Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

Hello Nordberg,

Oh, there you go, being logical again.


What good is logic and reason when up against strong emotion, stubbornness, anger and rumors? Perhaps even down right hatred.

Don't you know?

You can provide a vax hold-out with a way to protect life and end the pandemic, but you can't make them utilize it.

Conquering a brainless virus is proving to be way more of a challenge for us advanced thinking life forms than it ever had to be.

The problem is not that we don't have enough brains to get control of this thing. We know exactly what needs to be done. The problem is getting all the humans to actually USE their brains PROPERLY.

(Hint: Just think liberal thoughts, everyone, and the world will be just fine: Peace, Love and Happiness!)

You're promoting evil.
People die. What do they die of? Hard to know if the statistics are manipulated.

Clearly the China engineered, (paid for by Fauci's corntrol of our tax $) virus is a problem. How much of a problem? Hard to know as many of the statistics are a lie.

The 'statistics' are random numbers. They are fabricated.
It is not possible to know the number of people infected with any virus.
Covid19 does not kill. No one has died from it. People dying from pneumonia, heart disease, cancer, old age, or even falling off a ladder are being listed as a 'covid death'.

None of the Covid/SARS series viruses kill.

Covid19 is an exceptionally mild virus. It certainly does not warrant shutting down businesses (which doesn't stop a virus), wearing the stupid masks (which don't stop a virus), or social distance (which does not stop an airborne virus such as covid19).
getting any vaccine should be a personal choice, not a government mandate.

masks simply don't work. the very best masks have a .3 micron filter, a virus cell is .0125 microns. Do the math its simple.

So dump those kid vaccines . Back to polio, measles, chickenpox, and all those other diseases should be the choice of rightys.
You are stubbornly stupid. Masks work and it has been explained how they do many times. You do not believe it, because you do not want to. The science is there.
If evil is defined as trying to save rightys and their families from Covid, I guess we are. The evil left is trying to save you and the loving right wants to fight anything that will save themselves.

The evil is promoting the injection of untested mutagens.
So dump those kid vaccines . Back to polio, measles, chickenpox, and all those other diseases should be the choice of rightys.
You are stubbornly stupid. Masks work and it has been explained how they do many times. You do not believe it, because you do not want to. The science is there.

Real vaccines like: "polio, measles, chickenpox,", actually stopped infection and spread, and took many many years of intense study of both short and long term effects. The Covid-19 "vaccines" don't stop infection or spread. They claim to be therapeutic, butt: the side effects are substantial.

I have no issue with you and yer wife taking the jabs, (it's a personal decision), just don't force me to do it against my well informed desire not to.

It is a personal risk reward decision. To me: it is not worth the risk.
If evil is defined as trying to save rightys and their families from Covid, I guess we are. The evil left is trying to save you and the loving right wants to fight anything that will save themselves.

NO: you wanna shove yer ill informed position down our throats. You do what you want, let us do what we want.
Real vaccines like: "polio, measles, chickenpox,", actually stopped infection and spread, and took many many years of intense study of both short and long term effects. The Covid-19 "vaccines" don't stop infection or spread. They claim to be therapeutic, butt: the side effects are substantial.

I have no issue with you and yer wife taking the jabs, (it's a personal decision), just don't force me to do it against my well informed desire not to.

It is a personal risk reward decision. To me: it is not worth the risk.

Comments like this are why you get called a moron
So dump those kid vaccines.
Vaccines are not children.
Back to polio, measles, chickenpox, and all those other diseases should be the choice of rightys.
Straw man fallacies. The topic is about covid19.
You are stubbornly stupid. Masks work and it has been explained how they do many times.
Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. Denial of the N95 specification. Paradox M.
You do not believe it, because you do not want to. The science is there.
There is no science here. Religion is not science.
Real vaccines like: "polio, measles, chickenpox,", actually stopped infection and spread, and took many many years of intense study of both short and long term effects. The Covid-19 "vaccines" don't stop infection or spread. They claim to be therapeutic, butt: the side effects are substantial.

I have no issue with you and yer wife taking the jabs, (it's a personal decision), just don't force me to do it against my well informed desire not to.

It is a personal risk reward decision. To me: it is not worth the risk.

I knew a fellow that contracted polio from the polio vaccine. He lost the use of his legs.
Didn't slow him down much! He started three successful businesses and was the fastest thing I ever saw on crutches.

Covid19, of course, isn't polio.
Neither kills.
I knew a fellow that contracted polio from the polio vaccine. He lost the use of his legs.
Didn't slow him down much! He started three successful businesses and was the fastest thing I ever saw on crutches.

Covid19, of course, isn't polio.
Neither kills.

No vaccine is perfect, The Covid-19 "vaccines" are a big fail.
Vaccines are not children.

Straw man fallacies. The topic is about covid19.

Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. Denial of the N95 specification. Paradox M.

There is no science here. Religion is not science.

Masks work as usual your meth is making you delusional