Question For The Vax And Mask Reluctant: "Why?"

When you were a kid your parents told you to cover your mouth when you coughed or sneezed and you are so meth addicted that you couldn't go from that to wearing a mask

Says the retard with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome who can't even address the facts presented his dumb ass.
In many places vaccines are required for kids to enter school. Not necessarily covid, but several others like diptheria, tetanus, polio, etc and I think that is a good thing
Nope. No place requires kids to be vaccinated for anything before entering school. Such a law would be unconstitutional.
But thanks for pointing out the many hypocrisies of the libtardians.
Actually, you found it out on your own. I only clarified the paradoxes these idiots make for you.
It's hard to understand why people don't want to fight the pandemic.

We are at war. The enemy is a bug. All of us humans are on one side, and the enemy is a virus.

All we have to do is stop it from spreading from one human to another. THAT'S ALL!

We are the ones with brains. And here we are, defeated by a brainless little bug.

All because some of us are not using their brains correctly.

This is so simple. We have everything we need to shut this thing down. Minimize contact with other humans. Wear a mask. Get a couple of tiny little shots.

Use your brain. We can be done with the whole pandemic. All we have to do is unite against a common enemy. Coordinate our efforts.

If we can't do this we have no business calling ourselves the UNITED States.

So you have to ask yourself.

Do you love America?

Are you a loyal American?


Are you there for America when America needs you?

America needs you to go get a couple of tiny little shots.

Please be a part of the solution.

rofl there you go- again proving MY POINT. Leftists are the SUBHUMANS dumb enough to make fallacies like the fallacy of intentions. And leftists disregard people humanity. but somehow you are "empathetic" huh?
Leftists like yourself can not help but prove how you are entirely BRAINDEAD and anti American - and extremely illiterate in economics, math, statistics, and biology as well as evolution.
Hello Gondwanaland,

Because I am already immune, with actual natural immunity, which is more effective than immunity from the leaky vaccines.

Because mask mandates do not do anything useful.

Because the vaccines are leaky and driving evolution of more virulent strains:

It's looking more and more like the vaccinated are the ones responsible for the recent rise, much like these chickens:


An honest answer without vitriol.

Thank you for a straightforward on-point answer.

If an individual's immune level equals or exceeds that of vaccines then that sounds safe. Although it would be prudent for that individual to continue rechecking. There have been cases of individuals who have gotten COVID more than one time.

Mask mandates absolutely reduce the spread of COVID-19. That has been shown on numerous occasions.

As for leaky vaccines, that is only a problem if people do not follow mask and distancing guidelines.

It has also been noted that the COVID-19 vaccines are only partially leaky. They reduce the spread of COVID-19. They may not eliminate it, but use of the vaccines is definitely preferable to non-use.

It's really very simple to stop this virus in it's tracks. All that has to be done is prevent it from spreading from one human to another. We know how it is transmitted. It's airborne. All we have to do is stop sharing air. Vaccines protect lives. The CDC guidelines shut down transmission. Absolute compliance would end the pandemic.

All we have to do is use these tools properly.

The refusal to do that is the point of failure.
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Hello Gondwanaland,

Sorry, I'm a teetotaler, hun. I don't even consume coffee.

The reality is, mask mandates do not, in fact, do anything useful. Would you like some examples?

Here are the Philippines with Mask mandates (and even mask and face shield mandates), and high compliance:

Here's Mongolia with mask mandates and fines for noncompliance:

Here's the near-identical curves of Idaho and Montana, despite one having a mask mandate for months and the other having no such mandate:

And here is Israel Vs Sweden - Israel with strict and constant mask mandates (and high vaccination), and Sweden with next to no mask-wearing compliance, and no mask mandate:

Commendable to avoid alcohol and coffee.

The graphs shown are spin. The are not realistic. The only thing indicated on each is related to mask usage and/or mandates. The problem with drawing any conclusions from that is it fails recognize any other factor. Other factors could include public shut-downs, the use of vaccines and the emergence of the more transmissible Delta variant.
Hello Gondwanaland,


An honest answer without vitriol.

Thank you for a straightforward on-point answer.

If an individual's immune level equals or exceeds that of vaccines then that sounds safe. Although it would be prudent for that individual to continue rechecking.
The Israel study indicates better protection than vaccines. And various other studies indicate lasting immunity (note, presence of antibodies isn't a good measure, as most antibodies disappear - it is the memory cells that provide lasting protection)

There have been cases of individuals who have gotten COVID more than one time.
Yes, but it has been very rare. Like, we could count them on two hands and have fingers left over. Unlike breakthroughs infections of vaccines, which are growing increasingly common.

Mask mandates absolutely reduce the spread of COVID-19. That has been shown on numerous occasions.
I have evidence otherwise.
Idaho and Montana. Identical curves, neighboring states. One had mask mandates, the other did not.

Israel vs Sweden. Sweden has had no mask mandates, and very low mask use. Israel has had mask mandates (including fines IIRC), and high mask compliance.

Here's Japan with extremely high mask compliance. Yet no noticeable effect on the virus.

South Korea. Incredibly high mask compliance and fines. No noticeable effect on anything.

Germany Vs Sweden. Sweden again has next to no mask wearing, no mandates. Germany with high mask compliance, and actually a medical mask mandate (no cloth masks, only medical masks allowed). Yet identical curves.

I can provide hundreds of these that show zero effect from mask mandates.
As for leaky vaccines, that is only a problem if people do not follow mask and distancing guidelines.

It has also been noted that the COVID-19 vaccines are only partially leaky. They reduce the spread of COVID-19. They may not eliminate it, but use of the vaccines is definitely preferable to non-use.
So, what, mask and distance for eternity?
It's really very simple to stop this virus in it's tracks. All that has to be done is prevent it from spreading from one human to another. We know how it is transmitted. It's airborne. All we have to do is stop sharing air. Vaccines protect lives. The CDC guidelines shut down transmission. Absolute compliance would end the pandemic.

All we have to do is use these tools properly.

The refusal to do that is the point of failure.
No it would not. Leaky vaccines ensure it would not.
Hello Gondwanaland,

Commendable to avoid alcohol and coffee.

The graphs shown are spin. The are not realistic. The only thing indicated on each is related to mask usage and/or mandates. The problem with drawing any conclusions from that is it fails recognize any other factor. Other factors could include public shut-downs, the use of vaccines and the emergence of the more transmissible Delta variant.

There is no such thing as a 'delta variant'. You can't have a variant of a variant.
Hello Gondwanaland,

Commendable to avoid alcohol and coffee.

The graphs shown are spin. The are not realistic. The only thing indicated on each is related to mask usage and/or mandates. The problem with drawing any conclusions from that is it fails recognize any other factor. Other factors could include public shut-downs, the use of vaccines and the emergence of the more transmissible Delta variant.

They are direct numbers from official sources. No spin. The literal definition of realistic as they represent reality.

So why are we seeing identical curves, if mask mandates work? If they work, we would expect to see the effects of them.