from success (politics of envy)

There has never been a single example of a rich person taxed into poverty in the USA.

Tell you what you can and can't do medically (politics of fear)

Not true. You are totally free to make your own medical decisions. Further, I've heard of no one on the left who is trying to take that freedom away.

Tell you what you have to use as energy sources (luddite politics of anti-science)

Also not true. Everyone is completely free to make their own decisions on using energy. What the left is doing is advocating for climate-conscious energy use, and pointing out the repercussions of using wasteful energy.

Restrict what you can and cannot say (politics of hate)

Also untrue. 1st Amendment is still in place.

Force one-size-fits-all solutions and programs on society (paternalism or maternalism your choice)

False. People can and do make their own choices on parenting. That freedom is evident in the continued presence of handed-down racism, generation after generation. Nobody is born a racist, but by the time they reach adulthood it is well in place.

Micromanage everyone's life (again, paternalism or maternalism)

Wrong again, but at least consistent. It should also be noted what a truly wild claim this is. Diversity Makes America Great.

When anyone says something the a Leftist / Democrat doesn't like their response will be to call that person (variously) a, hater, racist, intolerant, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, islamophobe, ignorant, or some other similar pejorative. You will never get a rational and well explained answer if you press them to give one. They'll go to open vulgar insults instead.

Please allow me as a liberal to patiently address each issue on the merit of the argument without making things personal. Oops. There goes your argument.

While the Republicans, and non-Left, are no paragons of virtue, they aren't the rabidly insane, emotional, and irrational haters the Left are.

I'm sure the experience of trying to discuss politics in a mutually respectful way is different for proponents of the left and the right, but for my experience here coming from the left, there are precious few people on the right who can present their case in a civil manner. I do not appreciate it when the left goes personal, I feel it detracts from a good argument, and have sometimes called people out on that, but I don't see anyone on the right criticizing anyone else on the right for being disrespectful.

I view the anger on the right as being generated by conservative talk pundits such as Tucker Carlson who regularly espouse that America is being destroyed and that the left is to blame.

I view the anger on the left as being a reaction to the anger coming from the right, because there really aren't any left wing talk pundits who are claiming the country is 'being destroyed' and that 'the right is to blame for that. Instead, what I hear from left leaning talk pundits is that America has serious problems which demand to be addressed; but few proposed measures can gain much traction because the right shuts them down.

I have consistently argued for unity in our nation, finding common ground, and the benefits of cooperation.
Must you be reminded ... Very simple:

getting any vaccine should be a personal choice, not a government mandate.

masks simply don't work. the very best masks have a .3 micron filter, a virus cell is .0125 microns. Do the math its simple.
Hello Nordberg,

Taking the vaccine will possibly save your life. You have that choice. Nobody is forcing you to take it. if you refuse, the company and government will give you a Covid test once a week. You should thank them for that.

Oh, there you go, being logical again.


What good is logic and reason when up against strong emotion, stubbornness, anger and rumors? Perhaps even down right hatred.

Don't you know?

You can provide a vax hold-out with a way to protect life and end the pandemic, but you can't make them utilize it.

Conquering a brainless virus is proving to be way more of a challenge for us advanced thinking life forms than it ever had to be.

The problem is not that we don't have enough brains to get control of this thing. We know exactly what needs to be done. The problem is getting all the humans to actually USE their brains PROPERLY.

(Hint: Just think liberal thoughts, everyone, and the world will be just fine: Peace, Love and Happiness!)
People die. What do they die of? Hard to know if the statistics are manipulated.

Clearly the China engineered, (paid for by Fauci's corntrol of our tax $) virus is a problem. How much of a problem? Hard to know as many of the statistics are a lie.

you are a pus brain moron
I'd say the opposite is much more true.

For the Democrats / Left envy, hatred, jealousy, and other negative emotions rule their thinking.

The Democrats are the party that wants to

Strip the successful of their success and wealth that resulted from success (politics of envy)
Tell you what you can and can't do medically (politics of fear)
Tell you what you have to use as energy sources (luddite politics of anti-science)
Restrict what you can and cannot say (politics of hate)
Force one-size-fits-all solutions and programs on society (paternalism or maternalism your choice)
Micromanage everyone's life (again, paternalism or maternalism)

When anyone says something the a Leftist / Democrat doesn't like their response will be to call that person (variously) a, hater, racist, intolerant, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, islamophobe, ignorant, or some other similar pejorative. You will never get a rational and well explained answer if you press them to give one. They'll go to open vulgar insults instead.

While the Republicans, and non-Left, are no paragons of virtue, they aren't the rabidly insane, emotional, and irrational haters the Left are.

As is typical of Democrats, they describe themselves and blame it on others.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

There has never been a single example of a rich person taxed into poverty in the USA.

Not true. You are totally free to make your own medical decisions. Further, I've heard of no one on the left who is trying to take that freedom away.

Also not true. Everyone is completely free to make their own decisions on using energy. What the left is doing is advocating for climate-conscious energy use, and pointing out the repercussions of using wasteful energy.

Also untrue. 1st Amendment is still in place.

False. People can and do make their own choices on parenting. That freedom is evident in the continued presence of handed-down racism, generation after generation. Nobody is born a racist, but by the time they reach adulthood it is well in place.

Wrong again, but at least consistent. It should also be noted what a truly wild claim this is. Diversity Makes America Great.

Please allow me as a liberal to patiently address each issue on the merit of the argument without making things personal. Oops. There goes your argument.

I'm sure the experience of trying to discuss politics in a mutually respectful way is different for proponents of the left and the right, but for my experience here coming from the left, there are precious few people on the right who can present their case in a civil manner. I do not appreciate it when the left goes personal, I feel it detracts from a good argument, and have sometimes called people out on that, but I don't see anyone on the right criticizing anyone else on the right for being disrespectful.

I view the anger on the right as being generated by conservative talk pundits such as Tucker Carlson who regularly espouse that America is being destroyed and that the left is to blame.

I view the anger on the left as being a reaction to the anger coming from the right, because there really aren't any left wing talk pundits who are claiming the country is 'being destroyed' and that 'the right is to blame for that. Instead, what I hear from left leaning talk pundits is that America has serious problems which demand to be addressed; but few proposed measures can gain much traction because the right shuts them down.

I have consistently argued for unity in our nation, finding common ground, and the benefits of cooperation.

Denial of history.
Hello Nordberg,

Oh, there you go, being logical again.


What good is logic and reason when up against strong emotion, stubbornness, anger and rumors? Perhaps even down right hatred.

Don't you know?

You can provide a vax hold-out with a way to protect life and end the pandemic, but you can't make them utilize it.

Conquering a brainless virus is proving to be way more of a challenge for us advanced thinking life forms than it ever had to be.

The problem is not that we don't have enough brains to get control of this thing. We know exactly what needs to be done. The problem is getting all the humans to actually USE their brains PROPERLY.

(Hint: Just think liberal thoughts, everyone, and the world will be just fine: Peace, Love and Happiness!)

Denial of logic. Insult fallacies. Trolling.